The Death Knell

Chapter 5903 Shit Creature

"Don't do it, Deadpool, I am not your enemy, but a friend." The flying object like a piece of shit suddenly turned in the air, avoiding the blade that Deadpool had cut down, and fell from its body. He picked up some crumbs: "We are friends, do you understand?"

"I know, but your honor, if you form a team with me, I'm afraid it will lower the team's average appearance level." Deadpool took back his katana unhappily and looked at the appearance of 'Flying'. When he got involved, he turned his head and spit to the side: "What the hell are you doing?"

A piece of feces in flight looks half-wet and half-dry, quite fresh. Based on Deadpool’s experience, he can tell that this is not cow dung or pig dung, but human feces. He is probably a guy whose anus has been dilated. Pulled.

It's too thick. He has never seen this type of shit before. It's thicker than his thigh, and it can actually grow wings and fly?

"I'm not a toy, I'm a human being. Wait, do you think this flying little thing is me?" A standard British London accent came from the flight, with a somewhat helpless tone: "It's just a tool for transmitting messages. I'm currently using it to communicate with you beyond light years."

"So that's it, so it's a living walkie-talkie in the shape of a piece of shit?" Wade understood. This is easy to understand. Just think of this piece of shit as a drone with a loudspeaker.

"Only people whose minds are full of shit will think everything they see here is shit." The stranger on the other side of the communicator said this, but did not explain further: "It's called Tiding-flies. It is an artificially bred genetically modified quantum communication fly, and the inventor is the Franklin you are familiar with."

Deadpool's features wrinkled under the mask. He circled around the suspended and buzzing shit and commented:

"It's worse than shit. To me, flies are more annoying. But I believe you. I know that Xiao Fu grew up in an environment like a cancerous universe. He has long gone crazy to create such a unique communication tool." Come on, don't be too reasonable."

Yes, the style of this creature is too similar to the style of the ancient ones. The deformed and twisted flesh, the disgusting appearance, and the disturbing noise, this is a family.

"It's a tide fly, not a fly. It's more like a bee in nature. I don't know why it looks like shit to you, but that's not the point. Follow it quickly and take you from the 'Observer's berth' first." ' (Observer's Berth) and leave."

The other party urged again, but without much sense of urgency. It was obvious that this place was just a little remote, but not very dangerous.

"Wait, do you think I'm stupid? If you tell me to follow this piece of shit, I will obey you obediently? I don't want to lose face, right? If you don't know how to say 'please', Then at least say "Prince, please come with me"? You are 10 or even 9 percent rude. You want me to chase a flying piece of shit. Let me tell you, that is impossible unless you tell me first. Where is this?"

Although the other party, who did not know his true identity, told a story about Xiao Fu, Deadpool did not completely believe the stranger. As a mercenary, he still had to have basic vigilance.

The people who come out to fool around should be wary of children and women the most. Secondly, they are this kind of mysterious guy who hides his head and hides his head.

If you easily believe someone you have never met, you may be treated like a monkey, or you may die without a complete body. Many heroes in the mercenary world have died because of some inconspicuous details.

Deadpool will never make the mistakes that others have made again unless he is in a state of amnesia.

"We can talk about your problem while we're walking. You don't have to be so wary of me. I'll add more money."

The other party spoke the curse against Deadpool very smoothly.

"Then what are you waiting for? Lead the way." Looking at Wade, he has already pinched the cigar and closed the lighter. All illuminated by the shit-yellow light emitted by the tide flies, he lifted his pants and put his back He picked up his air bag and urged the other party to leave: "Hurry up, my cousin is still waiting for my help."

"Uh, let's go, follow the tide fly." The person on the other side of the communication also stuttered, but at least the shit's flight was still very stable, and he started to lead the way.

Needless to say, although it looks like a piece of shit, it is still glowing shit, but apart from the annoying noise when it flies up, it is a bit pleasing to the eye after looking at it for a long time.

The main reason is that if the owner of Tidefly is willing to pay, he must be a good person, right?

In fact, Deadpool knew very well that he was not familiar with the place here. No matter what, there was a road in front of him. As for whether it was a trap, he had to jump first to know.

What else could happen? Reject the other party? Then you take a lighter and wander around in a cave-like space? How much time will it take? My cousin may not be able to wait.

It's nothing to take a little risk. You won't die anyway, and you still have money to take. Isn't this a good thing?

As for whether the other party's money could be used by him, whether it was credits or US dollars, he didn't ask. After all, it was just a ladder going downhill.

Besides, with this piece of lighting, Deadpool now has time to observe the surrounding environment while rushing on the road. This is indeed a long tunnel, and the inner wall is covered with black crystal stones, clusters in clusters, like blooming flowers.

And when the light source shines on them, these things will also reflect a green light, which looks eerie and strangely atmospheric.

The other party used Tidefly to lead the way, but he didn't break his promise. As he was marching, he introduced Deadpool's current location.

"This is the observer's berth. It used to be a breeding base for breeding tide flies, but later it was abandoned due to lack of resources. Today, only two tide flies are still active."

I have to say, standard English is quite contrasting coming from a piece of flying shit.

"So this is a giant fly nest? Got it. I jumped into the geoduck tentacles of CAAT and then came to a place with 'berth' in the name. Can you explain this to me? From the live broadcast room Old guys want to hear it too.”

This question was not what Deadpool wanted to ask, but was asked by someone in the live broadcast room. He was just a messenger.

"Things are more complicated than you think. Maybe we should meet and talk again, because there are still things I want to show you." The other party was silent for a moment, and then changed the subject: "For you, CAAT Appearing is in the ongoing tense, and for us, it was in the past perfect tense, and we lost.”

"Impossible, absolutely impossible. A monster that can defeat Slade simply cannot exist. He will not lose, and humans will not lose." Deadpool kept shaking his head. He would not be affected by a strange creature. What about your own judgment, not to mention that the other party is probably a piece of shit.

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