The Death Knell

Chapter 5873 Changes in size everywhere


Because no one else is around, Strangler can only take charge of the job of complaining. Its meaning is very simple, that is - don't spread egg rolls on a machine that is mysterious and unfamiliar, and may be arranged by the enemy!

This job is actually a bit too abstract, even for the world of gods, probably.

"The main reason is that the four grooves on the panel of this machine are so accurate." Su Ming used chopsticks to pick up the prepared egg rolls, put them on the plate that was created later, and put a piece of coriander on top: "These grooves The groove is about one palm wide, two palms long, and the depth is just right. This is a perfect mold for spreading eggs."

Some people are born with the holy body of fried rice, while some people are born with grooves that can be used to spread egg rolls, and they just follow the trend.


The symbiote became serious and said that the host's work was settled, but there were no changes in this room, and there was no movement in the corridor outside the house.

Isn’t living a whole life enough? Or does it require some other ‘action’?

"Maybe you only use one groove to spread the eggs and don't use the three positions next to it?" Su Ming took out more egg flour and cooking oil and began to prepare to repeat his work: "Although I don't I’m good at cooking, but my hands are very fast, so let’s show the world how hard I am at spreading four egg pancakes at the same time, right?!”

"Stab it~~~"

The machine is still hot, and just in time, the oil emits fragrance when it is poured down. The discovery of edible oil is really a monument in the history of human catering.


The egg rolls have been made, but the machine has not changed much. Apart from the fact that it can use quantum concepts to heat the panel, there is no other discovery.

Therefore, in line with the principle of not wasting food, it is better to eat the egg rolls, but after eating the strangulation, I said it was too salty. The step of injecting the soul can be omitted, but it tastes good with coriander.

From a certain point of view, the food prepared by the host is more delicious than Gin's barbecue, at least a little fresh.

"Injecting soul is the key step in the whole job, because it's funny." Su Ming shook his head. He reached out to cool down the machine panel, and then took out a rag and dish soap to clean the oil stains in the groove: "But we also It’s not that there is no gain, at least it is certain that quantum can be used here, and at the same time, the method of spreading egg rolls will not work.”


The speechless bean sprouts of the symbiote sprouted from the shoulders. Let alone the world of gods, even in other places, it is impossible to solve the puzzle with egg rolls, right?

"It seems that comedy won't work at this level. Let's try other more serious methods." Su Ming put away the kitchen sanitary props and used water to wash his hands: "Don't think too deeply, try The idea of ​​physical pairing, the dimensions of these grooves"

"Hey." The moment the host thought of it, the symbiote also knew it. It grew a tentacle from the man's back and stretched out the door.

In the corridor before, the only light source was the flashing red emergency exit lights, which seemed to be about the same size as the grooves on the machine panel.

Try to see if you can remove one and push it into the groove.

This process is a bit laborious, but fortunately, this small light box is not as indestructible as the wall, but can be broken off.

When the thing reached Su Ming's hand, the black tentacle retracted into his body again, and he observed the details of the light box.

There are no details. This thing is just like the common indicator lights in many public places. It is a very simple small light box with a running figure on it, passing through a door frame, and the word EXIT is written next to it.

If we had to tell the difference, the lights Su Ming had seen before were all green, but this one was red, which looked a bit weird.

But he didn't need to worry about it for the time being. He turned around and put the light box on the machine panel.

"No, it's too big." The light box of the emergency exit indicator light is a little bigger than the groove on the machine panel, just as wide as a little finger, but it just can't get in: "This kind of thing is like a building block. If there is a gap, it won’t fit in.”

"Huh." The symbiote said. Apart from these light boxes, there was nothing else in the corridor. It was empty. It felt that this might be the key to the puzzle.

As for why it won't fit into the groove of the panel, there may be other reasons, and you should try to see if you can change it.

For example, make it soft and stuff it into the grooves like plasticine? For example, with some brute force, the host jumps up and stomps it into the groove with its feet?

"It can't be such a simple behavior. This is the realm of the gods." Deathstroke immediately denied several ideas that came to his mind. It picked up the light box and played with it in his hands, thinking about countermeasures: "Only magical behaviors are in the world. It’s useful here, at least it’s not so intuitive, you have to think about it from an abstract perspective.”

In fact, while he was talking, he thought of an idea, so he took action directly without waiting for the strangulation to continue.

First, he held the light box with one hand and stretched his arm to adjust the distance and angle between it and himself. Then Su Ming closed his eyes, allowing Strangler to temporarily close all perception of the outside world.

The next second, he opened his eyes, but the light box in his hand unknowingly shrank by one size.


The symbiote, as usual, knowingly asked the host how it was done.

"Spatial geometry is an abstract thing. The specific principle is actually very simple when you think of it. It is the so-called 'large near, small far'."

After pinching the cigarette butt and putting it away, Su Ming smiled, weighed the light box, and pressed it on the machine panel. After it became smaller, it fit perfectly into one of the grooves, and it fit perfectly:

"This is the realm of the gods. I don't understand the concepts represented by these light boxes. After all, this is just their 'manifestation' that can be recognized by humans after being 'observed' by me. Then as long as I cut off all perceptions, I will no longer understand it. Once you 'observe' it, it will take on a different image."

The next step is very simple. Use the near and far space rules to adjust the distance between your hands and your eyes to make the light box the appropriate size.

Through the subjective cognition of the puzzle solver, changing the objects that exist on this level is a "divine act" that cannot be done by humans in the conventional sense and belongs to the realm of gods. It is somewhat similar to magic theory.

"Huh." Strangler agreed with this guess. It is obvious that the light box can be enlarged or reduced, and it is probably the key puzzle-solving prop. The probability is very high.

While making this cry, it also used its tentacles to break off three other light boxes from the outside corridor and come back, holding them for the host to adjust the size one by one.

This is a relatively mechanical and repetitive work, there is nothing to say, it is just a matter of closing your eyes and opening them again.

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