The Death Knell

Chapter 5795 Tug of War

"If you have never been outside, how do you know what exists outside the wall? If you have been outside, then you can go again now, so why come to me?"

In a dark room with only one light, Harley was sitting on a chair chatting with that mysterious voice. Although she still had the same smile on her face, the other party in the conversation was obviously emotionally unstable.

The voice tried to seduce her with a comic book before, but after the plan failed, it came up with the so-called freedom to speak out. It seemed that it was thinking about the jelly beans, but in essence it was their nightmare that wanted to master a 'path', or in other words Master a 'door'.

However, it once again underestimated Harley's ability. At least in terms of eloquence, it was far from the psychiatrist's opponent, especially when the other person knew more things and understood the level at a higher level.

The current Dr. Quinzel speaks of being too weak when he opens his mouth, and God when he shuts his mouth. He frequently mentions the theory of super-time flow and the omnipotent universe, and the starting point and end point of the timeline. The nightmare hiding in the dark cannot answer the question at all.

When talking to a psychiatrist, the other person doesn't even need to observe the patient's microexpressions. He can tell a lot just from a slight pause in the tone of voice.

Nightmare's guilty conscience was discovered by Harley in this way, so she immediately started talking and started talking in circles with the owner of the voice.

What he said in detail is not worth writing down, because it was all nonsense. If you want to eat eggs, you must raise chickens, but if you want to raise chickens, you must first have eggs. That's what it meant.

Su Ming didn't even pay much attention to what was happening on her side. Little Tangdou firmly suppressed the opponent. As long as the insomnia did not come, the enemy had no chance of coming back.

At the moment, he is cooperating with the adjutant to deal with some nightmare problems.

Because Multiverse 1 is now within Marvel 40K, the spread of nightmares has shown a rather complex pattern. Almost any kind of creature can be dragged into the nightmare, and now madman attacks have begun to occur.

The person controlled by the nightmare is still himself on the surface, but the world in his eyes may have changed, becoming an environment full of monsters and interests.

The sleepwalking madman may have seen a zombie trying to attack him, so he attacked, but in fact, he attacked other humans on the street, and the latter was still trapped in a nightmare and did not move at all.

And as more and more people go crazy, large-scale chaos has occurred in some cities. These people don't know what they dreamed about, and they actually formed a team in the dream.

"Can dreams be online?" Su Ming watched the videos projected by the adjutant. Thousands of small screens played various scenes at a hundred times speed at the same time. He was also distracted chatting with the cat: "You see Are these people gone? They are all driven crazy by nightmares, but they don't attack each other."

"Meow, dreams in the past do not have such characteristics. They are very private things. Whose dream it is, outsiders generally can't join in or pretend to claim it, let alone play online like a game, meow."

The little flower that was licking its fur paused for a moment, its little paws hung in the air, then fell back to the death knell's shoulder, and continued:

"So I suspect that Insomniac took the ruby ​​and developed some new usage."

A Thousand Cats' Dream can't tell you what exactly the three-piece Sandman suit is used for. After all, it's something exclusively for human Sandman. No one would think that a cat can wear a gas mask on its face, right?

Moreover, those three artifacts were also born in dreams. The things in dreams are very mysterious. Perhaps to this day, no one has figured out what functions they have.

If an insomniac blind cat encounters a dead mouse and discovers a new way to play nightmare online, the cat will only find it novel, but not surprised.

It's a bit stuffy in the small house, and there's not much air circulation here. You can only feel a little cool when you lean against the door.

"I thought that after it left Damian's dream, it would rush to Harley immediately, but it didn't. Then where would it go?" Su Ming changed the question again. As the Sandman, the cat has a deep understanding of the nightmare. Their habits are definitely more familiar than mine.

The entry on insomnia in the Code of Origins was blocked. This was obviously a sign of the intervention of high-level forces, so I could only use stupid methods to reason.

"I don't know, Meow. I am the master of feline dreams. Do you think insomnia is a cat's nightmare?" Coke spread his two front paws, shook his head and said with a milky meow: "But I think your reasoning is definitely correct. He will most likely come to find Harley. We can just wait here. I just don't know how long she can talk nonsense?"

We need to increase our efforts. Once the female doctor says that this hidden nightmare has run away and the other party goes to seek help from Insomnia, we can almost call it a day.

When the bad guy's nightmare comes, he traps it in this dream, and then Deathstroke does a jump chop, and it's done. It's that simple.

It's impossible for a mere sleepless person to compare with the old man God before, right?

"She is an honorary member of Arkham. Don't worry, she can talk to herself all day long even without that nightmare talking to her."

Su Ming took a puff of cigarette, slowly exhaled the smoke, and continued to stare at the surveillance pictures of various worlds:

"This guy hiding in the darkness has a much stronger willpower than I thought. It clearly feels like it is about to collapse, but he persists time and time again. It seems it will take some time."

Since the other party was in the dark, Su Ming had already figured out its outline and even the few hairs on its body. Strictly speaking, he could catch it now and try to interrogate it about the whereabouts of Insomnia.

But if the other party would rather die than tell him, there is nothing he can do, and the clue may be cut off.

Nightmares do not have an organ called a brain. Their bodies are more like the mud at the bottom of a river or a black candle stained with soot. Don't expect such things to have brain tissue.

The symbiote cannot be used to read memories, and the Book of Origins has also been blocked. Veritaserum or Legilimency are 80% useless. If there is a sorcerer around at this time, there may be other methods, but they are not as good as Wait for it to leave on its own initiative and call in reinforcements.

"Okay, let's take a look at the situation in other places." Su Ming touched his face and stared at the lunatics in the projection for a while: "Put in the bionic people and control these people first. If necessary, It’s okay to send them all to 40K-1 or 40K-2 to work.”

"Okay, Sheriff." The adjutant began to execute the plan, releasing the android army into all the parallel universes invaded by nightmares. These cheap cannon fodder units may not be able to do anything else, but general security warfare may be suitable for them.

Speaking of which, I am quite capable of controlling nightmares. No wonder I stare at the people close to me when I have insomnia.

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