The Death Knell

Chapter 5794 A conjecture

Wade may be the only person besides his cousin who knows what's special about Spider-Man.

From a certain perspective, Spider-Man and Batman have a lot in common. For example, they are the biological fathers of the editors of Marvel and DC respectively. When the sales of comics are not good, they only need to bring out Bugs and Bats. everything will get better.

There are many ways to use it, whether it is to find a female character to give out candy, or to kill their relatives and friends to give out knives, it doesn’t matter whether it is comedy or tragedy, people are willing to read these stories.

In other words, following Xiaochong means great exposure, traffic, and popularity.

"I have to admit that when I first approached this boy, I had some dark utilitarian thoughts."

Not far away, Peter was fighting with Nightmare. The boy lacked effective means of energy emission and relied on physical attacks. It was difficult to deal with a Nightmare. However, after Deadpool called him to come over and attack him, he instead walked aside and faced him. He muttered in the direction of no one, and used his fingers to make a small gap:

"But then I changed. I didn't have a choice before, but after I met Spider, I wanted to be a good person. The head of Yangcun Village knows this. Old fellows, don't doubt my friendship with Xiaochong. I didn't come here to do it in the first place. I have my own reasons for gaining popularity."

As he spoke, he cast his gaze toward the sky, assuming a superhero posture with his hands on his hips and looking at the sky sideways, although his obscene temperament made him look like a native of the motherland who was drinking milk.

But that's not important. What's important is the traces of darkness hidden behind everything. His cousin, whose brain and heart were rotten due to cancer, had an idea at this time.

"." The non-existent audience seemed to say something.

"Yes, guys, I discovered that although the name of CAAT looks like a cat, its attack mode is like a spider." Deadpool found a fire hydrant on the side of the road, half sitting and half leaning on it. Above, he glanced relaxedly at the little insect fighting the nightmare not far away, and continued: "I wonder if you have ever paid attention to the hunting process of poisonous spiders?"

"Stop looking! Wade! Help!" Spider-Man jumped up and down on the roof of the car in Dream, counterattacking from time to time, and Nightmare also jumped around. Both parties were very agile. This was a kind of High-speed 'two-person turn' battle.

"." The audience expressed their opinions.

"That's right. Although I don't know why so many of you like to watch spiders weaving webs, at least it can be considered a pre-meal exercise, just like I am always used to picking my nose before eating."

As if Wade didn't hear Xiaochong's cry for help, he continued to speak into the air beside him:

"To eat, poisonous spiders often entangle their prey in a web and wrap it into a mummy. Then they inject venom that can melt flesh and blood into the prey. After the latter's body becomes a bag of thick soup, it will suck up the soup. Dried, leaving behind a light, empty shell. Speaking of which, I'm a little curious, what does this broth taste like? Maybe next time I can grab a fly from the spider and have a taste."

He obtained some records of CAAT's previous attacks from the audience in the live broadcast room, and discovered that it seemed to first open a hole in a universe, then let the world rot from the inside, and then it would come. Destroy that universe.

This mouth may be a crazy person, it may be a thought, it may be a dream, or it may be an extreme weather.

Wade is not yet completely sure about this rule, but just like dreams can connect everyone in the universe, Peter Parker, as a spider totem, can also connect different universes, which means that he is likely to become someone who spreads something. medium.

He shouldn't have done anything wrong by coming into the boy's dream and preventing him from falling into madness.

What's more, you can still show your face and gain some popularity, so why not do it? Anyway, I just lie down at home. Now everyone is having nightmares and can't find anyone to play with.

"Stop talking about flies! Deadpool, help!" Peter was chased up and down by Nightmare not far away. It's not that he couldn't defeat such a thing, mainly because this thing had turned into plum blossom at this time. The boy couldn't do anything with his aunt's appearance.

Even though I knew it was a fake, I still couldn't do anything about it because I couldn't get over it.

"Look, old men, have you seen it? Haha, Comrade Peter can't leave me at all." Deadpool's words were almost finished. He turned and walked towards the battlefield with his samurai sword on his shoulder: "Oh, tell me what you are doing. , little fool’s nightmare, whoever you turn into is not good, you have to turn into a charming mature woman like Aunt Mei, suck it up~ Thank you for the gift of nature! I’m here!”

In fact, Deadpool still has some speculations that he has not said. For example, who defines CAAT? Is it really a crown? Does what TOAA told his cousin have to be true?

It is known that that thing will show different images in different universes. This is a bit like Lucifer having different appearances in front of different people. Does this mean that metaphysical things are actually not what everyone imagines? So abstract, but only need an opportunity, an inspiration, to understand it correctly?

But now is not the time to talk about that. Didn’t you hear Peter asking for help? Uncle Deadpool is here!

"Hey! What are you going to do?" Peter felt something was wrong when he heard this. He hurriedly tried to stop him, but was punched by Nightmare and rolled to the ground for a distance.

This nightmare is a bit strong. Although they are all members of the Sleepless Knights, some of them are relatively strong. It's also normal. As mentioned before, nightmares are born in different nightmares, and the horror and darkness of nightmares are different.

For example, let's take two dreams. One of them is about someone dreaming about eating feces, and the other is about someone dreaming about eating corpses. Which of the two is more terrifying?

It must be the former, because eating shit hurts oneself, while eating corpses hurts others. The selfish side of human nature kicks in subconsciously, and of course the former will be found more annoying.

So if nightmares were born from these two dreams, their intensities would naturally be different.

But at this time, it wasn't just Xiaochong who was panicking. Nightmare, who had obviously taken advantage of him, was also a little panicked, because the odor on Deadpool's body became extremely strong in his dream, and his evil laughter made people shudder.

Normal people usually wouldn't do that kind of thing to Nightmare, but is Deadpool a normal person?

It knew the answer, obviously not, so now it started to be afraid. After beating Spider-Man away, it covered its butt with both hands and prepared to escape. It also quickly changed from the image of Aunt May into an ordinary middle-aged man.

"Oh? Has it changed again?" Deadpool chased after him. Most people may not be able to chase the nightmare, but he has the gem of plot continuity. It is not a problem for him: "Look at your thin skin and tender flesh. You have a big belly like a grasshopper. This is the United States. I will not assume your gender, but I have been thinking about how to play with you for a while. I will chase you. If I catch you, I will fuck you. hey-hey."

"Don't come here!" Nightmare turned around and looked back as he ran away. He saw that Deadpool's legs had turned into pinwheel shapes and was spinning rapidly towards him, and he let out a desperate scolding sound.

Nightmares like to attack others with fear, but this does not mean that they themselves are not afraid, it is just that they are afraid of different things.

"Don't go. Do you think that Spider-Man's dream means that you can come and leave whenever you want?" Deadpool took out a cowboy rope from his trouser pocket and began to swing it over his head while running. Get moving: "How many people are you here? I've covered as many as you can. I haven't played a multiplayer game for three days, hey hey hey!"

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