The Death Knell

Chapter 5714 Bird Stealing Plan

The most powerful hacker Deathstroke refers to is Song Zhaomei, a lark, a cyber genius of the New America Secret Service, or the human nuclear bomb of the Internet age.

Regarding her story, Su Ming didn't know about it in his previous life, but now he has the "Code of Origins" in his hands. When he was doing a world background review, he saw the origin of Dog Town and its related story lines.

In the world of Cyberpunk 2077, there has been an AI rebellion. The specific process is a bit like the story of "Terminator", but there is no such thing as time travel.

In short, after the war between humans and wandering AI, in order to ensure that humans can use the network normally, all parties worked together to create a super firewall in the network, called the ‘Black Wall’.

Outside this wall are all kinds of crazy AIs. If placed in the world of "Stars", it would be the "Iron-Hearted Exterminator", while inside the wall is the normal human network, which people rely on for their lives.

The lark's ability can easily blow a hole in the black wall and release wandering AI into the human online world, thus dragging all mankind back to the Stone Age.

Because by that time, any electronic product with a signal may be an AI killing weapon.

The new U.S. government relied on her to become a scumbag, and it was unfavorable in the international arena. If they couldn't agree on something, they would threaten to blow up the wall and kill everyone with them.

This is equivalent to nuclear blackmail in the cyber era, forcing all countries to make concessions to the new United States.

Song Zhaomei, codenamed Lark, does not like this status because she is too threatening. The government keeps her in a dark room all year round and does not allow her to have any contact with the outside world to prevent her from escaping or being raped. Kidnapping and exploitation.

And she wanted to be free, to escape the cage.

So she secretly contacted Colonel Hansen in Night City through a network framework on the black wall. This man was once an officer of the New United States, but seven years ago, when the United States went to war with the Arasaka Group, he was captured by his own people. Betrayed.

He and his men could not evacuate, so they simply used force to carve out a territory called Dog Town in Night City, and lived in this city, which was equivalent to the feeling of being a small household in a village in the city.

Because he had a super weapon called the AI ​​Digital Matrix in his hand, the Arasaka Group did not want to fight him to the death, so they finally reached an agreement. Night City did not care about the affairs of the urban village, but he and his people could not come out in Night City. Wandering around.

Lark secretly contacted him and agreed that after a while, the new President of the United States would take her on Air Force One and pass over Night City. At that time, Hansen would be asked to shoot down the plane with anti-aircraft missiles.

She took the activation password of the President of the United States and the AI ​​Digital Matrix in exchange for using the Digital Matrix to cure her illness and gain freedom at the same time.

Her illness is an alternative form of cyberpsychosis, because New America always lets her use the power of the Black Wall, which causes the Black Wall to infect her like a virus, and only the AI ​​digital matrix can save her.

Now, only her brain is still the original part of her body. The rest of her body has been removed and replaced with prosthetics due to the disease.

In the original game, the AI ​​digital matrix could also be used to deal with Johnny in V's mind, so Lark used this to lure V who wanted to save himself into a lot of trouble, but in the end Not freed.

But now, since Su Ming has seen the story of this world, he can of course choose to get involved, and even take her out from under the heavy surveillance in Washington even before Lark launches her plan.

Because he has an adjutant, a super cheat in the digital age.

After recruiting Lark and Johnny's ex-girlfriend Ott as guides, he can ask them to take him to study the black wall and feel what the so-called digital dimension feels like.

Maybe this will be a little helpful and enlightening to explore the 'mystery'? Who knows, it’s free to try.

This is Deathstroke’s plan to come to the world of 2077, mainly to visit the Black Wall and the ‘feeling’ when Ciri activates her bloodline.

It can only be said to be a feeling. If you want to go to such an abstract level as a mystery, most likely you can only use some metaphysical methods, or can you say enlightenment?

So, does CAAT know what he is doing in this world now? Will it react? Or do you mean you don't care at all?

The Sword in the Stone is a good car, it accelerates fast and runs fast. Most cars don't dare to block it, because if it gets scratched, the compensation will be enough to bankrupt the average middle class.

In fact, in the social form of cyberpunk, there is no real middle class. There are only exploiters and exploited. The difference lies in whether they occupy the means of production.

When productivity is not an issue, the means of production are very important, and the most typical means of production is ‘technology’.

Su Ming is not a savior, nor does he want to change the world. He is just here to have fun. So when Sword in the Stone drove through the streets and alleys and looked at the bleak scenes outside the car window, the expression on his face also changed. Nothing changes.

Ciri wasn't quite sure why Deathstroke wanted to go to Dog Town, a place blocked off by the military, but as long as she had a car to drive, she was happy.

After all, this is a new car. On the day you first buy it, you will definitely want to drive it as much as you can, as is the case with any new toy in the hands of a child.

"Why do you have to go to Dog Town to find a network access point? Can't you let the adjutant directly access the satellite?" She asked Deathstroke about this while enjoying the driving pleasure, but the man was holding Johnny Silverhand in the face. Makes her feel a little funny.

Because this Night City legend looks a bit sloppy, which is very different from the usually neat and capable Slade Wilson.

"I want to find the lark. Her consciousness is likely to be lodged in the black wall. I don't want to find a needle in a haystack, so if she has contacted Colonel Hansen, I can use the same network access point to conduct more purposeful Trace back, or call directly.”

Su Ming didn't know much about hackers. The adjutant had always been responsible for digital network matters. She said it was more convenient to go there and it would reduce the difficulty of the next plan and improve efficiency, so that's what she would do.

In fact, if Ciri hadn't been allowed to race cars, it would have been faster for Su Ming to teleport to Dog Town alone. Maybe things would have been settled by now.

But when traveling, there is no need to rush too much. It is also good to take in the scenery on the road. After all, cyberpunk-style worlds are not particularly common.

"Okay, don't explain it to me. I don't understand much." Xili waved her hands and smiled wryly: "I hate mathematics the most. I have hated it since I was a child."

When she was a child, she received witcher-style training in Kaer Morhen, and in that dark medieval world, mathematics was probably the most useless thing.

As a demon hunter, it is enough to be able to count money clearly. Programming is really too far away from Ciri.

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