The Death Knell

Chapter 5792 Plan ruined

"Is he the guy with insomnia?"

While Harley was talking to the mysterious voice, in another small dream not far behind her, humans and cats were also communicating. This was a sentence that humans used to ask small animals.

The adjutant who talked to Harley was not a real adjutant, but one she imagined and was created in her dream.

She seems to have some Sandman talent. Ordinary people don't have such strong control over their dreams.

"It's not him, Deathstroke, please be patient." A Thousand Cats' Dream washed his face with cat paws and turned his head very skillfully: "Insomnia is not so weak, nor is he so stupid, but this nightmare can actually take out this book I’m still a little surprised when the book comes.”

"Well, that book involves a little bit of the secret of the origin, but that's all." Su Ming took back the lightsaber in his hand, lit a new cigarette, and took a puff: "It doesn't have any extra power. , and does not have conceptual authority. For ordinary people, it is undoubtedly a fantasy, or a prop that drives people crazy."

It's like a normal person, living a nine-to-five daily life, and suddenly one day a big black bald man appears, holding two pills in his hand for you to choose.

Let me tell you that real life is false. Everyone is in a dream spun by a terrifying AI. You can wake up and face the cruel reality after taking medicine.

How would people choose?

Human beings are curious, and ordinary life always makes people want to escape, so people will most likely be willing to give it a try, but before that, they will call the police or contact a mental hospital to send the black bald person in.

Telling people that reality is false at every turn is undoubtedly a manifestation of delusion, and people will not believe others so easily.

"I always feel that Insomnia's motive for finding Harley is not that simple. Meow, Slade, do you hear it?" Xiao Hui put down his paws, and with a clean fur face, he squatted on the man's shoulder again: "This The nightmares seem to be luring Harley to take her to a higher level, and they seem to know how extraordinary she is."

"The last time I met someone who wanted to climb out of the fourth wall and seek the so-called freedom and truth, it was the Laughing Bat." Su Ming answered the cat's question expressionlessly, his one eye flickering in the smoke. There was a blue light shining brightly and darkly: "And as everyone knows, he is a perverted lunatic."

"Yeah, so do you think it's CAAT that's driving you crazy and having insomnia?" The cat asked again. It was a little worried now. If it was really that guy who was working secretly, then anyone could become a potential threat.

Except for people who are already crazy, such as Harley and Wade, it is impossible for people who are already crazy to become crazy again.

"It's hard to say. Wait a moment and get the book in my hands. I can probably trace its origins."

Deathstroke gestured to the direction of the desk with his chin. At this time, Harley was chatting with the voice. To be precise, he was playing around with language:

"I used the power of origin to look at it. This space was created by Insomnia. It is a control room connected to multiple nightmares. That voice did not lie."

"But in the final analysis, this place is still a nightmare." Thousand Cats Dream raised his paw and played the 'flower' game. When its fingers were separated, it really looked like a pink flower: "You need me to help you put this nightmare together." Caught and tortured?"

"No need for the moment, it has been bypassed by Harley. Now it realizes that Harley knows more things, so in order to get information from her mouth, will this guy keep talking like this? I don't think so, as long as Xiaotang If you give it a little taste of sweetness or bitterness, it will probably report it to Insomnia, and when our prey arrives, that's the time for you to take action."

Deathstroke rejected the cat's proposal. He was always very patient with plans like fishing, but he just didn't know if Harley would play as expected.

Her behavior pattern is very unpredictable. In addition to her love of playing, her points of interest are also very easy to shift. Maybe what she was interested in one second, she no longer cares about the next second, and it becomes too much.

Therefore, it may be a bit difficult to get her to have the patience to go fishing, and what kind of behavior will make the other party unable to bear the nightmare alone, and she must tell Insomniac to come over in person. This needs to be thought about carefully.

"Do you think this sound nightmare is directly related to insomnia?" Xiao Hui stretched and his eyes narrowed again: "Okay, then I will wait. I am also a patient cat, but there are Don’t you have anything to eat for me to kill time?”

The adjutant had already walked up to the front desk. It was obvious that the voice nightmare had not expected her appearance at all, and did not even know why there were external voices appearing in the nightmare.

This kind of strange thing, I hope it can induce Insomnia to deal with it personally.

"Yes, I'll give you a chicken wing." Su Ming took out a vacuum-packed braised chicken wing from his pocket and let the cat taste it: "I'll get a pack myself. I have nothing to do anyway, so just I hope there won’t be any big changes outside while we stay in the dreamland.”

We still have to guard against someone making a big move. CAAT may not have noticed the 40K universe yet, but this possibility cannot be ruled out.

"No, you can wake up at any time if you want." The cat took the snack, skillfully tore open the packaging bag, and began to bite the tip of the wing with its fangs: "And the time flow rate in this nightmare is relatively fast. Come on, even if we stay here for as long as an ordinary person's life, only a few minutes have passed in the material world. Meow, snore."

The braised chicken wings are really delicious and it makes a comforting sound.

"I didn't ask you to save me." Damian walked out of the orphanage. He didn't wait for the people behind him to follow him. Instead, he complained: "It's obviously going to be fast. As long as I hold him back until the death knell comes."

"That's enough." Batman followed him, looking at his son with the same emotionless look: "You don't have that ability."

"You're not me! How do you know that I can't hold back the enemy?" Damian looked like he didn't want to hear it, and walked quickly towards Robin's motorcycle parked in a hidden place in the bushes on the roadside: "You have no idea that I am now Anything can be done.”

Originally, Damian's progress was going smoothly. Seeing the creature in the purple robe, which looked different from other nightmares, he was attracted to him and started playing with him in each nightmare.

Although the process was a bit painful, and there were many things that Da Mi didn't want to see in the nightmare, he always knew clearly that it was just a dream, so he didn't feel much mental pressure.

He felt that he could hold on and hold on until his father brought people to join him, and then kill the enemy in one fell swoop.

The plan was good, and Damian had confidence in his willpower, but it was all ruined by Batman.

Originally, he was running away again in his dream, and the purple-robed weirdo was chasing after him "hey hey hey", but what was the result? Suddenly, I felt a chill in my head, and then I opened my eyes and saw Batman's face.

The two first identified each other in the room, and then there was a round of argument. To be precise, Batman remained silent while Damian complained endlessly.

It's like he suspected that Batman thought of this and deliberately sabotaged it. It was too dark.

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