The Death Knell

Chapter 5713 Main Mission

How should I put it, Jack and V are actually not stupid. They were just temporarily dazzled by fame and fortune, ignored the upper limit of their own strength, and took on jobs beyond their capabilities.

Coupled with the two's lack of experience, they didn't make a few backup plans before doing anything just in case, and they didn't even wear body armor. It was as unsafe as someone going fishing without a helmet.

However, the word "money-driven" is just a neutral term when applied to mercenaries. Isn't it just money that makes you a mercenary? There is no way someone would do this to accumulate virtue and do good deeds, right?

But now it is clear that there is greater fame and fortune in front of them. Compared with legendary figures like Johnny Silverhand, that fat black man is really nothing. Now when Johnny says that guy is evil, V and Jack both Come back to think about it.

As for whether he really sensed something was wrong, or whether he just agreed with his words to please himself, it actually didn't matter, the results were the same anyway.

Lying on the operating chair, touching the familiar yet unfamiliar cold armrest, and seeing the two of them high-fiving each other with joy, Su Ming smiled.

In fact, in his opinion, the so-called legend of Night City is nothing. It is just a city in a chaotic world, and it is still far from becoming famous all over the world.

But sometimes a little bit of happiness from ordinary people is indeed more touching. Even if I have accomplished my goal of doing a good deed this month.

"Okay, don't just be happy. First, change into better clothes and get some better weapons." Johnny, who was enjoying the physical examination with his eyes closed, interrupted the two people who were jumping up and down: "No. I said, what can you do with two of you and three small pistols? Go buy something bigger and don’t embarrass me when you go out with me at night."

"Well, we also know this, but isn't it because there is no money?" Jack touched the two guns on his waist, looking a little ashamed, because Silverhand was right, he wanted to do big business, so small pistols It's definitely not enough.

"Looking at your short-term ambitions, I will transfer 50,000 euros to you. You can spend it first." Su Ming made the move to transfer the money, but actually asked the adjutant to add some points to them both: "After everything is done, I will reward you greatly."

Maybe it was because the money was given too much. The two of them usually only earned 1,800 yuan for some small jobs. The deposit was 50,000 yuan, which made the two of them a little scared.

V rubbed his head, pushed away Ciri who was hugging him, and asked carefully: "Johnny, what mission do you need us to do? Can you tell the truth first?"

"It's not a big deal. Anyway, it won't be a problem if you don't take action then. Just support me behind me." Su Ming will not say that he will take them to blow up Arasaka Tower right now. This surprise will have to wait until the evening to announce: "Wait. Now that I’ve met Rogge, I’ll explain it again to save you from wasting my words.”

"Okay, it's a mercenary's job to get paid to do things." V didn't think there was any problem anymore. She was still willing to believe Johnny. After all, besides the fact that this guy was said to be a cyberpsychopath, he seemed to be pretty good at the moment. To be honest, plus there is also the relationship with Ciri: "Then Jack and I will go get some guys first and meet in the next life in the evening?"

"Okay, I'm going to go out with Shirley to get something later. We'll see you in the evening." The fake Johnny waved his hand and sent the two of them away.

Taking them to act together does not require the fighting power of the two of them, but mainly to realize the dream of the past life. Isn't changing the story the most favorite thing for time travellers?

V put on his coat, wiped the collar with the light-emitting LED light strip, and after sticking it with Xili, he took the strong man away with his steps very briskly, probably because he couldn't wait to spend money.

As for where the money is spent, it's not Su Ming's business. This basement is quite comfortable, dark, and there are no too bright lights. Although the air is a little turbid, the temperature is very suitable for living.

Lying on the operating table, the humming sound of various physical examination instruments is quite hypnotic.

"You said we were going to get something, what were we doing?" Ciri was a little curious. Deathstroke had not mentioned this plan before.

"Find a hacker, the best one in Night City." Su Ming didn't even open his eyes, but moved his butt a little, as if adjusting his posture: "Doctor, are you done with the examination? Is it okay for you to wait so long? ah?"

Lao Wei turned around helplessly from the instrument, took off the electrodes attached to Yin Shou, and replied:

"I was just not sure about the results of the first examination, so I checked again. It turns out that I was right. Your physical condition is very good. Except for some ulcers on your stomach caused by drinking, you are better than most second-hand people. Young men in their teens are physically stronger, but you must be over ninety years old."

"Oh, that's because I was exposed to nuclear radiation and became a mutant. Do you believe it?" Su Ming put on his coat, sat up from the operating table, and shook his long hair: "How much does the physical examination cost? I give you."

"Forget it, I didn't do anything, how much money do you need?" Lao Wei sat on the stool and slid back to the TV, took off his gloves and picked up the bottle of wine that Johnny had taken out before: "Thank you for the wine, let's go out Be careful, the Night City now is different from the one you had at that time."

"It makes no difference. The capital of a dog's life will never change. This city will still chew everyone into dregs and then spit them into the fucking toilet and flush them away with their shit."

Su Ming did not refuse the other person's kindness. Since he was willing to pay for the consultation with wine, let's forget it. As he spoke, he pulled Xili and stepped on the steps to leave.

Behind him, Lao Wei looked at the astonishing back, took a sip of wine, smacked his lips and muttered to himself:

"This is a legend."

After leaving the underground clinic and coming to the ground, the smell of the air changed. Flying cars passed by from time to time in the sky, and not far away there was a man covered in blood, staggering past, and then fell to the ground and expired.

It seems that I didn't insist on going to the clinic, but what can I do? It's all fate.

Su Ming walked past the corpse, passed through Misty's psychic house, came to the street and sat on the co-pilot of The Sword in the Stone. Darkness sensed that some people had begun to turn over the corpse, because of Night City's This is the ecological chain.

The beggars and homeless people living in confusion on the street are the decomposers in this society. Even those who were good at beer in the past will be eaten clean by these seemingly harmless people after their death. This is a cycle. .

"You said the best hacker in Night City." Ciri started the car, the light on the center console came on, and the cab screen showed the road ahead: "Is it the cyberpunk team that V just mentioned? I'd like to hear that. I told them about them, but I remember those people seemed to be dead. The last time V said he saw them while drinking in the afterlife, I’m afraid it wasn’t last year.”

You can drink wine anywhere, but the wine in the afterlife is too expensive, so V and Jack rarely go there. Even though it is a mercenary bar, now you can take orders online.

The middleman can call familiar mercenaries to assign jobs, and the mercenaries can also find jobs on the dark web. There is no need to go to the afterlife bar to spend money on expensive drinks, which is a big loss.

Besides, there wasn't much work there, so Xili thought it would be better to hang around the bar than Big Bird.

"Their life and death has nothing to do with me, and Lucy and Qiwei are not the best hackers."

Su Ming reached out and clicked on the navigation a few times, marking a destination:

"Let's drive. Let's go to Dog Town to find a wired network access point with strong carrying capacity. If we're lucky, the person I'm talking about should have almost contacted Colonel Hansen, and it will be easier to find her traces there. "

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