The Death Knell

Chapter 5871 Strange Space

How can I put it, the death knell is actually in a pretty happy mood. After all, it is being lifted up and thrown high by countless little squirrels. They also make cute calls and load people into human cannons like labor chants. It is really funny.

But the environment we are in now is like a basin of cold water, quickly draining the joy out of people's hearts, leaving only a cold space for thinking.

Just like the description of Strangulation, this is a slightly old corridor, the wall skirts are still painted with old-fashioned green paint, and the white wall in the upper half does not look so white, but has a feeling of light and darkness.

I tried out the concepts I had mastered, and the feedback I got was that this corridor has no end, and it continues into the darkness in the distance, even to the limit of Deathstroke's own perception.

In other words, about the diameter of a multiverse, there is only one way.

Thinking about it this way, it feels like good news.

But there is also bad news, that is, there are countless rooms on both sides of this corridor, and each room has its door closed. It is unknown what is behind the door.

In other words, this door is just some kind of representation. There may be nothingness behind it, or maybe after opening the door, you will face CAAT? If you're lucky enough.


The symbiote made some noises to remind the host to take out things first.

"Yeah, you're right." Su Ming took out the small pyramid object from his pocket, then flicked it with his fingers, injecting a little energy into it.

It trembled, but the corridor didn't respond.

"Tsk, it doesn't seem like it's here. There are no similar substances that can cause resonance."

Su Ming lowered his head and lit a cigarette. He put down the objects in his hands and put them away again. He raised his hand and touched his one-eyed eyepatch:

"But my intuition tells me that this should be the right place. I must have entered the mystery. It's just that the expression of this concept appears in the form of a 'corridor' that I can recognize."

Through the smoke he exhaled, looking at the dim corridor seemed to become a little clearer.


The black bean sprout called out again. He thought it was better to walk first before he could see the clues, right? This is probably another puzzle game.

"Okay, let me take a look. Well, there is a wall behind me." Su Ming was not in a hurry to move forward. He checked behind himself first, and then reached out to touch the old wall: "Ordinary walls are very strong. , the composition is unknown, it is a new substance.”


Congratulations to the host for discovering a new substance! Maybe win the Nobel Prize in Chemistry?

"Haha, stop talking nonsense. Don't worry about my mental state. It's not time for you to tell jokes yet." Su Ming pushed the symbiote's bean sprout head back onto his shoulder and continued to investigate the wall.

Well, no matter how you look at it, it looks ordinary, just like the old walls I saw in my previous life, except that there is no paint peeling off. Even if I try hard to pick off the paint, I can't get it off, which is a bit abnormal.

"There is matter on this level, and matter is very solid." This is the second discovery, let Zhu Zhu help me remember it.


What it means is that there may be a gap in levels, just like human daily necessities, even a glass, is very strong for ants.

The corridor walls of this high-level existence now, let alone whether there are any high-level existences walking in it, at least the existence of this wall is high enough for three-dimensional creatures.

"It seems that 'skipping class' is not feasible. I originally thought that if the wall could be destroyed, I could see what was behind the wall."

Turning around with a cigarette in his mouth, Su Ming looked at the direction that seemed to be 'planned'.

He used to like to take unconventional routes the most. Whether it was moving through sewers or professionally tearing down walls and drilling holes, he was very keen on taking shortcuts.

But today it seems that I can only use stupid methods and go step by step.

First take ten steps forward, then turn around and observe.

"Well, the wall didn't catch up, and there was no noise nearby. It's most likely a dead thing." Su Ming nodded, and then visually checked his stride: "I walked seven meters in ten steps, which is the same as my pace in the material world." The amplitude has not changed, which means that there is a concept of space here, and the gravity has not changed much."

"Ugh." The symbiote complimented, but what it said was actually a funny number like '777777'

"Continue, Strangler, do you think we should open the door ahead?" As we continue to advance, the darkness is gradually fading into the distance, or more things are emerging in the scope of cognition.

No, Deathstroke saw a door appearing on the side of the corridor.

It is really an old-fashioned door, with a bow-shaped iron door handle, and the door is painted with a very old-fashioned light green paint. This color is common in homes in old-fashioned residential buildings.

"Huh." The symbiote without its head also had no objection. It would go wherever the host wanted to go.

There are red emergency light boxes at regular intervals on the wall, but they seem to have insufficient voltage. They flash from time to time, making the corridor darker.

A gloomy feeling enveloped Su Ming's whole person. He always felt that he did not belong here, as if some invisible force was repelling him.

But there is nothing, even the paint on the wall has no gaps

By the way, maybe all this is caused by the silence. It is too quiet here. In an absolutely silent space, people will feel unable to adapt.

The selected door opened with a slight push. The layout of this room can be said to be very simple. There is a golden machine in the room. There are many metal pipes connected to the machine, which lead to the walls and ceiling in all directions. They are densely packed.

The moment he opened the door, Su Ming almost thought he was seeing prey wrapped in a spider web.

But no, this is a machine. The color and feel of the material are a bit like copper, but it is also a strange elemental substance.

Su Ming lowered his head and drilled through the dense pipes. These quarter-thick water pipes were actually quite common in human society, but the Chinese Empire didn't like such a waste of copper.

He quickly stood in front of the machine. There were no buttons or indicators on the machine. All that could be operated was a carved panel with four grooves. It seemed that four red pieces could be placed in the grooves. Something the size of a brick.

"You're not really going to find four bricks to put them in, are you? The wall here can't be broken." Su Ming reached out and touched the groove, then pressed it again to confirm that there was no stress mechanism structure: "Weird The place, the strange machine, if it’s the first puzzle, then where is the puzzle?”

This is just talking to himself, because he knows that the mystery is most likely to be in this room.

But what can be gained by solving this riddle? If I get nothing, is it more cost-effective to leave this room and move on?

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