The Death Knell

Chapter 5823 Obtaining bait

Batman's Super Bat Memory Reader is actually not entirely something he invented.

This instrument was first invented by Lex Luthor. It is an advanced brainwave lie detector. After it was captured by the Justice League, Batman dismantled it and figured out the principles inside. Then he went one step further and Based on it, a new, more powerful version was developed.

How to put it, it feels like someone bought a Xiali, dismantled it and built a supercar with their own hands after studying it.

It’s true that they are both cars. If there is any direct relationship between the latter and the former, it’s just ‘if there is any’. Anyway, this memory reader belongs to Batman, and Luthor has no intention of taking away the intellectual property rights.

When they saw Batman performing cranial surgery on Christopher without anesthesia, Deathstroke and A Thousand Cats drank Tofu Pulp at the scene. One person and one cat were now in Harley's dream, snorting together. Slurping along the edge of the bowl.

Most cats would stick their heads into the bowl to lick it, so the way Thousand Cats Dream held the big bowl with his two front paws and drank directly to his mouth looked very cute.

"The human brain is really like this bowl of tofu brain." At this time, Batman was opening the patient's brain dura mater and using a vacuum suction tube to remove the flowing blood. The cat looked at it and called out: "Slade , give me another bowl of meow, this time I want to eat sweet tofu."

I just ate chocolate biscuits and they were too dry, so I paired them with tofu curd.

"Haha, okay, I'll give you a bowl of something sweet." Su Ming rubbed the cat's ears and gave it a new bowl of something dotingly. Even though he was a northerner and was used to eating salty tofu, he I don’t think A Thousand Cats’ Dream is a heresy at all: “Actually, tofu brain is like a brain, but you contradicted the causal relationship.”

"Meow, there's no difference, purr." The cat picked up the bowl and took a big mouthful, purring with satisfaction: "I found that Batman's darkness seemed to have increased. He actually didn't anesthetize this man, just put His mouth is blocked, are you two competing in a distance game?"

A Thousand Cats' Dream was a little surprised. Batman had helped this person investigate the case before, and he had shown so much dedication that he would have thought he would cherish this source of information.

As a result, looking at it now, it seems that there may be some cherishment, but it is just the kind of cherishment that a butcher has for the New Year Pig, not the cherishment that a little boy has for his figurines.

Now Christopher is rolling his eyes when he is tied to a chair, but he is hung up by the ultimate machine. Even if he can't die or pass out, he is just carrying him. The way the blue veins on his forehead are popping up makes people suspicious. Was the anesthetic injection Batman gave him an expired product?

The final machine seems to be not only a universal surgical machine, but also a very new super torture instrument. I don’t know if the clown has ever enjoyed this thing.

"In fact, most medical equipment can be turned into instruments of torture immediately." Su Ming calmly watched Batman operate. He attached electrodes connected to various colored cables to Christopher's cerebral cortex that was exposed to the air: " For example, during World War II, the Germans in the concentration camps liked to use dental drills, and the Jews were afraid of them."

"So dental clinics in the United States became more expensive later? To prevent more people from discovering the weaknesses of the Jews?" The cat also learned to pick up jokes, and it told relevant jokes very cutely.

"Haha, good joke, milk." Deathstroke happily took a sip of the cat, and snapped his fingers to turn his empty bowl into a quantum state: "But those things are not directly related to the current work, it still depends on Batman's performance Well, the detective game is over, and his attitude towards the figures is not very good."

Just like a child, he is always happy when he takes out a toy from the toy box.

But after playing enough, when he was about to go to bed, he was not willing to clean it up. Instead, he just threw it on the ground and ignored it, as if the person who was holding the toy and reluctant to let go was replaced by the evil twin with the opposite personality.

Not to mention Christopher, even the Joker would be treated the same in the hands of the Bat.

Every time the game starts, it is the most fun. When the mystery has not yet been revealed, Batman always cooperates with him to play and make trouble together.

When the play was over and the answer to the mystery was revealed, the clown had no new job this time. The bat went up and punched and kicked the clown, and slapped his big ears hard. He knocked the clown down in a few blows and sent him back to Arkham to lock him up. Crying or laughing are ignored.

It's so heartless.

But I have to say that it was quite interesting to see Batman torturing Christopher. Su Ming liked to watch this. After all, he was a mercenary who liked to have fun in the pain of his enemies.

Of course Christopher is an enemy. If he hadn't had those terrible nightmares, how could he have developed insomnia?

If you don't have enough willpower, don't imitate others to kill people. Look at Deathstroke, no matter how many aliens you kill, you never have nightmares, right?

As for the effect of this memory reading machine, it is not clear yet. We can only see that Batman got himself something like VR glasses and put it on his head, and connected himself and the stolen patient through that device. .

Of course, those glasses also looked like a bat spreading its wings, so Su Ming called them bat glasses for the time being.

"This machine is quite powerful. Look, Batman has a nosebleed." Cat put down the big bowl he was holding, glanced at the live broadcast, and then made a discovery.

Less than thirty seconds after putting on the bat glasses, you can see where the nose under Batman's mask is, and there are two red streaks running down, almost flowing into his mouth.

"It should be because the blood pressure increased, so the capillaries in the nasal cavity burst. It's not a brain injury. It's fine." Su Ming reassured the cat and stroked the hair on its back: "Do you want to eat red dates to replenish blood? I have red date milk here."

"What does red dates have to do with replenishing blood?" The cat didn't understand, so it became curious again. Every time Deathstroke always said something that made it curious, which made the cat unable to stop craving for this human being.

But just when Su Ming was about to teach it some traditional Eastern medicine, Batman was done. He took off his glasses, took a few deep breaths, and then wiped the nosebleed with his backhand. It was clean, which was a bit disappointing to the onlookers.

But now that the gossip was over, Su Ming let go of the cat drinking tofu in his arms and turned to ask the Dark Knight:

"How? What did you find?"

"I found a way to induce insomnia."

Batman had no intention of hiding anything. He raised his head and gave the answer directly. At this time, Alfred had just walked out of the elevator pushing a trolley with cookies, with a puzzled look on his face. I still don’t understand why my young master is talking to the air.

But that's all secondary. The main thing is that it's supper time now. As the butler of the Wayne family, he has to responsibly supervise his master to eat well.

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