The Death Knell

Chapter 5731 Adam’s Big Hammer

It can be said that as soon as the words were spoken, the elevator door in front of everyone suddenly twisted and deformed, and a huge black mechanical hand penetrated the thick metal door panel and blasted straight towards Johnny's face.

Everything seemed to be in slow motion. The door twisted like a blooming flower, the debris and sparks splashed in the air, and the harsh friction sound turned into a continuous high-frequency roar.

Before the elevator reached the top room, Adam Hammer was waiting outside the elevator door. He had a good idea. He ripped open the elevator and blocked all the people inside. It was as simple as opening a can and eating the meat inside. .

But he suffered a loss in intelligence, because the Johnny Silverhand standing in front of him was not the same one back then.


A silver hand firmly grasped his black fist, and the flow of time seemed to return to normal at this moment. Then an unparalleled huge force struck, and the man known as the Big Hammer flew out upside down, like It popped up dozens of meters away like a rolling gourd.

Pressing the broken elevator door, he pushed it back to its original shape, stepped out of the iron box with the death knell in Johnny's face, and moved his neck from side to side.

"We're at the station. Go get what you want. We have limited time."

The space on the top floor of Arasaka Tower is very spacious. It can be said that a Japanese-style garden has been directly moved into the sky. Not only are there enough rooms for hundreds of people to live around it, separated by Japanese-style doors with paper windows and wooden boards, but there are also rooms in the central area. There is a very elegant courtyard, decorated with fish ponds, stone lanterns and deer lights.

Some electronic cherry blossom trees are sparsely planted in the courtyard. Anyway, the style of Japanese gardens requires trees to be planted sparsely.

The so-called electronic cherry blossom tree is actually more like a lamp. Its trunk is a cement stake similar to wood, and the petals and leaves above are three-dimensional projections, so that you can see the wind blowing cherry blossoms every day throughout the year. scenery.

After the nuclear war, there are no serious cherry blossoms on the earth. They are either distorted trees mutated by radiation, or in the Gobi Desert like the outskirts of Night City.

But what can I say, Su Ming really likes this kind of elegant battlefield. It must be very beautiful to pluck out a person's head among the flowers and let the blood spray in circles like a lawn sprinkler.

But there is still a problem. Adam's Hammer is a bit similar to Cyborg. Only his head is original, and all other body parts have been replaced with metal prostheses. It can be said that he is a true synthetic human.

Otherwise, why are so many people unable to defeat him? This guy weighs almost three tons and is over two and a half meters tall. Is this a human tank that ordinary people can defeat?

Even in this state, how much blood is there in his cavity? If you pull off his head, a small stream will pop out, like a child peeing, wouldn't it fail to achieve the visual effect?

Adam, who was knocked away, did not stand up so quickly. Although the full-body prosthesis was good, it also made him a bit bulky. Of course, this standard was relative to the steel frame, so he was buried in the rubble. Su Ming I didn't pursue him, I just thought about these things.

V and Rogge were a little unsure whether they should gang up on this big guy, but Ciri knew that this guy would definitely die if Deathstroke targeted him. What everyone should do now is to go and fight before the nuclear bomb explodes. Get something valuable.

So she reminded everyone to search quickly and be vigilant. Her wolf badge was vibrating. There might be some enemies lurking in these rooms.

Yes, she is not short of money now, but if you had one billion in your hand and found ten million while walking on the roadside, would you pick it up?

That's the truth. There's no such thing as too much money, and she's a demon hunter.

Those were the demon hunters who used to pull out all the nails, break off all the teeth, peel off the skin and pick out the bones to kill a ghoul, and then take them to the alchemy shop in the city to sell them for money.

It may not be possible to talk about hardship and simplicity, but Xili will never miss the benefits that can be obtained, otherwise she will suffer from obsessive-compulsive disorder and feel uncomfortable all over.

That is to say, she did not return to the world of "The Witcher" later, otherwise she would have to stop from time to time while driving on the road to pick herbs such as flowers and mushrooms, because she had been taught this way since she was a child.

After receiving her reminder and pull, V and Jack did not hesitate. After all, they had just seen Silver Hand slap Adam away. This should be an easy win, right? Then all you have to do is make money as planned.

However, Rogge and Adam had a feud, and she wanted to participate in it personally, so she stood still behind the fake Johnny, with an expression of eagerness to try.

"No, aren't you going to find a katana collection? Go quickly and don't cause any trouble for me."

Even though she became younger and looked more beautiful, Deathstroke was not very gentle towards her. He just pushed her aside in disgust:

"You don't think you can fight with this mallet in just these two moments, do you? He can crush your head with one hand."

"What you say is so unpleasant." Rogge sighed. Although he knew that this man was doing it for his own good, couldn't he speak more tactfully to women? Don't be so into it when you play Johnny, you learn all his badass skills.

But that was the fact. She sighed and glared at Zhonghami, who was getting up. Then she turned and left the courtyard to chase V and the others. Even if everyone wanted to search for supplies, it was safer to move together.

"Silver Hand!" Adam was very angry and a little unbelievable. Although Arasaka's 'Big Ghost' system transformation had almost erased all of his emotions as a human being, that was not all.

At least his cruelty and hatred towards his enemies were preserved as favorable factors in battle.

"Why are you shouting so loudly?" The fake Johnny picked his ears with the little finger of his silver hand, looking unhappy: "You have a reason to be loud, right? Go find a real estate agent!"

Adam Hammer obviously didn't like chatting very much. After he called Johnny angrily in an electronic voice, he activated his own Sian Westan prosthetic body and turned into a black light and crashed towards this side.

Sianwistan is an implant attached to the spine. Its main effect is to speed up the nerve signal transmission speed, allowing the brain to process more external information in a shorter time, making the body more agile, and thus according to the The game relativity theory of 'My acceleration is equivalent to the enemy's deceleration' achieves the same effect as bullet time in "The Matrix".

No, it's even more useful than that, because your own speed has also increased, and only the outside world has slowed down. Should this be considered fast action to dodge bullets?

In the past, Johnny Silverhand had suffered from the disadvantages of this kind of prosthetic body, because after activating Sianwei Stan, Adam's big club was too fast. He could charge dozens of meters in the blink of an eye and couldn't react at all.

But for Deathstroke from the DC universe, his speed is not even faster than the speed of light. Can this be called running?

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