The Death Knell

Chapter 5712 Super Big Order

In a way, it's really fun to play someone else, to pretend to be someone else, to be a chameleon.

Su Ming likes to pretend to be someone else, especially someone with a distinctive personality like Johnny Silverhand, but his foul language may not be as dirty or perverted as Johnny's.

But this is enough. It is enough to occasionally say a few curse words to heighten the atmosphere. If he is really like Johnny, once he gets sick, he will not leave the reproductive system in three words, it will be too easy to teach Ciri bad.

Seeing a doctor for a physical check-up was just an excuse. Wasn't this an excuse to have normal contact with Jack and V? It wasn't out of the ordinary.

As for what Lao Wei could find out, don't even think about it. Strangler and the adjutant were able to evade any of the equipment here and give him a mediocre medical report.

Therefore, Lao Wei finally behaved like a doctor and was busy examining the grumpy rock star. The latter took the time to pretend to be unintentional and spoke to the dazed V:

"Hey, beauty, are you also Shirley's friend? Or are you her 'this'?"

When he spoke, he raised his little finger and made some shaking and stretching movements, which clearly meant what he meant.

"Don't make blind gestures, you are an elder." Xili walked up to V, hugged the latter and kissed him, pretending to be angry and glaring at the man: "You don't have to worry about my affairs, so what if you guessed it? ?”

"Shit elders, haha, forget it, your name is V, right? What were you talking about before we came here? Can you tell me about it? This physical examination process is really boring, let's talk about it to kill some time."

Hearing Silver Hand say this, Lao Wei gave him another shot of sedative, just because he felt that he seemed to have that kind of traditional mental illness.

V glanced at Shirley speechlessly. She picked up the towel on her neck to wipe the sweat and spoke. She did not emphasize the mysterious relationship between herself and Shirley, but talked about Jack's recent orders.

He had already told V about the three hundred pounds, black-skinned, and fat Jesus all over last night, as if he believed in some kind of cult.

But to be honest, V is also a little moved. She also longs to become famous, because only people who are very similar can become good friends more easily, as is the case with her and Jack.

At first, they only met because of stealing cars, but later, the two hit it off and started working together.

"I guess you understand. I can tell you that the fat black guy is not a good guy. There is something wrong with this." Su Ming, pretending to be Johnny, said this, looking like he had calmed down after the injection. He even said Closed his eyes.

"Why do you say that? I don't mean anything else, I just want to learn from the experience." Jack was also excited enough, and he came over, looking like a curious baby.

He's a big guy, but he can act a little childish at times.

"Just think about it and you'll know. Didn't your kid burn his brain by taking drugs?"

After showing an appropriately impatient expression, Su Ming explained to them:

"As a middleman, Dexter Deshawn must have had mercenaries who were used to working together in the past. If he is really awesome, then his partners should also be awesome. But in this case, why does he do this? This is the first time you’ve released the news and you want to recruit strangers on the street to join your gang?”

"Yes, this is indeed unreasonable." Dr. Victor slid behind the operating table on a stool and went to operate other instruments.

"Listen to him, Jack." Shirley didn't quite understand what was going on, but she knew that Deathstroke never made mistakes. If there was something wrong with that person, there must be something wrong: "It sounds like the fat black man is looking for a scapegoat, or... Cannon fodder that can be silenced.”

"Maybe I should find someone to check him out." V frowned, obviously waking up from his desire to become famous and rich.

"So, he wants to use us, but how to check him?" Jack actually didn't have a bright mind, but he believed in his friends. After Shirley and V both said so, he gave up this cooperation without hesitation: "We are not hackers, we are gunmen. There is no way to bypass the black fat man to investigate what orders he has taken."

"The last time I went to the afterlife for a drink, do you still remember those people with colorful hair sitting on the bar?" V reminded Jack that they were indeed not hackers, but they could hire hackers: "I heard they were servants. The Corps is called the Cyberpunk Team, and the people named Lucy and Qi Wei in the team are top hackers."

"Huh?" At this time Johnny Silverhand made a strange sound.

"What's wrong?" The doctor walked around in front of him and asked with concern: "Is he allergic to sedatives? Then he may need some buffers or something high-calorie."

"It's okay, it's just that my waist feels a little uncomfortable. It's not a big problem." The fake Johnny said something vaguely, but said nothing more, because he felt that things seemed to be getting interesting.

"The problem is, we have no money." Jack pointed to his head, shook it from side to side, indicating that the account was empty: "Let alone hiring a top hacker, we can't even install a sex doll program after sweeping the floor. One hour.”

"Fuck, what kind of taste do you have?" V shook his head in disgust. Would anyone really look for a sex doll like the sweeper aunt?

Sex dolls are actually a type of people who are loaded with a specific program. The program loads and blocks the original personality in the brain, enabling role-playing and professional escort services. Simply put, it artificially creates a second personality for a person, and this second personality The second personality is a prostitute or a male prostitute.

"Hehe, I was just joking. The main reason is that the atmosphere was too serious." Jack smiled and sat back. He plucked his ears and looked at Johnny Silverhand: "Well, idol, what do you think we should do? manage?"

"What should I do? I don't know what to do yet." Su Ming knew that the opportunity had come, but he still had to pretend to be confused.

As Ciri's friend, Jilaisu has no problem, but as Johnny Silverhand, a Night City legend, the default is to get the leadership directly, which is fine.

"V and I want to be famous and make a lot of money, the sooner the better." Jack was a little embarrassed, but also looking forward to it. He rubbed his big palms and smiled: "If we don't get rich, we will get old. Let's do whatever is fun. Stop moving."

"You should know how old I am, right?" Johnny took out a cigarette from his pocket, lit one and smoked it. Moreover, the cigarette contained real tobacco and was not a substitute: "I can play it now. , As long as you have capital, immortality is not difficult at all, but you don’t have any shit now, it’s like doing business without capital.”

"We have guns and a lot of strength." Jack patted his chest and said something in Spanish: "This is how many people started their careers in Night City."

"It seems that you are planning to keep eating this bowl of rice, so okay." The fake Yin Shou nodded. He lay on the operating chair and flicked the cigarette ashes to the side, watching the detection instrument wandering above his chest: "You guys pack it up. I'll take you to find Rogge tonight, I have a huge order and I want to talk to her."

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