The Death Knell

Chapter 5732 Cat Plays with Mouse

I don’t know if it’s because of age, but people have become a bit nostalgic.

Seeing the giant mallet charging toward him with murderous intent, Su Ming couldn't help but think of the Red Death, the one in the Dark Knights with whom he played bumper cars.

He was originally a dark Batman, but he just took a fancy to the Speed ​​Force in his universe, so he formulated a plan to deal with Barry so that he could capture the Flash and then rob him of his abilities.

To put it simply, use Captain Cold's freezing gun to sneak attack and freeze the Flash's legs.

People, if you want to run, you have to use your legs. Well, this is nonsense. If you use two butts to move on the ground, it should be called gliding.

So facing the charging mallet, Su Ming glanced at his movement path, and a banana peel appeared inexplicably on the ground.

This route is so predictable. Adam's speed is not very fast originally, less than 300 meters per second, which is too different from the speed of light of 300,000 kilometers per second. He doesn't make any fake moves, he just knows two things. The straight line is the shortest.

This guy is so straight forward that if he were placed in the DC Universe, he wouldn't survive a single comic.

Originally, Batman and the old man Deathstroke were able to deal with the speedster even without any superpowers. All they needed was the skill of prediction. There is nothing to say about this, so Adam's huge mechanized foot firmly stepped on the banana. Skin, and then he lost control of his body running at high speed.

This is not an ordinary banana peel, but a banana peel secretly created by Su Ming using quantum concepts. It has no other effect, except that its upward side is super sticky and can stick firmly to the soles of other people's feet, while the other side is friction The force is zero, and stepping on it is smoother than stepping on a skate on the ice.

This is something that shouldn't exist in reality, but it just does.

Su Ming took a step gently to the side.

Then Adam's big mallet, stepping on the banana peel and waving his hands wildly to catch something, just passed him with a 'swish' and crashed into the wall behind Deathstroke with a 'bang'.

Then there was another jingle of bells, and he probably rushed out quite far. Did he crash through the guest room?

Su Ming touched his chin, took out a cigarette, lit it, and waited for the guy to crawl out of the big hole. He hadn't had enough fun yet.

However, Shiri, who had just left, poked her little head out of the room not far away. She leaned on the wooden lattice door, looked at the big hole, and then looked at the death knell standing smoking under the electronic cherry blossom tree, complaining:

"Can you please tell him to be quiet? I'm trying to break into the safe. His banging sound almost scared me to death. I thought there was a bomb in the box."

"Pry the safe? Didn't you just come back from Tianji Province?" Su Ming waved his hand wordlessly, asking the girl to listen to his advice: "In what age do you still pry the safe and go directly to the directional explosives? If you don't bring any explosives, just let it go The lark helps you unlock the door remotely, why are you still living in the Middle Ages?"

"Oh, right." Ciri bared her teeth, showed an embarrassed smile, scratched her head and retreated into the room. She had forgotten that this was a world full of technological means, and Eorzea and Monster Hunter is different.

After dismissing the busy little girl, Su Ming flicked the cigarette ashes at the fake tree on the side, turned around and walked towards the large human-shaped hole in the wall. He looked inside and saw that it had crashed through seven or eight rooms. Adam in the toilet bowl.

Fake Johnny Silverhand couldn't help but have a smile on his face.

"Ahem, Adam Bangchui, we haven't seen each other for decades, why are you acting like this? Huh?" He shook his long hair at the entrance of the cave, took another puff of cigarette, and blew out smoke rings towards the heavy hammer from a distance: "Hurry up Come here and hit me, you can’t just yell, right? You’re so stupid, you can even step on a banana peel while walking?! Haha!”

Hearing what he said, Adam Hammer started to go crazy. He suddenly took off the toilet bowl on his head and the banana peel on the soles of his feet, roared and ran through the rooms, and rushed back again.

Sean Westan started up, and while running, he shouted, but his voice was actually not as fast as his running: "I'm going to kill you again!"

Then what? He rushed out of the big hole, stepped on a second banana peel, passed Johnny Silverhand again, slid straight across the courtyard, and hit the office a hundred meters away.

". He was so stupid that he fell into the same pit twice in a row. He didn't look at the road when he was running. Why did he just watch what I did?" Even though it was a good thing he did, Su Ming was left speechless by Da Bang Chui's idiot: " This kind of thing would seem a bit imbecile to be the opponent of Neptune."


At this time, Strangler, who had turned into skin and a sports vest, snickered, this Adam is so stupid! Although he and Arthur are both of Asian generation.

"If he can only do this one move, 'Bull Crash,' it won't be fun. It's best to try new tricks quickly so that I can still have a sense of the game experience."

While chatting with his symbiote, Su Ming took a few steps across a distance of hundreds of meters and arrived at the door of the office. He smiled and revealed half of his face from the crack in the broken door, looking towards the man who was taking banana peels from the soles of his feet in the house. Adam said:

"Here's Johnny!"

It's been a long time since I played The Shining. Su Ming thought to himself that the performance in this scene was pretty good and the expressions were on point. Unfortunately, the other party's acting skills were not good. Adam Bangchui, who had lost his emotions, seemed to be unable to feel fear.

This is not good. How can people not feel fear? This is a disease. Su Ming must cure him and let him die in good health!

Two seconds later, Adam Hammer got up. He seemed to have learned the lesson this time. Instead of using the ability of his Sian Westan prosthetic body, he turned one hand into a cannon barrel and fired at Johnny at the door. Rockets were fired.

This is also a prosthetic body that can integrate an unguided warhead into the arm and use the arm as a launch tube. It is powerful enough to blow up tanks. Should it be regarded as the front-end technology of the "Rocket Flying Fist"?

But his fighting ideas are a bit confusing. Is the program in his mind not right?

It is known that with the Sian Westan time acceleration system turned on, he could not hit Johnny even if he entered bullet time. So, is it still necessary to use rockets that fly at a slower speed? This is something you do knowing you can’t do it.

"Oh, this one doesn't work, please try another one."

While speaking, Johnny Silver stretched out a finger and clicked on the flying rocket. The thing immediately turned around, flew back along the original path, hit the big mallet, and blew him up. A somersault.

The explosion was louder, and I don't know if he heard the order just now.

But it has to be said that the quality of Adam's armor is quite good. After being hit by his own missile, his chest armor was slightly dented, which did not affect his combat effectiveness. It just made him look a little embarrassed surrounded by flames.

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