The Death Knell

Chapter 5904 The accident comes first

"I know this is hard to believe, and I don't know that much about what happened in the past."

The tide fly flew ahead and led the way, turning nimbly around in the narrow corridor. The mysterious voice still came from it steadily:

"Actually, I'm not sure that the history I know is the truth, because I was only told that that was how things happened in the past. But now that I see you, things may take a different turn."

It can be heard that the other party's mood is quite complicated, but overall, he is relatively optimistic.

"Tch, since you yourself are not sure whether the information is true, then tell me such nonsense, it will scare my little heart out of my ass, you have to compensate me for mental damage, five hundred credits It’s ready.”

Deadpool felt relieved, and he knew that Slade couldn't lose. It was this piece of shit that was trying to scare people. What a bad piece of shit.

He has already acquiesced that behind this "flying", the person who is talking to him in the air is also a piece of shit. No matter whether the other person's essence is shit or not, in his eyes, he is still shit.

If you see a piece of shit, you want to prove that you are not shit, but you have to pay the price.

"I don't know what credits are, because our currency system uses petals." The mysterious existence replied, his voice came steadily and was clear in the hum: "You still have Do you have anything you want to ask? I can tell you some common sense that I know, but for more, I'm afraid you need someone else to answer it for you."

Even though he was being blackmailed, the other party was not angry, but was still quite friendly, at least that's how it seemed for now.

"Okay, well, I never thought that I would be chatting with a piece of shit. If this were on Earth, I would definitely be sent to Arkham for treatment, right?"

Deadpool followed Fei Xiang in a nonchalant manner. He casually smeared the bloody snot he dug out of his nostrils on the crystal clusters on the wall as a hidden road sign:

"Let's put it this way, do you think I'm in CAAT's body first?"

"There is nothing wrong with this. We are all inside CAAT now, in a special state. After it replaced the mystery, everything changed." The mysterious man immediately gave the answer, but after he finished speaking, in order to pursue intelligence He added: "At least according to what I know, it may not be the truth. It depends on your judgment."

After hearing another nonsense, Deadpool pulled down half of his mask and blew out a breath from his nostrils.

He was a little speechless. This guy was too friendly, as if he was afraid of saying the wrong thing. Why was that?

"Then the world we are in now, universe, plane, space or dimension, it doesn't matter what it is. Does this place have a name? It can also have a code name that I am more familiar with?"

He wanted an exact place name, because as long as he knew this, he could ask the veterans in the live broadcast room for help.

Comparing the information from outside the fourth wall with the information given by this mysterious person, he must believe the veterans in the live broadcast room. Everyone is tired of cutting wood!

So there is no need to compare, just know the name of a place and let the veterans look up the information.

However, the answer from the shit note was beyond Deadpool's expectations. The other party told him with certainty: "Of course, this place has a name. The vast space we are in is called the Ninth Cosmos. )."

Deadpool also shuts up when it's time to shut up, like right now.

Along the way, he followed the flying shit and moved quickly, as if he had been silenced by the sudden information.

Although he has no interest in the history of the sky, after all, when the sky fell in the past, his tall cousin would hold it up, but he still has common sense.

Originally, everyone lived in the sixth firmament, that is, the sixth-generation omnipotent universe. After the big event of the 'Multiple Bumper Cars', my cousin took some action in this matter and brought 40K with him through a relatively mild method. Entered the seventh firmament.

It sounds ordinary, but just know that this is equivalent to spanning countless time. The 40K universe skipped the entire development process within the Almighty Universe, like a graft or transplant, appearing in another place that should not exist.

But even so, the next cosmic annihilation event has not yet occurred, which means that the Eighth Firmament has no signs of it on its original timeline. Where did this Ninth Firmament come from?

I can't figure it out. Although I have a teleportation belt, I can go to any node in any space and time at will. I also have my own understanding of the concept of time, but this is not the timeline of a single universe, but the time of the entire omnipotent universe. The lines are all wrong.

The Ninth Firmament has emerged. If the mysterious man behind the shit strip is telling the truth, what happened during this period?

Deadpool couldn't figure it out. He felt that his mind was in chaos, especially when he couldn't help but think that his cousin might really be dead. He felt terribly uncomfortable, and all he could think about was the idea of ​​fighting CAAT.

However, the slight coolness brought by the moistness of the anus awakened him, and he quickly calmed down, because he was undoubtedly a variable on the timeline. As long as he did not die, there was still hope for everything.

I understand, this is my cousin’s plan, and my actions must be part of his calculations, right?

Then that's it. It's nothing more than changing the timeline. Although it's the timeline of the Almighty Universe, there will definitely be a way. Just like the truth that when shit comes, it must find its way, just let nature take its course.

So after he relaxed, he began to pick his nose easily again, and at the same time raised his hand to ask for assistance from the sidelines:

"Old fellows, help me check the information on the Ninth Firmament. I probably have some ideas now."

"Huh? Who are you talking to?" A confused voice came from the shit bar, but it was still flying without slowing down: "Are you under too much psychological pressure? Are you hearing hallucinations? In fact, this is normal , after CAAT replaces the Mystery, unmodified humans are not immune to its whispers."

"No, I'm talking to the veterans in the live broadcast room, shit." Deadpool turned your head to the side and straightened it, and said to Tidefly: "By the way, if this is the ninth sky, it means that I Are they considered ancient people? Haven’t you heard of my legend? Haven’t you heard of my super power? My super power is - super handsome."

"I'm sorry, I don't know much about your situation. You are not mentioned in the historical records at all. But Galactus and Franklin are called Splitters, which means people who can transcend the changes in the sky. You may be one of them."

Xiang replied while flying, and his tone sounded a little guilty.

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