The Death Knell

Chapter 5729 Bloodbath in the Tower

Lark's hacking skills are really strong. Although she was still lying in the car across the road and did not enter the building with everyone, she provided a lot of assistance.

She cut off the power to the doors that were about to be closed and the alarms that were going to sound. Even when a hacker among the Arasaka soldiers hid behind a flower pot and wanted to sneak attack, she burned the opponent's brain faster.

Jack and V were a little nervous at first, because rushing into Arasaka Tower meant facing a hail of bullets, and the two bipedal robots that had been placed in the hall all year round were not easy to deal with.

Although this is not as powerful as the multi-legged war mech like the military technology Chimera, this thing is also equipped with a dual rapid-fire cannon and a rocket launch system, which can destroy a vehicle in just a few tenths of a second. If it strafes until it explodes, let alone the effect of the shells hitting people.

But things developed much more smoothly than they thought. Johnny Silverhand's small pistol could always take care of these things. Even if a robot suddenly jumped from the ceiling, the lark would disappear in mid-air without waiting for it to land. It made the two of them feel as if they were just here to mess around.

Thinking of this, they quickly fired a few shots at the Arasaka soldiers who were still able to move in the hall. Otherwise, they would have no results and look bad.


The elevator arrived at the first floor from the upper floor. I don't know if these people from the Arasaka Group are of Indian descent. The elevator room is obviously not very big, but two heavy armored soldiers holding large shields came down as soon as the elevator went off. One team had super-fast There are about thirty ninjas in total.

Moreover, support troops were constantly popping up at several emergency stairs nearby.

If this continues to be delayed, it may not be long before a large group of police appear behind everyone. The police in Night City are raised by companies. Ordinary people often don't show up when trouble occurs. If something happens to a company, they can come. That's called fast.

Not long after their debut, Jack and V, who were relatively inexperienced, became a little nervous. They hid behind the counter in the lobby, panting.

Rogge's expression was very relaxed. It seemed that after regaining her youth, the energy of her youth was back. The two pistols fired wildly, exerting a suppressive power like a machine gun.

"That's almost it. Burn them, lark."

Su Ming had no intention of finding cover. Even in the face of a hail of bullets, he still stood in the middle of the hall, as relaxed as if the bullets would go around him, and he still had time to distract himself to give orders.

Then everyone saw a spectacular scene. Nearly a hundred soldiers from Arasaka poured into the hall. They were trying to suppress everyone aggressively, but the next second, sparks were sprayed out from different positions on their heads at the same time, and smoke came from Seven orifices popped up, and his eyes rolled back uncontrollably.

They were all killed in an instant, and the principle was very simple. The lark accessed the communication channel of their internal team, and then connected this channel to the black wall.

As mankind's strongest firewall, it doesn't matter whether the person trying to get over the wall is a wandering AI or a human being. The rule it operates is that it cannot allow any digital signal to cross the threshold.

Therefore, when the communication channel is connected to the black wall, the 'anti-virus' program is naturally triggered, and the brains of these unlucky guys are instantly burned, leaving no room for resistance.

As I said before, in this day and age, everyone has a chip in their brain, like these professional soldiers, as well as electronic eyes, electronic hands, electronic ears and the like.

These things are usually easy to use, but once they are targeted by hackers, they are their biggest weakness.

The so-called ICE and personal protection programs often cannot even block DDOS attacks for too long, let alone direct attacks from blackwalls?

Therefore, after a crackling sound of weapons falling and human bodies falling, the hall was filled with a smell. This was the smell of the enemy's hair on fire. The so-called burning of the brain often refers to the physical sense. Burned out, the chip overloads and releases too much heat, which can also cause an open flame.

"Awesome, she is really good at it." Rogge stood up from behind the trash can in the bunker, walked towards Johnny, and picked up a long gun and some bullets on the ground: "The hackers I have worked with have less than a thousand. Nine hundred, I’m afraid my old friend Spider Murphy can only be ranked second.”

It was lucky that the nuclear bomb in the suitcase was not hit in the melee just now.

"Isn't this nonsense? How can spiders be compared with birds? Birds can eat bugs." Su Ming pretended to change bullets, even though the gun in his hand could also have unlimited bullets: "Let's go, watch Let's go to the Arasaka Intelligence Section on the 65th floor to load bombs."

The speed car that meets everyone's evacuation on the rooftop has an agreed time. If it goes too late, they won't wait for you. All you have to do is lose your head.

You must know that there are troops stationed on the rooftop of Arasaka, and there are many launchers of anti-aircraft missiles. Even if Rogge sells his face and finds someone to respond, it is not too risky.

"Why the Intelligence Department?" Xili is actually a member of the team. She is considered capable of fighting, but she doesn't seem to be needed to kill people today.

She doesn't feel guilty or anything, she can be said to be paddling openly.

"You can pick whatever you want. There are more than a hundred floors in Arasaka Tower, so I picked the middle number." Deathstroke kicked away the bodies of the heavily armored soldiers blocking the way, and opened the elevator door with the help of the lark: "And the Arasaka Group was the first In the information service business, destroying their intelligence is considered auspicious."

Everyone entered the elevator, and the elevator closed the door and began to ascend. The small space was still filled with the smell of blood, even though there was no body here.

"After you arrive, you can go directly to plant the bomb. I have hacked into all the surveillance cameras in the above-ground part of Arasaka Tower and killed anyone who might hinder you."

Lark's voice sounded in the combat channel. She sounded quite relaxed. After all, she had been on the battlefield in the past:

"But you'd better hurry up. The Night City Police Department has already dispatched the police, and the Terrorist Mobile Team has also set off. I'll try to cause some traffic accidents to delay, but no matter how slow they are, they will arrive at Arasaka Tower within three minutes. .”

The main reason is that the distance is too close. The police station is not far from the city center. If you take the subway, it is only two stops away.

"It's okay, it's just a small problem." Looking at the floor numbers on the dashboard, Su Ming calmly lit a cigarette and slowly exhaled: "If the terrorist mobile team comes, I will show you what it means. Scorpions tearing people apart with their hands.”

"What is a human scorpion?" Jack heard a term he didn't understand, so the strong man asked stupidly, as if he was running out of words in the elevator.

Johnny Silverhand looked at Jack's strong arms and smiled: "It's the spine. The process of tearing out the enemy's spine is called tearing apart scorpions with my hands. If you want to learn, I can teach you?"

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