The Death Knell

Chapter 5872 Divine World

I'm afraid it's the wrong answer to keep moving forward, because this corridor extends infinitely forward, and even if you really reach the end, you may encounter a dead end, just like the wall behind you before.

Therefore, if you want to investigate this special space, or go beyond it, the clues will most likely be in the rooms on both sides of the corridor. In other words, you still have to play the puzzle game.

"According to TOAA, we should be in the Divine World now, right?" Looking at the brass panel in front of him, Su Ming touched his chin and communicated with Strangler.

When I went to the 'Idea House' to find the golden man, he gave me some information. Although it was said that human beings' cognitive scope was limited, they only gave the names of the first two levels of the 'mystery'.

The world of creation and the world of Action come.

As the name suggests, the world of creation should be related to the authority of various creations, while the latter world of divine behavior is most likely related to various behaviors.

This is the reason why after Su Ming obtained the information about the United Power Ghost and obtained the power of mystery, he was sure that he could ascend to the mystery through the Marvel Universe through the act of "being funny".

Because being funny is a very high-priority behavior in the special environment of Marvel, and sometimes it can even go against common sense.

Common sense, or human common sense, when people see something incredible or indescribable, they will find it unreasonable, but in fact, it is likely to be a power that transcends the level of human beings.

As it is said in some worlds, magic may be an energy change phenomenon that human technology cannot temporarily explain.

In addition, Su Ming has long known that funny characters are almost omnipotent in Marvel, so he came up with the previous squirrel ladder plan. By doing funny behaviors, he can enter the world of supernatural beings that may mean "magical behaviors".

The mysterious power obtained from the small pyramid crystal is actually just a compass used to determine the location of the Divine World.

But having said that, can the realm of divine travel also be understood as the ‘whole life realm’? After all, the whole work is also a kind of behavior, and some work can even be said to be performance art.

In his previous life, when Su Ming was browsing short videos on his mobile phone, he often saw similar performance art, many of which could be included in classics.

For example, on a bus full of passers-by, an anchor loudly said that he wanted to announce something - 'I am a SB! ’, simple and direct, but really hard work.

And the more classic one - 'Not at the same time, but at the same time, Ollie, just do it! ’

Sometimes I really want a pair of eyes that have never seen those classic scenes. Oh, now that I am one-eyed, that’s okay.

The essence of art is the abstract entity of philosophy and science. Abstraction often means that it is difficult for many people to understand, and these whole behaviors are indeed incomprehensible to many people, so they are performance art.

Alas, times have changed so fast. Su Ming still remembers the days when the Internet was just popularized in his previous life. At that time, the so-called performance art was often the behavior of beautiful women going out on the street without clothes.

"Hey." Strangulation interrupted the host's memory. It also had the same idea as the host, and concluded that it had now entered the world of divine movement.

Although originally expected, the so-called 'world' should be a larger, more mysterious, and more dangerous place, instead of just a long corridor that can be seen now.

There isn't even a decent scenery, let alone enemies that can be eaten, and it's too quiet. You can even hear the sound of the host rubbing the air clearly when walking around. It can be said that it is so quiet that it is breathtaking.

Although as a symbiote, Strangler is immune to the weakness of sonic attacks after evolution, it does not like a completely silent world.

"I can't say that. Maybe my cognitive ability as a human being is too low, so the 'manifestation' of the divine world is just a corridor in front of me." Su Ming casually patted the brass machine panel: " For example, this thing only looks like a machine, but it is not actually a machine.”


The symbiote understands what the host means. After all, both parties share thoughts. Its question is just to compliment the host. The question here is:

‘It’s like eating a cake in a dream, but in reality it means a pillow towel? ’

"Well, it's almost similar. The world of divine movement and dreams are undoubtedly a collection of abstract concepts. One is a behavior and the other is a story. They are somewhat similar."

Su Ming casually flicked the cigarette ashes to the side. He was quite satisfied with the example of strangulation. He blew out another puff of smoke and continued:

"So the machine we see now, if viewed from other levels, is definitely not a machine, but it doesn't matter. Now that we are also in the world of gods, let's operate according to the understanding of 'it is a machine'. "


As always, Strangler has no objections, as long as the host makes the decision.

"Duoduo. Kacha."

So Deathstroke took action.

In the room where the strange machines were stored, he took out several props from his pocket. Even in an environment with only dim light, these oval-shaped props still reflected a natural luster, as if wrapped in the yellowish morning light. dew.

He gently knocked open the shells of these items on the corner of the machine, and a viscous and gold-colored fluid fell into the groove on the panel. Then Deathstroke took out two small sticks from his pocket and began to stir quickly. Slime in the grooves.

This movement was fast and elegant, fully demonstrating his strength as the Supreme Mage. At the same time, he also poured various auxiliary raw materials, such as mysterious white powder, into the grooves of the panel in large quantities.

The original golden liquid became smoother and more viscous, as if it had been blessed by magic, and a mysterious smell seemed to be filling the air.

"Quantum friction generates heat."

After seeing that the viscous mysterious substance had reached its ideal state, Su Ming activated his own concept and used it on the panel of the machine, causing it to generate blazing high temperatures.

"Stab it~~~"

With the addition of oil, the golden object in the groove began to expand. This moment seemed to contain the cycle of the four seasons, and the crispy sound seemed to tell the story of each season.

At this moment, Deathstroke skillfully rolled up the gradually drying and hardening items, letting them slide with the grease in the grooves until the surface was slightly browned. Then he raised his other hand high and let someone A bright crystal fell down from his elbow.

"Inject soul."

He said so.

At this moment, he is not only a warrior, but also a craftsman who creates miracles. He is a hero in the hearts of children and a legend in people's hearts.

And his egg roll was a success.

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