The Death Knell

Chapter 5759 Golden Beach

came back.

Today is really a busy day. After experiencing God's punishment on the earth, those global disasters, even if Elaine saved them afterwards, also caused a very serious humanitarian crisis.

As for the things that God forgets or ignores, it is only up to humans themselves.

Damian had been busy outside all night and day, and the tires on his Robin Motorcycle felt like they were wearing thin.

What big things have you really done? Not so. Instead, he sent bags of flour to this house, some purified water to that house, and took the old man across the ruined streets to find a doctor, which consumed a lot of his energy.

Every household needs help, and he happens to have the money and resources to help them, so why not do it?

That's what he thought beforehand.

But after really getting involved in things like wiping the butt after big events, he realized the trouble of the problem. Even if each family had a small problem, when tens of thousands of small problems accumulated together, they all needed his help to solve. Things got serious.

It is a rare return to Gotham from New York. The place has not been greatly affected by the apocalyptic apocalypse. The gang members can save themselves, but besides them, Damian still has countless people to help.

He couldn't remember how many little things he did last night. Anyway, the boy was already numb. When he looked at the time again, he realized that it was already noon the next day. The dark clouds in Gotham always made it easy to forget. time.

For a moment, he wanted to go to Wayne Mansion, eat the meal prepared by Alfred, then go back to his room and fall asleep.

But then I thought about it, Batman is not his father, at most he is his adoptive father. He is already a mature superhero, so why should he go there to listen to his preaching?

He doesn't understand anything at all, only what his biological father Deathstroke said is right, which can be seen from the heights of both parties at this time.

So instead of going to Wayne Mansion, Damian took a turn on the dilapidated North Outer Ring Road, went to the western suburbs of the city, and found Jason's safe house in an abandoned orphanage.

Strictly speaking, this is not a safe house at all. The windows are broken and the building is about to collapse. It is the kind of place where no homeless person would want to live.

But that's why it's safe.

Jason grew up here. Unfortunately, his grandmother, the director, was later proven to be a trafficker. After she was killed, the abandoned orphanage became a den for various homeless people.

Unfortunately, being a homeless person in Gotham is not a good choice. After Scarecrow experimented with a new type of fear gas here, all the homeless people died.

It is said that their corpses were picked up to make sausages or dumpling fillings, but their souls did not seem to leave. The orphanage became a haunted house, and screams were said to come from here at night.

Damian is not afraid of ghosts. King Robin's belt is around his waist. He has a hundred ways to scare ghosts away, not to mention there are no ghosts here.

There is only one bed here. When Jason returns to Gotham, he will occasionally stay here, but today he is not here, so Damian plans to take a lunch break here first.

There are still a lot of things to do in my mind, but my physical and mental strength are a bit unbearable. The back of my head hurts for a while. This is because my spirit has been used to the limit. It can also be said that I have used my brain too much.

Walking through the creaking wooden floorboards, the degree of decay would make anyone's efforts to sneak in useless. Then he walked towards a closed room on the third floor. Seeing the dried blood stains on the door, he nodded with satisfaction. .

In the first half of this year, Jason imprisoned Miss Dante, codenamed Joker's Daughter, here for a few days. This blood was hers. The girl was a little crazy at the time, and she nailed the Joker's face to her own. , just playing around when nothing happens.

But the place was right, the safe house was right here. Damian opened the door and walked in. He opened the dusty spider web like a ghost and walked towards the bed in the corner.

The bed was a little dusty, but I couldn't care less about it now. The room was very spooky even during the day, which was perfect for sleeping.

"I need to take a break to replenish my energy."

Talking to himself, the boy fell down on the bed, and then snored. His willpower had no effect, and he actually fell asleep in seconds?

Realizing that this shouldn't happen to him, Damian tried to pull himself together. He suddenly turned over on the bed and sat up.

But he was no longer in the dilapidated orphanage, but on a golden beach, with a beautiful red and white parasol above his head, soft gravel and waves under his feet, and a bottle of alcohol on the small table next to the lounge chair. Iced orange soda, the small bubbles in the glass bottle are dense and crisp.

Such beautiful scenery made him feel a little dazed, and he realized that he was asleep and that this was a dream.

But the dream of a seaside vacation? How long has it been since you last visited a beach? And it’s too comfortable here, right? The sunshine, the sea breeze, and the sea itself, everything is perfect.

Damian relaxed and rubbed his head. Since it was a dream, he just needed to relax and enjoy it. Maybe he had done a lot of good things in the past two days. Today, good people will be rewarded?

Even though he knew that was unlikely and good people never get rewarded, he still picked up the soda and took a long sip.


When the delicious soda enters the mouth and digestive tract, people will automatically make a pleasant sound and then burp, which feels really good.

Rubbing his eyes, he stood up from the lounge chair and prepared to walk on the beach. Maybe he could pick up seafood or something?

It's a dream after all, so it doesn't matter if you relax a little.

After walking a few steps, he saw two parasols not far away. After slightly changing the angle, he recognized the people on the lounge chair as Deathstroke and Thalia. The two of them were holding a bottle of soda in their hands. Lying there wearing sunglasses, it seems that he is sunbathing.

Damian couldn't hear exactly what the two were talking about, but he could see that they were both smiling happily, and that was enough.

Da Mi has always wanted a family of three to live happily together, not in the dark Gotham, but in a sunny place, yes, like this island in his dream.

Is this an island? Right? Well, it didn't seem to be the case just now, but now it is, so that's okay, because this is a dream.

Everything in dreams is amorphous, and it's so cool that I'm so awake and can change my dreams with my own thoughts.

"Father! Mother!"

Damian waved happily and ran towards the two of them. The Robin uniform he was wearing disappeared at some point, and he was only wearing a pair of large pants with strawberry patterns.

But he didn't care about these details at all, because his parents opened their arms to him, and he couldn't wait to enjoy family affection in his dreams.

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