The Death Knell

Chapter 5832 MLM scene

The clown has a strong vitality, the Dionysian factor flows in his body, and chaos is also paying attention to him. He is basically impossible to kill, at least not by insomnia.

Logically speaking, meeting such a nightmare holder is a good thing for nightmares, but the Joker is still an exception, because his fear is too single, and what he fears is 'losing Batman'.

Losing means 'nothing', means 'nothing', so his nightmares cannot hatch out nightmares at all. Instead, they are like a cage that he uses to imprison himself.

There was nothing he could do about insomnia, and he couldn't even get too close, because that kind of hysterical madness was hidden in the body of this ordinary company employee, and it might explode if he was touched at the slightest moment.

As a nightmare who still needs to stay sane and fight the Sandman, being infected with madness is not necessarily a good thing.

Fortunately, it didn't plan to do anything to the clown this time. After taking a distant look at the laughing man who was shouting, laughing and playing hide and seek with his crazy colleagues, it turned around and merged into the wall of the nightmare.

The next second, it entered the reality level and came to Gotham City on Earth 0. Not far away was the Joker's body in reality. This guy was in his own hiding place, lying on the sofa in his pajamas, with his arms still Holding a pillow with a bat pattern on it.

Insomniac shook his head and walked towards the window of the room, passing through the glass like a ghost and falling lightly towards the street.

Today's Gotham City is very quiet, which is a good environment for nightmares, because nightmares are also a kind of dream, and an environment that is too noisy is not stable enough for dreamers.

It was going to find a sleepless knight operating in the city, and then observe what happened to cause a large number of knights to disappear.

The ruby ​​​​on its chest flashed a few times, and it found a target, and quickly flew there close to the ground, like a purple ghost in the dark night.

Gotham City is neither big nor small, with a population of eight million. Flying is a very efficient means of transportation. It soon saw a Sleepless Knight standing on the street.

This nightmare looks like an undead knight riding a skeleton horse, but in fact the horse and the skeleton are both transformed from it, and they are one whole.

But at this time, the nightmare was not alone on the street. There was a strange human being beside it. The girl in the pink tights was not afraid of the nightmare at all. Instead, she put her arms around the tall knight and said with a smile. Weird words:

"Friend, have you ever heard of the Knights of Mad Sleep? Food and accommodation are included, and there is also a good place where as long as you don't make any big noise, you won't be discovered by the Sandman~"

The girl's voice was full of temptation, and even she was so convinced that she was drooling with greed.

The Skeleton Nightmare on the side was obviously moved. He took the hand-drawn leaflet from the opponent's hand and said while reading:

"I think what you told me is correct, but why is your force called the Sleeping Knights? It feels so strange."

"Don't worry about those details. Quickly read this, an introduction to Nightmare Town."

After Gwen had drawn the flyer herself, she found a deserted advertising shop to copy it, so the town painted on it looked very childish, in the style of children's watercolor paintings:

"As long as you join my Sleeping Knights, you can immediately settle in a high-end community and enjoy all kinds of beautiful life that only humans can enjoy. You can also go home to visit relatives during holidays, if you have relatives."

"You have such a sense of humor. I've never seen a nightmare like yours before."

The Skeleton Knight had a good impression of the 'kin' around him. He looked at the childish leaflet seriously and seemed very moved. He just said something else:

"We don't have any so-called relatives. You know, you learned this knowing joke technique from humans, right? You look so good at acting like a human. Do I need to pretend to be a human in the future?"

"Of course, although Nightmare Town is located in a nightmare, there is no telling when the Sandman will pass by? I said just in case, so when you live there, you must play the role of a human being at all times, otherwise the Sandman will look at you. When it comes, he won’t necessarily kill you, the other nightmares you’ve implicated will tear you apart.”

Lady Gwen opened her mouth and came, and she had made up all these lies just so that the rebellious knights could fulfill their duties as actors.

"I understand, I may not be able to become as good as you." As he spoke, the Skeleton Knight began to transform into purple wax oil. It soon turned into the appearance of a beautiful girl, lifting up its golden long hair. He said, "But it's not worse than other nightmares. Haha, what do you think of this image? If it doesn't suit me, I can change it to another one."

"It's good, it's good. There are a lot of people in the community now, but no one likes to play female human beings. You are just the right girl." Gwen smiled and stretched out her arms to flirt with the new beauty. Putting his arm around his shoulders: "It seems you have made a decision, then I will take you there."

After saying that, without waiting for the other party to nod, the two of them instantly turned into a bright light, like the light coming from the gap between the pages of a book, and then disappeared.

All this was seen by Insomniac who was hiding in the dark corner of the street.

"Nightmare Town." It lowered its head and thought for a moment. It had never heard of that place, and what on earth did the other party say to its sleepless knight? Why did his subordinates rebel so easily and follow the other party? They even gave up their own manifestation of terror and became fragile and powerless human beings?

A lot of questions fell on its head, making it completely confused.

So after thinking about it as hard as possible, it decided to find another sleepless knight. This time, it tried to hear the entire conversation before making a decision.

Yes, it always remembers that it must be cautious, otherwise it will be troublesome if it is blocked by Deathstroke or Sandman.

Lowering his head and turning to the Nightmare Stone again, Ruby once again used his own power to point out a way for it. Insomnia also flew towards the new destination and arrived quickly.

But this time, what it saw was not the girl in pink tights from before, but a man wearing the same pink tights.

After a bit of identification, Insomniac recognized that this was a Sleepless Knight who had cut off contact with him. He didn't know how the other party was able to block the detection of the Nightmare Stone, and he was now dressed like this.

But those are not important, you still need to listen to what he is saying to the other sleepless knight.

It seems that the words are all the same. Even the smile of this pink man is similar to that of the previous human girl. He opened his mouth and said: "Friend, have you heard of the Knights of Mad Sleep?"

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