The Death Knell

Chapter 5716 The deal is reached

As soon as this condition was uttered, there was silence for a long time, so long that Su Ming suspected that Lark was offline or crashed.

However, he was not in a hurry, and at the same time he was confident in the adjutant's communication ability, so he just felt in his pocket, took out a bottle of wine, poured a sip into his mouth, and moistened his throat.

He was very confident in the conditions he proposed, because for a caged bird, freedom is the greatest wish, and there is nothing more tempting than this.

The cyborg woman should be making crazy calculations now, and at the same time trying to track the adjutant in reverse, but these are bound to be in vain. The method used by Deathstroke is not something people in this world can understand.

After a long time, her sighing voice came to my mind, and then I heard her say:

"I really want to promise you, but this is not realistic at all. I am currently located in the top-secret area underground of the Secret Service headquarters. There is a company of soldiers specially guarding me. They also have positioning devices and various restriction programs on them. You can't It’s impossible to get me out.”

A woman may be too lonely. Although she doesn't know who hacked her, she wants to chat and vent, just like communicating with netizens.

She was familiar with this feeling, but she hadn't experienced it in a long time.

After being put under disguised house arrest, any of her communications were monitored and blocked, causing her to feel as if she had been wiped out of existence in the world. This is the treatment of a super weapon.

No one knows where she is, and New America will not let anyone know where she is. Everyone knows the existence of this weapon, but does not know where it is aiming. This is the most deterrent.

"You're too young, your vision is too small. Do you know what humanity ultimately wants to achieve when it comes to cyberneticization?" Su Ming laughed, but it wasn't a mockery or a show off, it was just fun.

In Deathstroke's dictionary, there is no such thing as 'impossible'. What he believes is that everything is man-made. Anything with a probability that is infinitely close to zero must have a last glimmer of hope.

This is probably the so-called Dao Fifty, Tianyan Forty-Nine, and one of them escapes?

However, rescuing the caged bird is far from the last glimmer of hope. There are many ways to get her out. If you don't want to use a method that the other party can understand and avoid subsequent troubles, you can just let the adjutant take care of her now. There is no problem with the other party transmitting it.

Whether it is spider web teleportation or quantum teleportation, or any kind of teleportation magic that involves space folding or space teleportation, it is an unknown realm for humans in the current world.

"There is no doubt that it is to achieve immortality." Lark didn't think about this question. She immediately gave the answer: "According to my latest intelligence, Arasaka Saburo of the Arasaka Group seems to be keen on this project recently."

The emergence of implants has greatly extended human lifespan, of course only for the rich.

Various artificial organs and prosthetics can be replaced if something breaks. In the world of Cyberpunk 2077, you can even replace yourself with a drill.

"That's right. After the personality is digitized, it becomes a kind of program, and the body becomes a kind of hardware. What if I can give you a new set of hardware, the kind of hardware that allows you to be free in the outside world?"

"Have you mastered the technology of true personality digitization? Not an inferior product like 'Legacy'?" Lark was a little excited. After all, this is the Holy Grail in the hearts of all hackers in the field of programming, and it is also a big step towards human immortality.

Maybe she wouldn't believe what others said, but the fact that the owner of the strange voice in her mind could hack into her own chip silently was enough to prove that his technology was far superior to everyone else.

"This is my way to save you. As long as you agree to my conditions, I can immediately transfer your consciousness to a new body. The original body will remain in place and appear in a brain-dead state. In this way , you become a 'dead person', and you only need to change your appearance a little in the future to live an ordinary life."

Su Ming took another sip of wine in the dark small room and put away the bottle. He knew that it was almost done. The little bird must have been crazy about it.

I haven’t done much research on personality digitization. It’s all about the adjutant, so talking about technology would be too much.

But no matter what, this plan is much more reliable than her original plan of crashing and landing.

This time Lark didn't hesitate. Anyway, if she couldn't find a way to cure her disease, she would die sooner or later. Therefore, being able to replace a body was a more direct solution than the AI ​​digital matrix.

Although I still don’t know what conditions the voice in my head requires in exchange, this is a way to gain freedom and get rid of the disease, which is enough to make people take risks.

As for whether it can be successful, we don't know yet, but it is easier to control variables than a plane crash.

"I agree, what do you need me to do for you?" Lark sat in the corner of the small dark room, pressing his trembling legs and knees with his hands: "Since it is a deal, what do you want? "

"I need a guide who can take me to visit the 'Black Wall'." There was nothing to hide from her. After all, it was not difficult for her.

Blackwall is a super firewall on the Internet. When ordinary hackers come into contact with it, they will be burned out of their brains and die on the spot just like a virus encountering an anti-virus program. However, Lark has a special way to use this firewall. This is Her exclusive technology.

"So, you are going to cyberspace."

Now Lark understands that as long as he can go out and find a suitable hacker operating cabin, he can do it immediately, but questions still exist:

"But your technology is so good. As long as you find some code on the dark web and spend some time programming, you should be able to go to cyberspace. So why does it have to be me?"

"Cyberspace is so big. If the two numbers 0 and 1 are combined, there will be too many variables if they are arranged infinitely. I want to go to the safest place to see the black wall, and maybe I want to touch it and feel it. It feels like planting something, and I need your help as a guide. You are the person who knows the most about black walls in the world."

This is the fact. In fact, it is just about finding a guide who is familiar with the ‘terrain’, because in a way, cyberspace is also infinite. Without a guide, it is easy to get lost in this abstract space.

The so-called cyberspace actually does not exist in the physical world. It is a space composed of two numbers, 0 and 1. To be precise, it is more like some kind of algorithm.

Since humans invented computers, all digital programs related to the Internet have accumulated and become cyberspace, which is characterized by no boundaries, no direction, and no time.

The black wall is located on its edge, or in it, isolating the crazy wandering AI programs.

"I understand. I agree to this condition. As long as you can save me, I will help you realize your wish immediately. Others may not be able to let you touch the black wall without having your brain burned out, but I can."

Lark was relieved. The other party's request was indeed something that only he could do, which meant that he was valuable and valuable people would not die so easily.

In addition to being a genius hacker, she is also a Secret Service agent and knows a lot about dark things.

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