The Death Knell

Chapter 5721 Overall Arrangement

"So Johnny's still not in the mikoshi? Well, I don't understand, so you want the mikoshi itself?"

Shirley was a little confused. Since his mark was already in the chip, he went to Kanbi Building to get the chip. Why did he need to blow up Arasaka Tower?

"Why do I need Johnny Silverhand's mark? I am Johnny now."

Shaking his head, as if he was not satisfied with Xili's brain speed, Su Ming pointed to his face, and made several postures and expressions:

"The shrine is actually the key, because I need Ultra's help with the black wall. And she knows that Johnny is locked up in the shrine. In this way, only Johnny's consciousness appears in the shrine. Only in this way can I prove to her that I am the real Johnny. Do you understand? She has become a wandering AI, and she can only have some humanity when facing Johnny. It is impossible for others to make her willing to help, and she will only greet him. Come and fight head-on."

"Well, maybe you can ask the adjutant to force her. I think she is definitely no match for the adjutant." Xili thought clearly, and then she planned to be tough.

Because this is the easiest way to do it. The adjutant’s technical ability is regarded as the god of the Internet here. There is no opponent, unless there are really so-called alien lizard people, which may be worth watching.

"I am the Supreme Mage. If I can negotiate terms, my first choice is definitely not to take action." Su Ming knocked on her forehead, took out a plate of Wilson's AD calcium milk from his pocket and gave it to her to drink to refresh her mind: "Oh Is she at fault? She is the victim, why should I coerce a woman who is already miserable?"

If it were anyone else, he might really believe it, but Xili took the calcium milk and drank it, and said with a crooked mouth:

"So your plan is to deceive her, a poor woman, or a female AI? Wait, does the AI ​​she turns into in this situation be divided into male and female?"

"Deception is just a means, not an end. I will give her a reward after the deed is done, such as resurrecting her and Johnny together, giving each of them a new body, and then sending her to live in a peaceful universe. Isn't this a big deal? A happy ending?”

Su Ming had already thought about it, Ultra could be saved, and it would not be a big problem for her to become a crazy wandering AI. At the worst, he could just ask the adjutant to reprogram her and transform her back to her previous personality.

At least it's a personality that Johnny and Roger recognize.

In short, when she becomes a 'human' again, send her, Johnny and Rogge to a good place to retire, and never return to Night City again.

When the time comes, two women and one man can enjoy the sun and the beach, drink wine and play guitar, and maybe have a few children. Isn't this better than staying in Night City?

Come to the Afterlife Bar. Exchange some things from Rogge for Ciri to play with. She should want to change back to her youthful appearance, right? If you're a woman, you can't refuse.

Anyway, she would definitely be willing to go with Johnny and go to Taiping to avoid major companies, so there would be no surprises in this transaction.

When they get the bar, letting V and Jack watch the show there would be enough to keep them entertained for a lifetime. After all, as long as they blow up Arasaka Tower tonight, they will become famous and their wish will come true. Got the money?

It's easier to make money in a shop than to continue to be a mercenary and lick blood from the blade, right?

As for Arasaka's revenge, don't worry. Everyone can see that the leader of the tower bombing is Johnny Silverhand. It is haunted tonight. You can catch the ghost and settle the score.

And as long as Arasaka Yorinobu survives, after he legitimately takes over, he will be eager to see his company collapse in order to completely eliminate the technology of immortality.

Well, in fact, he was just wishful thinking. Various companies have similar immortality projects privately, but the names and code names of the plans are different. If Arasaka was destroyed, there might also be Allegro, skateboards, and washboards. Nothing is finished.

In the world view of cyberpunk, the immortality that people are madly pursuing can be realized sooner or later, and mechanical ascension may also be achieved in the end.

If you really want to break the class solidification brought about by immortality, the only way out is through blood and fire. Without guns, it is pure wishful thinking to improve any dark system from within.

"Okay, your plan is very good, so we have two tasks tonight. One is to secretly get the legacy chip from Yori Xuan and get Johnny's mark."

The young demon hunter girl Ciri has already heard the plan. She raised two fingers as if making a "yeah" gesture:

"Second, we must completely kill Saburo Arasaka, along with his mark in the shrine, to prevent this conspirator from continuing to cause trouble and ruin your plan."

"Yes, you are right. This is your mission after blowing up Arasaka Tower tonight." Su Ming smiled. He looked at Xili who was biting a straw and sucking milk, and his eyes became very loving: "Otherwise, do you think I just explained all this to you? Isn't your flash ability best suited for stealing things or assassinating people?"

The poor girl finally came back to her senses. As expected, there is no such thing as an explanation in vain. She curled her lips and threw the empty bottle of AD calcium milk aside:

"You are too dark. You have been giving me a mission briefing for the past half day, right?"

In response to this, Deathstroke, who was wearing Johnny Silver's face, just smiled and nodded. Ciri is so cute. After all, all the money in her account has been taken and spent. She has to do something, right?

It is unknown whether Lark heard the conversation between the two in the living room. Anyway, it was only when the sky darkened, the night fell, and all the neon lights in the city lit up that Xili took her sleeping body out of the bathtub. wake.

I don't know if it's because she hasn't slept in a long time, or because she feels it's very safe here. Anyway, her new body is in good shape, at least there is no sign of catching a cold from being soaked in cold water.

Perhaps for hackers, she has become accustomed to low temperatures, because many hackers like to add ice cubes and ice water to their operating cabins to lower the temperature of their blood and brain, just like cooling the high-speed chips in their brains.

"Let's go." Xili held up her two swords and attached two guns to her thighs: "Let's go to the Afterlife Bar to meet up with friends first, and then go blow up Arasaka Tower."

"Oh, so that's where the mysterious man disguised as Johnny Silverhand chose to access the cyberspace, right? It's a good choice. The Arasaka Group's server has a very strong load-bearing capacity. It may be the second in the world."

Lark walked out of the bathtub, picked up the skirt on the side and put it on, completely ignoring Shirley's gaze looking at her figure:

"But what about others? Why are you calling me?"

"My car was the Sword in the Stone, with only two seats, so he took a taxi and set off first." Xili looked at the snow-white body covered by cloth, then turned and left: "Hurry up, since you used to be an agent , do you know how to prepare?"

"Well, haha, don't worry, I already have a feeling that I should be able to help you a lot." Lark wiped his hair smartly and walked out of the bathroom: "But now you have to accompany me to buy clothes and shoes. And hurry up so you don’t get late.”

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