The Death Knell

Chapter 5730 Planting a Nuclear Bomb

Jack stopped talking. He had a horrified expression on his face, as if he felt that the world of legends was too dark and he couldn't bear it.

The elevator runs very smoothly, and the quality of the hardware from large companies is really good.

Generally speaking, when attacking a building, you should try to avoid taking the elevator, as it is easy for the opponent to lose power and be locked in, and then you will be trapped in a jar.

But now with the help of hackers like Lark, there is no need to worry about such small problems. Even if the hackers from Arasaka Security Department come together, they will not be able to take back control of the elevator.

Of course, the adjutant can do these things more easily, but that would be too overwhelming of the enemy. After all, the lark must have a sense of participation, right?

In the past, no matter what she did, it was a directive from the new United States, an order from the president and military leaders.

What now? Attacking Arasaka Tower was entirely out of her own will, and it was a transaction. This would allow her to truly experience the feeling of freedom as an independent individual while shouldering responsibilities.

Freedom never appears independently. It is often accompanied by responsibility. If a person cannot bear responsibility, he will never be free.

Therefore, it would be better for Su Mingxiao to let her participate in the attack on the building. Even if she doesn't take action, everyone will not encounter any difficulties.

The elevator arrived soon, and the door of the car opened silently, and a fully armed soldier appeared in front of everyone.

But as soon as V raised his gun and prepared to fire, the man fell limply into the elevator, and you could see sparks spraying from the back of his head under his helmet.

This is a dead man lying on the elevator door, just blocking the road.

"If I had known it, I would have studied hard and become a hacker." Big-mouthed Jack seemed to talk too much because he was nervous. Seeing this scene, he was a little envious and followed everyone out of the elevator: "We didn't see this enemy at all, he was already there Damn it, hackers are really great, girl, let’s find a hacker to team up with in the future.”

V didn't say anything. She walked cautiously in the corridor and was thinking about something. Maybe she was planning to teach herself hacking?

"Haha, you only saw people eating meat, but you didn't see them getting beaten."

Rogge let out a light laugh. She carried the box containing the nuclear bomb and raised her hand to wipe the sweat from her forehead:

"Thousands of hackers have their brains burned out in Night City every year. Sometimes a wrong symbol in a program can kill a hacker. To become a top hacker, both hard work and talent are indispensable."

"Oh, forget it, I'm not that material." Jack gave up immediately. He smiled naively and touched the back of his head: "Only a genius like Miss Lark can play with things like the Internet, right? ?”

"Thank you, haha." A lark's laughter came from the combat channel. She was still very relaxed and could still chat with everyone.

"Don't leave, the nuclear bomb is installed here." Su Ming casually opened a door next to the corridor and poked his head in to take a look: "It seems that the employees of the intelligence department have been evacuated. There is no one here. This secret conference room There’s no monitoring either.”

"No problem, how long is the countdown?" Rogge followed and opened the box on the desk very simply, revealing the nuclear warhead that looked like a large iron radish inside. It was connected to a timed detonation device, which was used Assembled with exquisite craftsmanship.

You can tell at a glance that this is not original, but you can also tell that the person who did the work is very skilled.

"Um, ten minutes?" Johnny raised his finger and pointed at the ceiling, but what he meant was that everyone had to go to the top floor: "I expected Adam Hammer to stay in old Bden's office. I want to play with him for a while, and you guys too. You can take the opportunity to get something valuable.”

"Jack, let's get the calligraphy and paintings." V immediately had a target. She had never been in Saburo Arasaka's office, but many big shots had the habit of collecting calligraphy and paintings. Those kind of things are not heavy, but they are very valuable. They may be slower to sell. , but once one is sold, it may not be a problem to eat it for a year.

As for the way to sell the stolen goods, it's easy, just go to the old captain. He is not only a middleman, but also a car dealer, and he knows a lot of rich people.

"Okay, although I don't understand much, you can just choose when the time comes." Jack was already thinking about making a fortune, and the smile on his face never disappeared: "Sister, we will become big shots in the future!"

"Are you sure you want to challenge Adam to a duel?" Rogge set the timer, closed the box again, hid it under the conference table, and covered it with a chair. He turned to look at Deathstroke: "I'm not worried about you. The main thing is I don’t want any surprises.”

Because although this man was not Johnny Silverhand, he also helped him restore his youth. Rogge felt that he owed him a favor, so he asked again.

If he changes his tune now, it's not too late for everyone to make a plan to beat him up.

Let’s not talk about others, just the existence of a lark, a monster like Adam Hammer whose whole body is made of prosthetic body, is restrained to death.

"I'm sure, people on the streets of Night City say that I can't beat that guy. I'm going to prove it today that I, Johnny Silverhand, can knock Adam's Hammer to a pulp!"

The pretentious man who still wore sunglasses at night replied, with a disdainful smile on his lips.

"Okay, then I'll go get something as a souvenir." Rogge laughed, and she stretched, as if her body had become younger and her mentality had become younger: "I've always wanted to do something good. I ordered a katana, I’m sure Saburo Arasaka’s collection will not disappoint me.”

Although the Arasaka Group can be considered a large international company, after all, it is still a family business in essence. The company's top executives are all from Japan, and the spirit of the katana is deeply rooted in their bones.

For example, samurai swords, samurai armor from the Warring States Period, and some ninja-related props are all things they like to collect.

"Okay, take whatever you like, and don't be polite to me." The fake Johnny Silverhand seemed to have become the owner of this tower. He looked at Ciri with a smile: "What about you? Ciri, you What do you want to chat about?”

The body that fell in the elevator just now happened to be stuck in the door. At this time, the elevator was stuck on this floor as it opened and closed, which saved the time of waiting for the elevator.

"We'll look at it then. I'll look for the safe first. Whatever's in it must be valuable."

The white-haired demon hunter girl replied, she was more casual. After all, the money in the account was already more than could be spent in this lifetime, so it was better to collect some information and intelligence for future plans.

"Lark, do you have what you want?" Su Ming asked everyone to get into the elevator, then kicked the body blocking the door out, feeling the slight overload of the car moving upward again.

"There's nothing I want. No, if he has the Soul Killer's offline files or program storage media, get them for me. I'm still a little interested in this."

Naturally, what a hacker wants is only a program. After all, given her abilities, money is not an issue at all.

"Okay, I decided happily." Su Ming moved his neck and motioned for everyone to stay away from the door in the elevator and be more vigilant: "Leave Adam Big Stick to me. Just be prepared to make money."

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