The Death Knell

Chapter 5715 Start negotiating conditions

It is actually quite difficult for outsiders to enter Dog Town. If you do not have a pass and have to force your way in, you will immediately be shot to pieces by more than a dozen twin cannons on the wall.

But the pass is a digital version, so there is no problem. When the Sword in the Stone sports car drives to the town gate, the pole blocking the road automatically lifts up, just like a residential area welcoming the owners home.

The border inspection procedures approved that the people in the vehicle could enter Dog Town. Naturally, the soldiers with guns nearby had no objections. They just looked at the luxury sports car and swallowed, and then turned to the other car lined up behind. The car is gone.

In this way, the two of them successfully entered this ghost place.

The reason why Su Ming said this was a village in the city was because the environment here was far worse than the Night City outside. Not to mention the buildings were in dilapidated condition, and troops could be seen patrolling everywhere on the streets.

From time to time, people would be dragged to the side of the road and shot to death. After all, this was a military government-style jurisdiction, and the so-called laws were often very simple, that is - those who did not obey would die.

There are many broken-down junk cars, piles of garbage, and smelly sewage ditches on the streets. Even the mice know that this place is very depressed.

However, there are many residents here, and naturally there is a market, and if it is profitable, there will be rich people who have capital.

Rich people will not live in this area, nor will they come to play near the gate. They will go to a place called 'Sapphire Blue', which is simply more luxurious than the most luxurious hotel in Night City.

"I have never been here before." Xili slowed down the car, observed the surrounding environment, and sighed: "It has been seven years since the war ended, and this place still looks like a battlefield."

This war is about the Night City War of Independence, in which major corporations fought against the new U.S. government. The final result was a draw. Night City still maintained its independent extraterritorial rights after the war, and of course made some compromises.

Dog Town was one of the main battlefields at that time, and Colonel Hansen's forward army was also trapped here. In the end, they did not leave, but became part of Night City.

"There's nothing interesting to see, just like any place where suffering exists." Su Ming took out a cigarette, lit it, and took a deep drag: "Turn left, go to the gymnasium, and put me down."

Speaking of which, Johnny Silverhand is actually the safest place in Dog Town. The person in charge here, Hansen, is a foreigner, and the Arasaka Group's hands cannot reach this place.

So he can move freely here even in Johnny's face, and it won't be a big problem even if he is recognized by a few people.

People here often don't even have enough to eat, so why are they in the mood to meddle in other people's business? Instead of wondering if the person you see is Johnny Silverhand, it's better to think about where you're going to spend the night.

"Gymnasium, that building, right?" Xili saw the tall ring-shaped building, turned the steering wheel, and the car passed by a military armored vehicle: "Can you go down by yourself? You don't need my help?"

"No, I don't plan to commit massacre." Su Ming put on his sunglasses and adjusted his hairstyle: "The plan is to sneak into the gymnasium, find a physical interface for the network cable, insert the strangulating tentacles, and let the adjutant pass through it Carry out reverse network tracking, and then negotiate a deal with the bird far away, and I can come out."

There is nothing to say about this kind of plan, it is as simple as putting an elephant in a refrigerator, and in this world with a very low level of strength, there is no one who can detect the sneaking death knell.

If someone really discovered it accidentally, it would mean that CAAT had intervened, which would be good news for Su Ming.

In fact, when he heard V say that the Cyberpunk team was not dead, Su Ming suspected that CAAT had followed and affected the past timeline, digging a hole for himself in Lucy.

But thinking about it carefully, I'm not sure, because V was talking about the people he met when he went to the afterlife for a drink last time, and this last time might really have been last year.

Just go to the bar to inquire about it at night. Let the adjutant check it online first.

"Sounds really simple, okay, then I'll wait for you in the car." Xili found a hidden dark corner to park the car under the outer wall of the gymnasium, and she touched the center console. He smiled like a maniac: "Just right, I also want to study these smart devices and interiors, hehe."

Su Ming shrugged and stepped out of the car. He blended into the shadows under the sun like a drop of water blending into ink.

This used to be a gymnasium, and later it was Colonel Hansen's base camp. It was easy to find a network cable socket here, and there weren't even a few steps to walk.

The cloak that turned into a jacket carried the Supreme Mage through the wall, remaining invisible through a corridor. Strangler determined the location of the network center here through hearing, because there was a little movement of the processor fan turning.

Ten seconds after getting off the car, Deathstroke arrived at the predetermined location and stuffed a black tentacle into a port on the floor that looked like a bathroom drain.

"Adjutant, help me find the little bird, and I'll have a chat with her."

"Scanning the firewall program, determining the location, initiating a mandatory communication protocol, and hacking into the other party's brain terminal, completed."

Maybe Lark is one of the top hackers in the world, but compared to the adjutant, she has no resistance at all. She was reverse-hacked in just one second, and now Deathstroke can speak directly in her head.

When the adjutant did these things, she didn't even bother to project herself to show her merit, because it was too simple and had nothing to show off.

"Hey, lark, can you hear me?" Su Ming was very used to talking to people in his head. He didn't move his mouth and relied entirely on his mind to communicate with the other person: "Don't panic, don't forget that you are being monitored all the time. Control your expression."

At the same time, far away in the headquarters of the Special Investigation Bureau in Washington, D.C., the purple-haired girl who was locked in a safe room on the 18th floor underground suddenly raised her head.

Her electronic eyes flashed red for a moment, but then dimmed, as if nothing had happened, because she knew that the mysterious man was right and that she was being monitored all the time.

Not only are there hundreds of surveillance cameras at different angles in this safe house, there are dozens of dedicated people behind these walls, watching him 24 hours a day.

If you want to trap a hacker, it is safest to use humans without implants to act as monitors, because such a person cannot hack in at all.

"I can hear, who are you? How do you know me?" She lowered her head, looked at her feet in the dark, curled up in a corner of the room and squatted down: "Impossible, you actually bypassed the black wall , skipping thousands of Secret Service ICEs to find my location, what framework and algorithm is this?”

ICE, in layman's terms, is a trap or mine disguised on a network program to prevent hackers.

"Don't worry about frameworks and algorithms. I'm not looking for you to discuss network security technology." Su Ming rolled his eyes speechlessly. He also sat down on the floor of the computer room, crossed his legs and took a puff of cigarette: " I want to negotiate a deal with you."

"I don't even know who you are, so we have nothing to talk about." The girl replied, but some hope secretly emerged in her heart.

"I already know about your plan with Hansen, but he is already planning to betray you before the plan starts. I have a better idea. It's a bit complicated to say, but the first step is to get you out of the game. Fish it out, what are the conditions like?"

As always, the Sorcerer Supreme always made offers that no one could refuse.

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