The Death Knell

Chapter 5833 Entering the stage

With similar words and a similar process, the Pink Knight quickly persuaded the other Sleepless Knight to change his ways, and then with a wave of the strange little wooden stick, both nightmares disappeared from reality.

The insomnia in the corner came out with a very ugly expression on its face. It tried its best to suppress its anger, but it obviously failed because its hand holding the wall had already scratched the bricks. .

Of course, it is also very clear about the nature of nightmares. In the nightmare dimension, the natural law of the jungle is followed, and everyone can be said to be selfish.

I thought I had the Nightmare Stone in my hands and could use fear to command them, but they betrayed me too fast, unexpectedly fast.

It feels like a human being can't wait to escape from a sinking ship and jump into a lifeboat.

But he didn't face any serious crisis? Neither Deathstroke nor Sandman discovered him. Although Christopher, the loser, was captured by Batman, he now has no direct contact with that person, so it is not a problem at all.

So why did the Sleepless Knight betray himself and join the Sleepless Knights?

After thinking for a while, he got an answer, that is, the value of the chips given by the other party was too high, far higher than the fear he had imposed, allowing the knights to take the benefits at great risk.

So the key is still in that nightmare town that is constantly mentioned? Sounds like a place name?

The specific situation is not known yet, but since so many nightmares want to go there, it means it should be a good place in nightmares. After all, the name sounds very scary, and it fits the style of nightmares.

Besides, Insomnia also wants to see who created the Knights of Mad Sleep. Doesn’t this name blatantly contradict itself?

I want people not to dream, but to stay in nightmares and never wake up. You just want people to sleep crazy, right? This must be another enemy emerging from the nightmare.

Speaking of nightmares fighting among themselves, this is a common occurrence. Who among the nightmares who can survive to this day has not had some experience of killing the same kind?

So when he realized that there was another nightmare confronting him, Insomniac's idea was very traditional, that is, to kill that guy, and to do it in public, so that the knights who had been attracted by the opponent would know Whoever is the boss can also get the other party's territory.

It can be said that it kills two birds with one stone.

With a plan in mind, Insomnia took action. It soon discovered another Sleeping Knight in Gotham City who was recruiting people to join him. Looking at the other person's appearance, dressed like a human insurance salesman, it was very Disdainful.

Nightmares rely on collecting the energy emitted by the negative emotions of creatures, mainly fear, so the terrifying appearance is the sharpest weapon in their hands. At least many nightmares are not very good at thinking and are not good at conspiracy, so they can only rely on their appearance to scare people. .

Now a salesman? How is this scary? I really don't understand.

But now it was okay to secretly complain. It continued to hide in the dark alley and listened carefully to the other party's promotional lines to make sure that this was not the Sandman's style.

It's definitely not the Sandman. If the Sandman wants to deal with him, he will most likely rely on the four nightmares and will not make such twists and turns.

As for whether it's Deathstroke's conspiracy? No, what kind of dreams do humans know? It is true that that person is very powerful and can drag people who are trapped in nightmares back to reality, but he has not been seen entering nightmares.

After some calculations, he saw that the two nightmares were about to leave the reality this time. He immediately activated his nightmare stone and followed the two into dreaming.

The first scene of the first episode of the first season of the American family ethics sitcom "The Last Night".

Narrator (gentle and thick female voice):

"Near the east coast of the United States, in an ordinary and peaceful town, there lives a man named Insomnia. He is a man who is facing a mid-life crisis, but is always optimistic."

(Insomniac is driving his Ford car into the shot. He wants to show a tired but still hopeful smile. The shot is long for thirty seconds, showing the community environment and the neighbors passing by the car window.)

"His wife is a beautiful lady with fiery red hair. She is bright and gentle in appearance, but sometimes she shows a little temper. They have three daughters in the family, each with different personalities and dreams, which makes up This family seems ordinary but is always full of 'life surprises'."

"Our story will unfold in this small town. Let everyone see the hilarious life of this family and neighbors."

(The camera switches to a close-up of the house and family members. Everyone should have a smile on their face. When the actor gets out of the car, a long shot is taken, the drone is raised, the title of the play appears, the opening music is played, and the actors begin to perform.)

"Ah, dear, why did you come back so early today?"

When Insomniac opened the door with the key, the red-haired wife walked out of the kitchen, wiping her hands on her apron.

Wait, if she's wiping her hands,

"Damn! I was discovered by you!"

At the clothes rack next to the door, a fat bald man got out from under the hanging clothes, took back the hand on Insomniac's butt, showed his fist to the camera in demonstration, and shouted:

"It's me, your family's good neighbor Tom, so I have the right to sexually harass my male neighbor. This is a right that the Constitution has not given me yet! But don't doubt that he will sign this bill sooner or later."

"Fuck Squid! Tom!" Insomniac pushed his gay neighbor's back speechlessly and drove him out of his house: "You know this is an illegal invasion, right? The Fortress Act is also written in the Constitution and is the current law. , you don’t want me to shoot you with a gun, do you?”

When the fat man who was being pushed away heard this, he immediately became overjoyed:

"Really? When? Where?"

"Get out of here!" Insomnia pushed the neighbor out of the door, immediately closed his own door, turned around and leaned against the door, panting, and said with a very painful expression: "You are a good person, Tom, but I am a straight man, we impossible!"

"Oh, okay. Are you going fishing this weekend?" The neighbor's voice came from outside the door. It was obvious that the bald fat man was in a good mood.

"Go ahead, I finally found that fishing spot last time. I haven't had enough fun yet." The pained expression on Insomniac's face disappeared instantly and turned into a look of anticipation.

"Then I will come to see you tomorrow Saturday morning?" the neighbor outside the door asked.

"Okay, see you Tom tomorrow." The man of the house agreed happily: "Remember to bring your Greek-style naked man bait. It's the mating period of bass recently, and I think they are good for this one. .”

"See you tomorrow, Insomnia, I'm actually a fan of bass, suck it up~!"

With laughter as the background sound that heightens the atmosphere, it is always right to start a sitcom with a silly joke.

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