The Death Knell

Chapter 5822 Calculation and Feeling

In a world made of blue squares, a boy with a watermelon rind haircut was sitting on the ground, playing with a larger blue square in his hand.

He looked a little distressed, the kind of expression a student would have when they encounter a difficult problem but can't find the correct solution.

Generally, only good students will show such expressions, and poor students will not worry about it. In other words, not many people know the existence of CAAT today, and more people are still immersed in the beautiful vision brought by the great voyage of the universe. .

There was a little girl standing behind the boy. She was a cute little girl. Unfortunately, there was no expression on her face, only her eyes showed a puzzled look.

"No, it still can't be calculated." The boy put down the cube in his hand, and the light on the blue cube dimmed. He rubbed his temples with his small hands: "If you substitute the number 7 into the formula, you can indeed calculate an extreme value." The threshold of value, but this is a set containing countless possibilities, and I can’t lock the position of CAAT.”

"The level we are at is not high enough, Franklin. You can get rid of nightmares through calculations, just because dreams are only a low-level dimension compared to the transcendent realm."

The little girl next to her spoke. She was wearing a tight white leather coat, like a porcelain doll, and her soft golden hair lay smoothly on her shoulders.

"What you said makes sense, little guy." The boy closed his eyes, not knowing whether he was resting or silently calculating something in his mind: "It's easy for me to ascend to another dimension, but it's very difficult to achieve a level jump. , my current limit is only to the omnipotent universe, and CAAT is obviously higher than that."

He believed that there was nothing wrong with the algorithm he designed, but he was now facing the problem that the 'tools' were not powerful enough. Even with the help of the cosmic cube named Little Guy and the energy from beyond the realm, he felt like he was using an abacus to calculate the diameter of a black hole. .

This is not simply a problem of insufficient computing power, but that the space you are in is not advanced enough, and the transcendence field is still not enough, and you need to go higher.

"I suggest you go to the master for help." The girl reached out and touched Franklin's head, but she was just an energy projection and had no entity. Her body was the blue cube on the ground: "In the information shared by the adjutant, it was not mentioned Does the 'idea room' exist? If you can go there."

"It's useless. You don't understand TOAA. As long as he's there, it's impossible for me to calculate anything."

The boy who opened his eyes interrupted the girl. He sighed like a grown-up, and shook his watermelon hairdo from side to side a few times:

"Because once I calculate something, it may threaten more than just CAAT. We still don't know how many powerful creatures there are in the 'mystery'. If we calculate the secret, it may attract more hunters in the dark forest." Eaters.”

Xiao Fu is very confident in his abilities, but if he really wants to face something at the 'mysterious' level, he still has something in mind.

Just one CAAT can destroy countless worlds. If there are a few more things of the same level as it, Uncle Slade will take everyone to pack up their belongings and prepare to run away.

It doesn't matter if he doesn't help others. If he messes around again and attracts more enemies, he won't be able to see anyone.

"Then you should take a rest. Now your calculations are all in vain. CAAT is probably something that cannot be represented by numbers and graphics." The little guy also squatted down. She reached out and touched her cube. The blue energy ripples were like It's like waves rising on the surface of the cube: "Maybe when you give up using mathematics to calculate it, you will have other ideas."

"Philosophy?" Xiao Fu smiled. He picked up the cube on the ground, stood up and stretched: "Or theology? I have done some research on these things."

"Who knows, maybe you can try them all." The little guy shrugged. She learned a lot of little tricks from humans to make her look more like a human being: "Maybe when all the knowledge is put together, some new discipline will be formed. .”

".I will think about it. You are right. I really should take a rest. I seemed to have gained some inspiration in my nightmare before, but I forgot about it when I woke up. Maybe relaxing my brain will help me recall it."

The boy hugged the cube, turned around and left the blue world, and returned to the seemingly ordinary community streets with one step:

"Do you want to eat ice cream? Create a flesh and blood body for yourself, and I will take you to Earth to buy ice cream."

"Okay, but it needs to be secretly. Don't let the master know, otherwise my current situation will not be a surprise." Without saying a word, the girl immediately transformed from a cube into a body of flesh and blood, bouncing a few times in her original state.

"I suspect that Uncle Slade has known about it for a long time. There are very few things that can be hidden from him in this world. Haha, maybe he is just waiting for me to take the initiative to tell him."

Xiao Fu scratched his head, but quickly put down his hand. He didn't want to use his brain now. Instead, he needed to clear his mind and enjoy the ice cream set:

"Let's go, I'll take a portal and go to New York. Although alien colonies are good, ice cream is still the most authentic on Earth."


There is a delicate little mouth on the edge of the white tea cup, but it makes a slurping sound when drinking tea, which seems not so elegant.

But this is her country, she is God, so no one else has the right to tell her how she likes to drink her afternoon tea. Maybe if some fanatics see it, they will still believe in such behavior.

"I just sent someone to check and everything is on track."

Another person sitting on the picnic cloth put down his mobile phone and showed a beautiful smile:

"Everything has changed. All the plots in the Bible have nothing to do with the old man. There is no longer that outdated idol on the cross in every church. He has been wiped from all timelines by the death knell with the power of origin. Go, of course people still worship God, but God is you.”

"Oh, I always feel like I owe him a favor, which is distressing."

Elaine put down the tea cup, supported her chin with her hand, turned over and lay on the picnic cloth, and rolled around a few times while speaking:

"It feels like you owe someone else a debt, and you don't know when and in what form the other party will ask for something to repay the debt."

"Haha, your metaphor is quite cute, my girl."

Lucifer smiled, shook his head slowly, delicately picked up a piece of strawberry cake with his orchid-fingered hand, put it into his delicate red lips, and said clearly at the same time:

"You actually don't understand Deathstroke. He advocates exchange of equal value. If we have the strength, then this exchange will only be fair. You don't need to worry about what unreasonable demands he will have, because as long as he comes to you, that Things must be within your ability.”

As Satan, Luci sees this kind of thing very clearly. Deathstroke's transaction logic is similar to that of demons.

"Like CAAT?" God, who had already crawled to the side and was lying on the grass, raised his head and spat out the grass clippings in his mouth: "My uncle, you have fought against that thing, what do you think it is?"

"A collection of concepts, an ever-changing huge thing, a lot of corpses, a super universe, a crown, etc. It seems to be anything, but I think it is actually nothing."

After mentioning that existence again, Lucifer also restrained his smile and spoke more seriously:

"I still want to continue to compete with it. Maybe I can find something. However, fighting it in the air is of little significance. I have to see the real thing with my own eyes before I can make a judgment. It's too early to say anything now."

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