The Death Knell

Chapter 5778 Animal Dreams

The small carriage was filled with a strong stench, and I don’t know which genius invented it, to lock the orangutan and the tiger in a cage.

It is said that there is a show in the circus, in which an orangutan rides a tiger around the ring for three weeks and performs the trick of jumping through a ring of fire. Many people like to watch it, so the circus owner got creative and asked the orangutan and the tiger to close first. Being together makes it easier for them to develop feelings.

Fortunately, the tiger named 'Miss Betty' is not wild, and the biggest prey in her diet is chicken, so she and Bobo get along quite happily.

In addition, among their companions there is a baby elephant, a lion, and a mink. They are all in large and small cages, and they are constantly shaking as the carriage moves forward.

The thing about a wandering circus is that in many cases, everyone is dragged around by caravans, and there are very few opportunities to take the train.

The journey seemed long and boring. There were no windows in the carriage.

Bobo grabbed the iron fence with both hands and looked helplessly at the key hanging on the wall of the car in the distance. It was swaying as the vehicle moved forward, but he couldn't reach it.

He stretched out his claws to grab, but the short distance seemed to be infinitely extended. No matter how hard he tried, it was useless, which made the orangutan despair.

"Save your strength, Bobo, we can't escape." The tiger lay aside and said to the orangutan with its eyes open: "So what if we can leave the cage? This world belongs to humans. , even if we leave here, we will just enter another bigger cage."

Several animals drank the water soaked in the meteorite, and now everyone has become smart and able to speak.

How smart is it? Just know not to speak in front of humans.

"You're right, but I want to try." Bobo sometimes really hates that he is not a monkey. Monkeys have a tail that can be used in situations like this, but chimpanzees don't: "We haven't gone out yet, wait a minute, No, why do I feel like this scene happened? Is this a dream? "

Bobo was still a little confused just now, but now he is more awake. He found that he was repeating the story in his memory, the story of how he escaped from the circus.

He stopped reaching out to grab the key, because according to normal history, the car would have an accident soon and be hit by a train while passing the railway. Apart from him, only Betty among the animal friends would survive. After falling down, all the other friends died.

The orangutan wanted to save the three animals. Yes, he had realized that this was a dream, but he wanted to try, at least to make up for his regrets in the dream.



Before he could finish his words, a car accident happened. It was as if this dream was against him, giving him no chance to recover from his regrets.

For a moment, the things in the carriage flew away, and the fragments of the cage turned into sharp knives and spears. Under the gaze of Bobo, who flew up due to the impact, his animal friends died tragically on the spot one by one, just like The meat is thrown into the meat grinder.

Even Betty, who was supposed to survive, was penetrated by multiple steel rods, and her dead head flew out, landing just in front of the orangutan.


Bobo landed on the ground with blood all over his face. He took a sharp breath. The curse word was on his lips, but he suppressed it with calm thinking.

Anger will not solve the problem, especially when it comes to being angry about a dream, there is no point.

He climbed up from the ruins of the vehicle, grabbed the keys that fell on the side, avoided the humans approaching from the flames, and fled towards the forest not far away.

Behind him came the sound of people cursing and someone shooting at him. These were things that had never happened when he fled. Bobo didn't know what was wrong with his dream, but he was looking for the reason for these changes. inducement.

As an orangutan who often interacts with the magical world, he can probably guess that there may be something wrong with the dream. This is not an ordinary dream, but a nightmare.

But now he wasn't afraid, just curious.

Why is this happening?

The detective always had such a question in his mind, so in the face of unknown dangers, his occupational disease was violated. He was going to wander around in this dream to see if he could get some information.

But trying often means dying easily, let alone for an orangutan without any superpowers.

He was originally running towards the forest. One second he was dodging the bullets flying over his head. The next second his vision blurred and he found himself back in the cage.

The scene changed, no longer in a rickety caravan carriage, but under a circus tent.

Listening to the funny music coming from the front desk, Bobo sat in the cage and sighed. He knew that there must be such a part in his nightmare.

Sure enough, within a few seconds, the circus animal trainer came with a whip and a board with questions in his hand.

At the beginning, Bobo also had this item in the circus program, which was to do math problems. Many circuses used dogs to perform this, but the boss felt that there were already enough animals, and dogs had to be fed meat, unlike orangutans. You can eat leaves, so the show 'Magic Arithmetic' is still on Bob's head.

"Crack!" The trainer pulled the whip with both hands, making it make a crisp sound, but maybe he was not satisfied with the sound. The man with the black heart-protecting hair on his chest dipped the whip into the salt water next to him: "It's still the same. The rules are, if you get the answer right, I’ll give you a peanut, if you get it wrong, I’ll give you a whip, do you hear me clearly?!”

Bobo now pretended that he couldn't speak and nodded. He didn't remember that there was a salt water link before. He had been beaten a lot, but the whip dipped in salt was a completely new design.

The animal trainer didn't care what it thought. He moved the cigar in his mouth and showed the question board in his hand - please prove that one plus one equals two.

Bobo, who originally planned to pretend, was a little dumbfounded. Isn't this nightmare too perverted? Who would let small animals prove Goldbach's conjecture? Was there any mistake?

Has tonight's program changed to 'Whip the Orangutan'? Is this a question now that the animal trainer is deliberately looking for a reason to get angry?

How to demonstrate the proof process of Goldbach's conjecture through gestures? Ten fingers may not be enough!

Sure enough, we still have to find a way to escape. This dream is not something that the orangutan can explore deeply. The deeper it gets, the more torture it will be.

"You still dare to ignore me?! You beast! Bang!" The animal trainer suddenly turned his face and whipped into the cage with a whip, falling on Bobo's back with a loud bang: "I asked you to do the questions, you are here What are you thinking?! It’s useless! You will always be human beings’ plaything, understand your position! You will never get justice!”


The orangutan detective screamed at the pain, which seemed worse than being whipped in reality.

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