The Death Knell

Chapter 5786 Funny

Nightmares are formed by negative emotions, such as jealousy, bloodlust, and insidiousness.

Of course, these are all emotions generated in nightmares, and emotions in reality are not under their control. In the main material world, there is a sea of ​​light formed by emotions, and the energy is occupied by various lamp groups.

So when it was criticized by its kind, the nightmare that turned into the Laughing Bat became angry. It raised its hand and gave the elderly clown in a wheelchair a hard fight.


"Why did you hit me? I didn't blame you!" the old clown complained, covering his face.

"Because I don't like you." The counterfeit bat is actually picking on the weak and using violence to establish authority among its kind: "Look at me again and I will eat you!"

Under normal circumstances, nightmares don't communicate like this, and they won't quarrel with each other during the execution of tasks, so as not to suffer from insomnia and settle the scores afterwards.

But this is Harley's dream, and she still retains some control over this place.

For example, by subtly changing the behavior of these enemies, the influence of language has always been two-way. Nightmares can influence people, and people can naturally influence nightmares, turning them into comic actors for her entertainment.

"Have you seen that he, a Batman, still dares to bully others?" Harley jumped to her feet and shouted not far away. Her head kept shaking, showing great disapproval: "If I were you, I couldn't bear it. Are you all green turtles? You are all clowns. What should you do if you are beaten by Batman?"

After receiving this 'off-site reminder', the many nightmares that have become clowns suddenly became clear.

Yes, I am playing a clown now, so I have to act like a clown.

"Die! Hoho! Hee hee!" A clown took out a dagger and stabbed the fake Laughing Bat in the waist: "Your death will make us successful! Hahahahaha!"

"Yes, we are all clowns. As clowns, we should fight Batman! Hahahaha!" Another clown took out his gun and fired at Laughing, laughing while firing back.

Many clowns swarmed forward, and the unlucky guy who turned into a maniacally laughing man only made a weak struggle before being overwhelmed by the sea of ​​people.

At the same time, the sound of intensive chewing could be heard from the crowd. It must be that many nightmares were eating it to strengthen themselves.

"What a dark and crazy creature." said the fake Batman next to the female doctor. He looked very disgusted with nightmares: "It seems that their next target will be me."

"Logically speaking, the Joker should chase Batman." Harley threw the small hammer in her hand and patted the time bomb on the back with a smile: "But don't worry, this is my dream. They will definitely come at me, just watch and I will take care of them."

With that said, while the clowns were still in a state of confusion, she charged with a hammer.

The small hammer suddenly grew in size in her hand, as big as a wine barrel, and it was also made of metal. She rushed into the crowd effortlessly, then grabbed the handle of the hammer with both hands and started spinning it like an electric fan.

She had seen Deathstroke use a similar move called 'Blade Storm'. When Little Bee was clearing out the soldiers in close combat, he might not even have noticed it, but Harley discovered that there was a pattern of starting moves.

Jumping chop, then follow-up chop, then whirlwind slash, and then there is an explosion of blade storm and strangled tentacles.

Generally, after this set is completed, all the enemies will be dead. The efficiency of cleaning up miscellaneous fish is pretty good. The most important thing is that it is low-carbon and environmentally friendly.

Although the power of the concept is good, and the Star Destroyer Cannon on the technology side is also good, people still feel the most pleasure when they have physical contact with the enemy with their own hands, and when they feel the blood splashing on their face.

At least that's how Little Jelly Bean sees it.

She doesn't have a symbiote, but that's not a big problem since she's very flexible, has the agility of a top gymnast, and is good at learning.

She learned the little bee's silky combos very well, but she lacked the symbiote tentacle attack that she needed to make up for.

But this is inside the corridor, not a large and spacious scene. It is only about three meters wide. It is not possible to tell who is dead and who is alive at a glance, without the need for finishing blows.

Anyway, just smash them all into meat paste.

About thirty seconds later, she exhaled with a puffy face, lifted the enlarged two-handed warhammer out of the chest of a headless corpse, and shook out the intestines attached to it.

"You nightmares, you have no creativity at all. The clown is no longer my nightmare. She is now an independent woman of the new era, just like Xiao Dai. The clown? To me, he is just a loser, bah! Bah! Bah”

After saying that, she continued walking along the corridor, spitting at the nightmare corpses on the road, spitting on each corpse.

If she uses other weapons, Harley's combat effectiveness is not much higher than that of ordinary women, and even Batgirl Barbara cannot beat her.

But when holding the hammer, her usual weapon, her combat power increased exponentially. Even Batman and Superman were knocked unconscious by her. She was so good at it.

"If they are really human beings, I will definitely stop you and not kill people indiscriminately." The fake Batman also inherited the principle of not killing. He followed the doctor: "But nightmares are not human beings. There is no problem with you doing this, but next Don’t make it so bloody this time.”

"Okay, I have time to think about that, why not think about what to eat for dinner."

Harley, who was carrying the sledgehammer, looked down at her white coat. There was still no blood on it, and she was very satisfied.

The speed of time in dreams is different from that in the outside world. Sometimes a person's entire life passes in a dream, but in the main material world, only a moment passes.

The situation is almost the same now. Su Ming has just arrived at Harley's rental house. After waving his hand and asking the adjutant to take back the android guarding the door, he carried the cat to the bedside.

"Oh, I said I was going to find Death, but I ended up coming to her anyway, meow."

A Thousand Cats Dream jumped off the man's shoulder and landed on the sleeping Harley, bouncing like a trampoline:

"I think she seems to have no problem. Since she wants to play in her dream, let her play. Anyway, no one in the nightmares I know is as crazy as her."

I have seen so many people falling into nightmares before, with their brows furrowed and tossing and turning, as if they had a stomachache while sleeping but could not wake up.

But Harley was completely different. She was sleeping very peacefully at this time, lying flat on the bed with a smile on her face, which showed that she was having a good time in the nightmare.

"You don't understand her, Ah Hua." Deathstroke picked up the cat and put it in his arms to stroke the fur: "She is helping me. I already understand her plan, but you are still in the dark. This is good. , If you want to deceive your enemies, you must first deceive your own people. This is also my consistent view."

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