The Death Knell

Chapter 5785 Sword of Words

Strictly speaking, Nightmare's physical fitness is much stronger than Batman's.

After all, it is an extraordinary creature born in a dream, and it has the ability to heal itself. Unless it is completely killed in a short time, its powerful vitality means many possibilities.

Batman has physical fitness that exceeds the limits of human beings, but they are only the limits of ordinary people. But now this brainwashed nightmare, he might as well stop being a human being!

It's just that this guy's brain is not very good, but it's not a big problem, as long as Harley has a brain.

Playing games alone is a bit boring, and just talking to myself is a bit too neurotic. Harley has brainwashed a nightmare as a follower, so it's good to at least have someone to chat with.

And the other party should know the enemy's plan, right? So it can also be used as a guide to check.

The control method of hypnosis is not very stable. It is necessary to strengthen the psychological suggestion through words and actions from time to time to keep it under control.

"Okay, Batman, what's your next plan?"

Raising her hand and patting Nightmare's shoulder, another psychologically suggestive physical movement, the female doctor asked.

"Find Insomnia, beat it up, and send it to Arkham!" The hypnotized enemy said it directly without thinking, a very Batman-style answer, but the tone was slightly nondescript.

When the real Batman speaks, you can't hear any emotion in the deep voice of his voice changer, but in Nightmare's version, he actually mentions his enemies with hatred. This is the difference.

"Oh, what a great idea. Do you know where that guy named Insomnia is? I want to give him some gifts too."

The white coat swayed like a skirt. Harry circled around the nightmare, then stretched out his hand to pinch its upper arm on the other side, and playfully gave another psychological suggestion:

"You are Batman. You know everything. In the eyes of us old Gothamites, you are omnipotent."

"I don't know yet." Nightmare showed a classic Batman expression, and the corners of its mouth curved downwards. It has learned this well: "But I will always find it, because... I am Batman!"

"Ah, yes, yes!" Harley was a little disappointed when she heard that this nightmare could not be found in Insomnia. She pouted her little mouth covertly and instantly lost interest in this impostor.

Sure enough, Batman is still unique. It's fun to watch someone play him, but after a while, it becomes boring.

It is said that women are fickle, so Harley is the most fickle among women. She was so excited just now, but she is tired of the fake Batman.

But since she wanted to assemble a Justice League composed of nightmares, she temporarily resisted the idea of ​​tricking this guy into dying. She was still going to play with this time bomb for a while to see who it would blow up in the end. .

Thinking of this, she laughed again and played drumming with a time bomb. This Gotham classic game is really timeless. Every time someone plays this, it always brings her fun.

"Since you have no clue yet, then come with me." At this time, Harley's name was called again from the loudspeaker, saying that the morgue needed manpower: "Someone is looking forward to my appearance, hehe , how can I let them down?"

Nowadays, the nightmare seems to be contradictory and changing. Community clinics should not have a morgue. Even if there is, it is not the psychiatrist's turn to move the corpse.

Especially when the woman lowered her head and glanced, she saw that the badge had not changed yet. Maybe the nightmares were a little confused about the accidents they had caused, and they started to make mistakes in the process.

But how many nightmares are there in my dreams?

"You know the person shouting on the loudspeaker is the enemy." The fake has completely assumed the identity of Batman. He warned his teammates: "This is your nightmare. They want to attract you there and then show your worst fears." Showing you things that drive you crazy and turn your dreams into a hatchery of nightmares from which you will never wake up.”

There was no expression on his face when he spoke, but there was a bit of warmth in his words. The real Batman had always been very kind to Harley.

"Okay, okay~" The female doctor didn't listen to him. She entered the dream just for fun and to help Deathstroke do something. Of course, she would go where there is danger: "Look at me like this, I He is already a normal person!"

With that, she walked briskly out of the consulting room, and when the fake followed her, the room collapsed silently behind her, as if it had been made of biscuits and now soaked in milk.

But it didn't matter. She walked happily along the corridor, but the walls around her gradually became strange. They began to become soft, foamy plaque grew, and then turned green all at once.

Like a special ward in Arkham.

Not all rooms inside the sanatorium are iron cages. There are always some special rooms for emergencies. For example, the room used to hold Bane is essentially a huge, super heavy machine, and the room where Mr. Freeze is held. It's a huge cold storage.

This kind of room with soft cushions on all sides can be seen in many lunatic asylums. They are mainly used to detain manic patients in the onset of the disease to prevent them from hitting the walls and harming themselves.

When the wall turned green, Harley, who was originally happy, had a bad premonition. Just as she expected, a string of intensive laughter came from the corridor in front of her.

"Hahaha! Little pumpkin, do you miss me?"

There were a lot of clowns of all kinds pouring out on the road ahead, as if clowns from all parallel universes had come here for a meeting.

They laughed maniacally, shaking their heads and running towards Harley, scrambling like wild dogs preparing to snatch a corpse.

"Stop! Pause!"

Harley held a small orthopedic hammer in her hand and made a pause gesture. Although the other party did not stop, her eyes still passed by a Bigfoot clown who looked like Chewbacca dyed green in Star Wars, and fell into the crowd. On a figure, he stretched out his hand and pointed:

"There's a mole among you! He's not a clown at all!"

Many nightmares were stunned for a moment, and unconsciously turned their heads to look in the direction she was pointing. There was a dark figure with a hood with pointed ears on his head, and a circle of iron hoops in place of his eyes. His smile seemed to be frozen on his pale face, revealing a pair of uneven yellow teeth.

"Why are you looking at me? Is there something wrong? Why did you all stop?"

The nightmare that transformed into the Laughing Bat was stared at by its kind, and stopped slightly uncomfortably.

"She's right, the one you transformed into is not the Joker, you're a damn Batman." Another clown who seemed to have stepped out of the 1987 "Batman" movie said unhappily.

People laughed when they saw the Laughing Bat. How could it scare people? The plan failed.

"Yeah, we all agreed to turn into clowns to scare her, but now you turn into the Laughing Bat, she's out of control, and you've ruined everything!" Another clown dressed up like Captain Jack Sparrow in Pirates of the Caribbean. , but the mouth on the face is super big.

The original plan was to lure Harley to the morgue, ambush her on the way, and make her fear in the sea of ​​clowns. What was the result?

"It's all your fault!" said another clown who looked like a zombie and half of his body was rotten. He also reached out and pushed the fake Laughing Bat: "You turned us into a joke!"

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