The Death Knell

Chapter 5722 Cyberpsychosis

When the two of them were talking, Deathstroke had actually just come downstairs not long ago. It could be said that he had just become familiar with the taxi app here, bought the package, and had just gotten in the car.

The black car looked very majestic and stable. After arriving at the agreed pick-up location in the underground parking lot of the skyscraper, the back door automatically opened and a short piece of music was played, which was rock music by the Samurai Band.

"Welcome back to Night City, Mr. Linde. According to my information, 475,340 hours have passed since you appeared in this city. I am happy to tell you that your wanted order was also as early as 475,300 hours ago. Previously canceled by Arasaka Group.”

Robert John Lind is the original name of Johnny Silverhand, so Mr. Lind is not wrong. Dramain, the bald AI, does not seem to be mentally retarded.

"Oh, that's good. When I was living in the Night City, there really wasn't a fucking dead-faced head in the taxi to chat with me. What would you order?"

The performance continued, with Deathstroke sitting carelessly in the middle of the back row, speaking fragrant little words.

The music stopped, the door closed, and the vehicle began to drive along the planned route. The scolded AI showed no emotion. He just made the best response according to the algorithm:

"Delaman Taxi Company officially started operating in Night City in 2049. You have not purchased our ride service before, but it is different now. If one day you hope that you can leave your worries at the door, then you must It’s the door of a Delamain luxury taxi. Delamain is the only taxi service company in Night City that is managed by artificial intelligence and regards the safety and comfort of passengers as its top priority. Through efficient management and innovative technology, Our pursuit of improving service quality will never end, and we also very much hope to reach some business cooperation with legendary rock stars like you."

Having said that, as long as the package purchased is in place, Delamain's taxi is really good. This AI is much more reliable than most of the simple natives in Night City. At least there is a spirit of contract.

Although the interior is not very luxurious, and the vehicle's bulletproof performance is not top-notch, at any rate, as long as you book a car, Delamain will come to pick you up despite the hail of bullets. How many bank robbers in other worlds would be crying if they knew this? .

The scenery outside the car window is constantly flowing. As the name suggests, the Night City truly shows its charm at night. It seems to have completely changed.

Not to mention neon lights and various spotlight billboards, which are standard features of the cyberpunk style. In addition to the display of power of these companies, people living here can also participate in many exciting activities. .

Su Ming could hear the sound of various firearms being fired through the car door. He could see people being dismembered and their organs harvested in the darkness of the alley. He also saw an unlucky guy suffering from cyberpsychosis on the street. That violent The Terrorist Mobile Team is really quick to dispatch the police.

But this had nothing to do with him in the taxi. The vehicle drove very smoothly. Even if an unguided rocket flew past the window, Delamain did not turn the steering wheel.

Sure enough, if you want to enrich the autonomous driving database, you have to go to a place with complicated road conditions like Night City.

"Of course there are opportunities for cooperation, such as tonight, but I heard that AIs are lunatics who like to kill people. Don't you want to kill me?" There are also drinks such as purified water and champagne in the car. Of course, they are not free, but Su Ming was not short of money, so he lit a cigarette, opened a bottle of water, and crossed his legs.

"Negative, AI and wandering AI are not the same concept, Mr. Linde." An ashtray slowly protruded from the partition in front of the back seat. Delamain's expression still did not change, and he still looked sinister: " We respect life and are friends of mankind, and our customers are our gods. We cannot elaborate on the topic of wandering AI, so please forgive me."

Speaking of Mandela's image, the bald man with blue skin does not look very pleasing to the eye. I don't know if there really was such a person with this name and this appearance in the first place.

"Okay, what can you do?" The fake Johnny took a puff of cigarette and slowly exhaled it. The smoke rolled and stirred in front of him, like a dragon moving clouds and making rain.

"In our Mandela taxi business, we always strive for excellence in service, try our best to meet all the needs of our customers, and wholeheartedly provide you with the best ride experience."

The implication seems to be that he is omnipotent.

"That's easy to talk about. I'm going to blow up Arasaka Tower tonight. You can help me come up with a plan." Johnny smiled crookedly, tossed his head, and his long shawl hair showed a chic arc.

At this time, the screen on the taxi's small screen flickered, and a lot of snowflakes appeared when the signal was poor. Probably the AI ​​didn't expect Silver Hand to make such a request. It was completely unexpected. It was fucked crashed.

Is this something a taxi AI should think about?

Silence, suffocating silence appeared. The taxi driving on the road in the neon light and shadow really looked a bit like a dark coffin.

Johnny still didn't give up at this point. He reached out and tapped the small display screen and urged:

"Speak, you should speak. I know you are at home. You are capable of driving a taxi. Are you capable of blowing up Arasaka? I know you are at home!"

I don’t know if the restart was completed, but Mandela on the screen flashed a few times, then changed to a red background, and replied:

"According to the transportation security protocol of the Night City taxi industry, our company will keep your conversation recording confidential and destroy it. No one will know that you are planning a terrorist attack, but I strongly advise you not to do this. After all, the world It's very beautiful. It's a pity to seek death. Do you want me to play some soothing music for you?"

Su Ming had already expected the bald AI's answer. This was the City of Night, and even the AI ​​didn't have the courage to resist Arasaka.

"That's it? That's it? You didn't think of the plan, right? Your service is not comprehensive enough."

After activating the tactical retreat, Su Ming pretended to be very surprised. His performance was very good, as if he really didn't expect the AI ​​to be so weak.


Draman was silent again. It seemed that it didn't know what to say. As an AI, all kinds of human hackers could not do anything to it. Its biggest enemies were only wandering AIs of the same level.

But now why does it seem that the voltage of his processor is a little unstable after being despised by Johnny?

"Oh, forget it, actually I have a plan of my own, I just want to compare it with your plan. In fact, you may not think that I am a soldier, but I have read various world famous books before, so I am educated. Do you know "Lu Xun's Wanderings"? I've seen it. Is your Silver Hand brother awesome?"


Now Delamain didn't want to talk even more. He didn't know whether he should correct the title of the book. If he said something to cause controversy, he wouldn't be entangled in this cyberpsychosis, right?

That disease can really be transmitted to AI.

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