The Death Knell

Chapter 5791 Navigation Guide

This is a pale house, and at first glance, it reminds people of "The Matrix".

It's clean and tidy, except for a large desk in the center of the room, with TVs stacked on top, and a bright beam of light falling from a high place.

I don't know where this light comes from, I can only see it forming a cone-shaped outline in the darkness.

"Where is this? Is this lighting effect in the style of a Broadway show?"

Although the fake Batman died, Harley did not grieve for it even for a second. She strode towards the light pillar without worrying that it was a traction field used by aliens to suck in people on earth.

Aren't there many movies where alien flying saucers use beams of light to suck people away from the ground? The light in front of us looks just like that one.

"This is the debugging room." The voice came from above, and there was an echo in the small room, which made it sound quite special.

"So this is my imaginary space. We are still in my head, right?" Harley thought this voice was still a nightmare, especially since the action it had taken to kill the fake Batman just now was probably a form of silence.

It doesn't matter even if the other person is not a nightmare. She is not happy with anyone talking to her in a condescending manner, and treats her as an enemy.

"It was in your dream just now, but you came out. Just like you said, the tricks of the nightmares are no match for you."

The voice's speaking speed increased a bit, and it sounded a bit flattering:

"Others are still sleeping, but you have reached a higher level through dreams. If you use a video game as an analogy, then you are equivalent to 'speed-running' the game."

Harley dragged the hammer to the desk and pouted:

"But I don't want to skip the plot."

"Don't you skip the plot when playing games?" The voice was a little curious, as if skipping the plot was abnormal: "That is a necessary operation to quickly clear the game."

"So you also think that the current world is a game?" The female doctor lowered her head and thought for a moment. She touched her white coat, as if she suddenly remembered something: "Is this you, Jim Lee? You came to me because of the recent news. What do you think of the big event? Or are you already planning to give up comics and focus on video games?"

She spoke without any end, because if the real Jim Lee was, he could be considered an acquaintance of hers, and she would drive over the wall to attend the Comic Con every year.

What should be said, such as finding an artist with a more kawaii style to draw herself, etc., Harley has already told others. Of course, it is inevitable to scold the comic plots in recent years.

However, in the past six months, she seemed to have heard nothing from the editorial department, and it seemed that the story was no longer in their control.

The other party seemed unable to pick up what she said, but the voice was not stupid, and it immediately changed the topic:

"I want to help you. Look at that table. There is the truth about our universe. Do you want to know?"

There are several comics on the table. They are brand new. The paper glows with a special light under the light, and you can even smell a faint smell of ink.

"This is." The doctor reached out and picked up the comic. It didn't seem to be poisonous or dangerous. She read out: ""Collision: Handbook of the Multiverse". The character on the cover looks really funny. .”

On the cover is a Batwing and a Batman. I don’t know which parallel world character they are from. They look completely cartoon style. Their uniforms and their faces are all angular and square-shaped.

It's definitely not the main world. This kind of painting style has long since withdrawn from the environment.

"Generally we think this is a cute style." The voice continued, introducing the book in Harley's hand: "It was compiled by an advanced extra-dimensional race and contains most of the knowledge in the universe we live in, including the main Monitor their original war"

Harley opened the comic and flipped through it as if reading a fashion magazine. Her other hand was still playing with her hair, feeling a little unmotivated.

"That's it? Is this the dark truth of the universe you want to tell me?"

She has known it for a long time, and it was not through some comics, but through seeing it with her own eyes.

When she stood on the choice level of the multiverse with Deathstroke and looked down at the bubble-like worlds, she had already been excited.

If my own little bee can make my dreams come true, what can this nightmare give me? a book?

What kind of secret book is compiled by advanced races? You won’t lie to anyone. Wait, these nightmares don’t know the existence of the DC editorial department, right? So they don't know Jim Lee at all, and they don't have enough knowledge about this universe at all.

"What? Isn't this enough as a reward for your clearance? This place is between multiverses, vibrating between uncertainties, and growing between uncertainties. Like all things, there is no growth without choice. With this book , you can make better choices.”

The voice sounded a little anxious, eager to prove the value of this set of comics to Harley. It began to introduce its knowledge of the world and persuaded Harley to experience it.

As for the little jelly beans, what are your experiences? She did find something.

Speaking of which, Insomnia suddenly chose to rebel. Could it be because of picking up this book? Did it go crazy after reading this book? Realize that the world it lives in is a game?

No, it’s not even a game. There is a material basis in the main dimension of human life. This can only be considered a game for high-level beings.

And it is a dream, a game played by a character in a video game at a certain time in the past.

Thinking about it this way, that guy is a bit pitiful.

However, the enemy is the enemy. If his guess is correct, the motivation for insomnia may be clearer.

"Okay, that's enough sales talk. What do you want me to do? Pick up this book and tell you a bedtime story?" Harley's attention shifted to the TV set aside, which was playing The scene when Kyle Rayner's girlfriend was dismembered and put in the refrigerator: "If you want to hear a murder story, I don't need a book, I have it all in my head."

"You still don't understand, Harley Quinn." The voice sighed, looking a little helpless: "Many people are trapped in a dream called reality, and you obviously have the ability, why don't you leave this dream? Go to a higher level, to a place that really exists, to say goodbye to the eleventh dimension, and say goodbye to this ship that is doomed to sink?"

"So, do you regard this book as a navigation map?" Harley pouted, and she threw the book back on the table: "Then you are obviously out of date, because we modern people all have mobile phone navigation APPs, right? adjutant?"

"Yes, I'm here." Another elegant female voice sounded in the darkness.

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