The Death Knell

Chapter 5796 Observe everywhere

As bionics were released in large numbers, the scene in the projection changed. At least four or five strong bionic men appeared next to each madman. These artificial muscles were comparable to Schwarzenegger's weapons. As soon as they landed on the ground, they immediately He used various methods of strong-arming and locking men down on the lunatics.

Within just a few seconds, the adjutant sent a report: "All rebellions have been suppressed. The total number of captives in various universes is about 360 billion humans, and the number of other crazy animals is much smaller."

"This is inevitable, meow." The cat became proud again. It sat on the death knell's shoulder and crossed its legs: "Animals tend to have simpler thoughts, and it is more difficult to make them crazy. Nightmares are not as harmful to them as rabies. Or foot-and-mouth disease is coming."

"Let's put the people under house arrest first. If we don't wake them up for the time being, we can control them on the street." Su Ming did not rush to throw these people away to fight zombies and weird things, but asked the adjutant to stand by: "There are still a lot of people trapped in nightmares. They can be there at any time. Possibly transform into a madman and allow the androids to continue patrolling.”

"Yes, Sheriff." The deputy nodded, and her long silver hair rippled like running water.

"I won't look at the cleaning matter for now. Just do it and see how my friends are doing now." Su Ming glanced at Harley not far away, with his back to her little jelly beans. Unaware, he was still arguing with the nightmare.

"Okay, Sheriff, I will relay the surveillance signal to you." The deputy started to operate, and the next second, the protagonists in the projections in front of him all turned into familiar faces.

The first thing he saw was Dr. Doom. Because his green hood was a bit conspicuous, Su Ming noticed him at a glance in the crowd.

At this time, he was showing off his power, using magic to temporarily imprison the people he brought to the alien planet to open up wasteland, and he had already begun to research ways to solve the nightmare.

"Sure enough, God Lord Doom never disappoints, his willpower is very strong." Su Ming praised him. He admired a ruthless person like the doctor. The person who could press the hot metal mask on his face was just a mere The nightmare would certainly not trouble him.

His nightmares were nothing more than those things about his mother being tortured in hell, but his fucking soul Su Ming had helped him fish it out a long time ago. Even though he had not completely returned to his original appearance, that was no longer a nightmare.

Apart from this, Doom has almost no inner weaknesses. He is a very powerful sorcerer and scientist, both of which allow him to quickly realize the truth of nightmares.

"Yes, Dr. Doom was one of the fastest people to wake up on his own after briefly falling into a nightmare." The adjutant smiled and nodded. She also acted as a prank and zoomed in on another screen, which showed Steve being fucked by Nata. Sha grabbed her shoulders and shook wildly.

It felt like his head was about to shake off his neck, and his whole body looked limp. When he fell asleep, his face was covered with tears and snot, which made him look a little sloppy.

Poor Captain America seems unwilling to wake up, even though his dreams are all about the scene when his godfather died tragically, but he seems to regard this as the only way to see his godfather's voice and smile, and he is really addicted to it.

"Stop playing with Black Widow and put the plastic piece on Steve." Su Ming mentioned this wordlessly, after all, he needed to avoid really damaging his godson.

He first gets pranked by himself and the cat, and then seamlessly segues into the invasion of nightmares, which lasts a little too long.

From another perspective, I have been having nightmares for three days and three nights without waking up or going crazy. This kind of willpower is not bad. Of course it is not the best on the earth. But look at other Avengers superheroes, most of them are Not as good as him.

"Okay, the order has been conveyed." The adjutant couldn't help laughing, because Steve was really funny. He had been making fun of him for decades, and it was worth it if a joke could make people laugh for decades.

Natasha, on the other hand, looked like she hadn't had enough fun. She looked up at the ceiling and rolled her eyes, but she still followed the order.

"Except for Doom, who else among my acquaintances in the 40K universe woke up on their own?" Su Ming waved his hand. After confirming that most superheroes were not crazy, he chose not to stare anymore, but let Briefing by his own Cybertronian assistant.

"Little Franklin, he went to work as usual after waking up; Scarlet Witch and Master Ancient One, they were immune to the influence of nightmares and did not fall asleep from the beginning; Hela also woke up early because half of her body was dead, and she died The missing half of the brain is always awake and cannot dream; there is also the female Thor Daisy, who was awakened by a hammer; Squirrel Girl and the Punisher, the former woke herself up with a smile, and the latter really killed through the nightmare "

These are just some of them. There are more superhero lieutenants who woke up on their own. They couldn’t finish talking about it. They just made a list and put it aside to scroll and let the chief watch it himself.

It has to be said that those who dare to become superheroes have some trump cards of their own, and there are many who are immune to nightmares.

For example, Moon Knight and Ghost Rider, both of them can be considered as taking advantage of some characters. There are gods or demons behind them, so they naturally wake up. The same is true for the Black Panther family. The Panther God is actually an expert in playing dreams. , usually if you want to see it, you have to eat heart-shaped grass to fall asleep.

"Not bad. Are you sure there are no crazy superheroes or super villains?" Su Ming glanced at the list, but still asked for a more accurate answer.

"I can't guarantee it, Sheriff. I can only say that those people on your monitoring list are not abnormal. At most, they are just stuck in nightmares and cannot wake up." The woman replied, blinking her eyes easily.

Anyway, people who can't be on the monitoring list means they can't be on the stage, and it doesn't matter what they become.

In the era of new online media, people can say they are superheroes by buying a plastic bag to put over their head on a food delivery app. There is no need to pay too much attention to such people.

"What's the situation with the Guardians of the Galaxy? What I'm most worried about is actually them. This group of people is one of my important sources of fun, so I can't sleep to death." Su Ming thought of Star-Lord again. That boy can be regarded as one of the most powerful people in the universe today. The publicity ambassador of the sailing project.

The navigation project has just been on track not long ago, and the 'Getting Rich Documentary' they filmed has just been released. If the protagonist of the documentary dies at this time, it will have an impact on the overall situation.

"Pfft! Indeed." The adjutant couldn't help laughing, and she projected a small screen for the chief to see.

The picture shows the bedroom of Star-Lord's spaceship. You can see Star-Lord writhing around on the bed like a maggot, and also seems to be dancing in a dream, with a somewhat painful expression.

And his teammates were all awake and were thinking of a solution around him.

Yes, his other teammates, including Mantis and Rocket Raccoon, all woke up on their own. Not to mention Gamora and Nebula, the assassins trained by Thanos also have strong willpower.

Drax, Yondu, Groot, Moon Dragon, plus the recently joined Stone Man, all of them are awake, but Star-Lord can't wake up, and I don't know what kind of nightmare he has, so domineering .

The teammates were playing a game of ghost cards, and they were talking about using poker cards to decide who would give Star-Lord artificial respiration. Just watching their noisy scene, I felt a sense of humor coming to my face.

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