The Death Knell

Chapter 5758 The flow of nightmares

Seeing the death knell coming, Thousand Cats Dream put the kitten aside, patted its butt and let it play on its own.

Then it activated its ability and brought the death knell back to Dreamland, a place that was probably its home.

Why do I say that? Because it looks like a clearing with beautiful mountains and clear waters. There are two basins as big as a swimming pool on the ground. One is used to store tens of thousands of fish, and the other is filled with sweet milk.

There is a soft cushion between the two large basins, and there are dents left by the cat's body on the cushion. Maybe Thousand Cats Dream usually lies there, eating and drinking fish with a mouthful of fish on the left and milk on the right.

"Didn't you go to find Daniel? Why did you come to see me again, meow?"

The cat raised its little chin very proudly, looking proud. It knew that there were some things that Daniel couldn't do, and the cat had to take action.

"I just want to see some dreams, the more bizarre the better, to find some inspiration for the plan to deal with CAAT."

Su Ming took off his gas mask and squatted down to rub the big cat's back. The oily and cool fur quickly slid across his palm, as if touching a waterweed:

"But it didn't happen to happen. As soon as I arrived at the castle, I heard that a nightmare named Insomnia had escaped. Daniel had to find it, so he lent me the mask and let me look around by myself. I thought I'd just I came to see you and go shopping together.”

"Did Insomniac run away?" Thousand Cats Dream sighed, its cat's mouth tilted to one side, and also saw the gas mask in Deathstroke's hand: "Daniel was a little overconfident, he lent him the crown If you only bring gems and sand to deal with insomnia, you will probably overturn."

After saying that, it no longer cared about eating fish. Instead, it got out from under Deathstroke's hand and paced back and forth, as if it was a little anxious.

"By the way, I've never heard of this nightmare before, and it doesn't have a name among the four nightmares. It's not like that again. There are actually five of the Four Heavenly Kings, right?" Su Ming looked at the cat walking around in a funny way. , its tail drooped down, it seemed really worried.

The essence of nightmares is also dreams, but they are deformed and distorted dreams. They are toxins in dreams and bad seeds, but to a certain extent, they can also be regarded as the creation of Sandman.

Before people dream, they don't know what they can dream about, so the birth of nightmares is completely random, just like being affected by the power of Taixu, completely chaotic.

Su Ming knew about the four nightmares in the Dreamland in his previous life.

The first is the Corinthian with teeth in his eyes. Some people also call him the Tooth Fairy. This guy loves the Sandman deeply and hopes that the Sandman loves him. Unfortunately, the members of the Endless Family are conceptual entities without feelings, so It was driven crazy by the lack of requests, and often sneaked away to kill people, hoping to attract the Sandman's attention.

He is the one who often causes trouble. If he is not careful, he will run into reality and play various serial killers to kill people.

The second one is Glob, who looks like a big meatball with arms and legs, likes to play pranks and eat other people's tombstones.

This guy is not so much a nightmare as it looks more like some evil powerful person. The twisted flesh and flesh and the malicious smile on the sarcoma make people shudder when they dream about it.

The third one is Brute, or some people call it the Dream Eater Ghost King. This guy has a very interesting ability. He can jump out of any coffin-like object and launch an attack.

Its usual posture is that of a zombie covered with short green hair, but it is very strong, about three meters tall, and covered in sinews.

But with this thing, if a person opens a matchbox in a dream, it may jump out suddenly, creating a traditional jump scare in horror movies, commonly known as jumping face, which is very difficult to prevent.

The last one is Fiddler's Green, which is also the gentlest of the four nightmares. Most of the time it is not imprisoned, but in the garden behind the castle, acting as the spring wind or the smell of earth.

It comes from a blind fiddler's dream about spring. To put it simply, there is nothing. The blind man cannot dream of any specific image. He just heard that spring is green, so regret and unwillingness form the Fiddler's Green. .

This nightmare is not harmful at all. It can occasionally act as a court musician, but it is slightly mentally ill and moody, and it can't find anyone at all times.

"It's not like that. The four nightmares you mentioned are the four nightmare cats that Morpheus kept outside." The cat squatted down, wiped his beard with his little paws, and explained to the death knell: "They Among them, even the craziest Corinthians are essentially 'controlled' cats."

"Well, it means that Sandman has a way to control them psychologically or physically not to cross the line, right?"

Su Ming lit a cigarette and sat on the soft cushion in A Thousand Cats' Dream. This was the only cushion available for sitting here.

What the cat said is actually understandable. To put it simply, the four nightmares mentioned escaped and killed some humans for fun, but when the Sandman finds them, maybe he just needs to say a word and they will come back obediently. Home.

This is what is called controlled, just like Batman controls his figures in Gotham to prevent madmen from running out of Gotham City.

It's just that Sandman's action cabinet is bigger. It's normal for this kind of thing to happen. Morpheus was indeed a little seriously ill during the period before his death.

"That's right, and truly uncontrolled nightmares often only have two places to go."

The cat stretched out two fingers, and its nails popped out, making the claws look less cute:

"Either they are exiled to the nightmare dimension and let them devour and fight with other nightmares; or they are too dangerous and are sealed in the nightmare box and placed in the basement of the castle under the supervision of the Sandman himself."

"It sounds like the latter ones are stronger and need to be supervised by Sandman himself." Su Ming blew out a smoke ring and nodded to the cat, indicating it to continue.

"Indeed, any nightmare in the box may have serious consequences when placed in the nightmare realm, just like you raised a tank of small goldfish and then put an alligator gar in the fish tank."

This is an example that the cat can give. It may not understand other things, but when it comes to fish, it may understand it better than the dream of a fish.

"Do you have insomnia? It looks interesting." Su Ming picked up the cat, held its little paws and squeezed it: "So, is its attack mode any different from other nightmares?"

"Yes, although it is called insomnia, its ability is not to make people unable to sleep, but to make people fall into uncontrollable daydreams and fall into an endless reincarnation like a horror movie."

Xiao Hua nuzzled in Deathstroke's arms, then climbed onto his shoulders, squatting there, looking as if through the forest, looking at the castle in the distant sun.

In this regard, Su Ming just rubbed the cat's head gently, and his breath while speaking left a shallow pit on the soft fur: "Since you are still worried about Daniel, why don't I follow him and take a look, anyway, I originally wanted to Inspired by dreams, crazy nightmares may bring your imagination to the extreme.”

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