The Death Knell

Chapter 5779 Black-haired Guy

If dreams are regarded as a world that belongs to everyone alone, then entering a person's dream is undoubtedly entering the depths of his or her heart.

Does this world really exist?

It is real to the person who owns it, because it is his own dream and has the right of ownership.

But do dreams mean anything to others?

It seems not. Everyone knows that other people dream, but most people have no interest in other people's dreams.

This is not a talent show. After you go on stage, you have to ask people what their dreams are. In fact, most people’s dreams have one thing in common, which is to focus on the present or the future and live better in their dreams. This is not necessary at all. ask.

Nightmares are just the opposite. In nightmares, people are often immersed in the pain of the past, or the horrible things they have seen in reality. This is a negative emotion of 'looking backward'.

So when the dreams and nightmares are put together, can we get a complete timeline? Therefore, the existence of nightmares is meaningful to Sandman and must exist.

So in the eyes of CAAT, is the material world in which people live, to it, the meaningless dream of TOAA or the First Sky?

It engulfed or destroyed each multiverse, the motivation of this behavior and the meaning of the process itself.

"Well, Slade, you'd better not be distracted yet."

The cat rubbed the soft side of its belly against Deathstroke's face. Its flaming tail pointed at the small animal being beaten in the tent. The unclothed chimpanzee screamed and twisted around in the cage. It’s really a bit eye-catching:

"Does a Sleepless Knight require my own hands? I don't want to continue eating, nightmares are not delicious."

"Haha, I was distracted for less than a second, and you noticed it." Deathstroke sucked the cat, then walked out of the bushes where he was hiding, and instantly came to the door of the tent, using the concept of darkness to catch the nightmare that was beating the orangutan. .

However, the Dream of a Thousand Cats is not comprehensive. There is only one in front of Bobo, but there is not just one sleepless knight in this dream, but a large group. The tigers and lions in the tent next to it are all disguised by nightmares. .

I don’t know what’s so special about Bobo, but his treatment is almost the same as Superman’s. Clark only had hundreds of nightmares in his dream. Now this powerless orangutan also has this number in his dream?

Isn’t this bullying an honest person? ! What Su Ming dislikes the most is when someone bullies an honest person. He can just make fun of honest people occasionally. If everyone bullies honest people, these honest people will become extinct in the future!

By the way, I just forgot to ask Batman, how many nightmares did he encounter in his dreams? But according to Deathstroke's guess, he should be dreaming about Crime Alley again, so the bats flying in the sky are probably nightmares disguised.

Not only can nightmares disguise themselves as people and animals, they can also disguise themselves as things like telephone poles or trash cans. If you play hide-and-seek with them, it will definitely be as good as drinking chicken soup.

"Nightmares are dreams too, and I am a Sandman. Do you think I can feel your state?" Thousand Cats Dream raised its head proudly, stretched out its claws and scratched the Nightmare's face with an 'X'. He chuckled: "Kill all the sleepless knights here, and then fish out the orangutan."

"Are you really Slade? How do you prove your identity?" Bobo in the cage was still skeptical. He huddled in a corner with no clothes on, revealing his black hair, and he looked even thinner. Some.

This is not a problem, because in the past, in order to deal with the possible Clone Wars, someone pretended to be their identity, and Su Ming and Bobo had set a secret code.

"Three goats went to pee, and the pee was sprinkled on the poplar tree. The goats climbed up to the poplar tree, and the poplar trees were even better than the goats." The death knell calmly snapped his fingers and knocked the trainer Nightmare out of his mind, causing Strangler to break open the iron cage. , and at the same time said this secret code that only a few people knew. Only Bobo memorized it at that time because it was a Chinese passage.

"It's really you, I...wuwuwu!" Bobo covered his face in pain. Although he was just howling without tears, he had to say that his performance was quite good: "I feel like I have been sucked dry by the nightmare. , it hurts too much, it’s still too painful to recall this scene.”

After saying that, he was ready to climb on top of Deathstroke, but since he had no clothes on, he was ruthlessly rejected by the latter.

"Don't move. This is a dream. When you wake up, you will find that you are still in the Oblivion Bar." Su Ming turned his head. Because it was a dream, he could rotate his head casually with the help of the cat. : "I'll take care of these sleepless knights and let's go out and chat."

There is nothing good to say about dealing with miscellaneous soldiers. Just reach out and grasp them all, and they will be wiped out.

The nightmare in the circus was all gone, and the nightmare could no longer hold on. The scene in front of him became blurry and hazy. When the orangutan opened his eyes the next second, he found himself lying on the bar of the Forgotten Bar, with his hand in his hand. Still holding a half-cup of unfinished beer.

There was no air in the wine, and this kind of thing didn't taste good at room temperature. He could only pour the wine into the sink nearby, washing away the cockroach prophet in a whirlpool.

Logically speaking, Ezekiel can be considered a believer in God, but he is not immune to nightmares. At this time, half a glass of wine was poured on him and he still did not wake up.

"Fortunately, I'm wearing clothes." Bobo put down the empty cup, patted his green suit, and nodded with satisfaction: "What's going on? Is this a new round of world-destroying crisis?"

"Maybe it would be if I hadn't intervened." Su Ming handed him a few plastic pieces, stretched out his hand to grab the monkey's head and took a look: "Didn't I give you an X metal sheet? Why aren't you wearing it?"

"I'm an orangutan. My whole body is covered with hair. It's hard to comb with that kind of thing stuck behind my head."

Bobo didn't need to be taught. He raised his hand and skillfully put the plastic piece on the back of his head. He suddenly felt refreshed, even though he was still cursing:

"I don't know why those ghosts are targeting an old orangutan like me. It's so wicked. I'm not a superhero."

"Maybe it's because you have a close relationship with Deathstroke, meow." A Thousand Cats' Dream jumped up to the bar, walked around with elegant cat steps, then went to the sink and reached out to pat the cockroach: "Insomnia can't deal with Deathstroke, so He probably wants to kidnap you, Deathstroke’s relatives and friends, as a means of check and balance, right?”

Fortunately, the orangutan's willpower is still good and his brain is smart. He was not overwhelmed by the dark past in the nightmare, and the kidnapping was not very successful.

Insomnia is not alone. There are probably hundreds of billions of Insomniac knights under him, but unfortunately, none of them can be mentioned on the table. They are all little Karami.

If your subordinates don't do their job well, it's easy to slip up at critical moments, which is inevitable.

But what’s in Bobo’s dream is not insomnia itself. Where has it gone? Could it be that he went to the dreams of the ancients to cause trouble?

Some ancient ones have been sleeping, and if they wake up, it may be the end of the world, which is not good.

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