The Death Knell

Chapter 5906 A pool of spring water

Generally speaking, Marvel's numbered universe follows some rules, that is, only those with both numbers and letters are often not officially compiled and can be joked and nonsense.

The numerically numbered universe often represents official recognition, or the place where the ‘official history’ takes place.

The latter is like Earth-616, Earth-199999, Earth-1610, etc. They are all worlds where stories often happen, and these stories will have a serious impact on the entire almighty universe.

For example, Gwen's hometown of Earth - TRN 565, and the Earth where he lives - 40K, belong to the kind of supernumerary universe that is easy to organize, very changeable, and may eat up the settings at any time.

Shit Block just said that their home planet used to be called Earth-TRN781?

Then Deadpool becomes more and more certain that the current timeline can be changed. After all, pushing a bowling ball is definitely easier than pushing a mountain.

The mountains and balls mentioned here correspond to the pressure given by editors. It is easier to change an inconspicuous universe than to use a knife on their eyeballs.

"Please come in." He was imagining this information in his mind, and while discussing with the Four Saints of the Amusement Park, Tidefly opened the main door of the building without seeing what he had done, and called him in: "Observer, actually That was the name of this spaceship in the past, but it later collided with the meteorite you stepped on earlier, and they merged together, so it was renamed the Observer Berth."

The cave where Deadpool was originally located was part of the structure inside the meteorite. The interior of this unknown meteorite was honeycomb-shaped, which was very suitable for raising tide flies.

"The inside of the house looks as shabby as the outside. You should hire a renovation team. Look here, the paint is peeling off the walls."

Deadpool, whose head kept turning and observing the surrounding situation, entered the door and began to pick and choose:

"Okay, I see you don't have any drinks to entertain me here. This should be an abandoned outpost, right? Where is the teleportation equipment? Let's go straight on. Don't talk about it, unless you want to beast me before going to your home planet. Check to make sure I don’t have any infectious diseases such as cat-borne infections?”

"Ahem, that's not necessary. We are immune to diseases." The other party's voice came from the giant piece of shit in flight, with a somewhat embarrassing taste: "But there is something I need to explain in advance, and that is that we His appearance may be different from the human beings you know. You should be able to understand, right? Many things have changed."

"No problem. I am a very accepting person. I have no problem with things like beast-eared girls, hybrid succubi, bionic robots, and even aliens that my cousin doesn't accept. As long as there is love. Enough."

At this time, Wade was beating his chest loudly and speaking categorically.

"I knew that the word 'Seven Fairies' and Weir would not go together."

While complaining, Su Ming fell into the sewer. He had successfully met the sixth person just now and was not blocked by anything.

Because my urging was timely, the other party did not have those long talks about mysteries, but directly reported her own name, this time it was Vilever.

After asking for his name, Deathstroke turned around and left, and the building behind him disappeared smoothly, just as expected.


The symbiote agreed, and Little Bean Sprout covered his mouth with thin tentacles and smiled, but still slightly corrected the host. Not long ago, one of them was killed by Anti-Everything, and now there are only six fairies left.

"If anyone notices any movement, they should be coming this way. I must stay away from this area immediately." Deathstroke, who fell into the sewer, moved his ankles in the dark, and his body was instantly covered with golden lightning: "Fortunately, before Borrowing a little bit of the power of origin, I still have to use the Speed ​​Force when it’s time to use it.”

"Ugh." The symbiote said that this was also due to it, because it secretly ate a bit of Barry's hair, allowing the host to generate the speed force every step of the way like Flash.

None of the other Flashes can do that, they don't have that ability.

In fact, thanks to the good relationship between the host and the incarnation of the Speed ​​Force, and the fact that he has the Code of Origin in his hand, he is qualified to negotiate terms.

Not much else to say, let’s run a few steps and cover a few hundred kilometers to see what’s going on.

As soon as the lightning flashed, the death knell followed the sewer to the edge of the city. It should be the edge. Anyway, this is the end of the sewer. Beyond that, there is a huge black pool. I don't know what is in it.

Many sewers have similar structures, which are sedimentation tanks. They are used to buffer sewage before it is discharged into the sea, so as to prevent large and heavy garbage from blocking the outlet.

But in the world of gods, this thing must represent certain concepts, and Su Ming didn't bother to study it.

"Phew, take a break and smoke a cigarette." Su Ming took out a cigarette from his pocket, squatted by the pool and lit a fire. He smiled and stuffed a pack of spicy sticks into his mouth: "Now it's just the last step. Since a life form has not visited me, I should think of a way. It would be best if I could leave all the anti-everything behind in this fourth level and enter the next level by myself."

Use the characteristics of the mystery itself to see if you can create more obstacles for the opponent.

"Huh." The symbiote said that it was helping to find a solution, but the anti-everything ability was really cheating. That guy was difficult to deal with. How about trying to lure it to TOAA?

Not talking about the golden man in the idea room, the TOAA at the level of the omnipotent universe, but at a higher level, the advanced TOAA incarnation of the golden man is separated.

Just like a matryoshka doll, a higher-level existence should be stronger than that little golden man. You must know that the almighty universe-level TOAA is equal to the first firmament, but on the other hand, it can only eat four generations of firmaments. Stretched to pieces.

"So we still have to find a way to enter the world of creation." Su Ming nodded and blew out a puff of smoke in the darkness. The burning cigarette flickered: "The power of TOAA is the power of creation. There is a high probability that there will be a person in the world of creation. Its superior clone.”


Douya nodded. If you want to use this plan, there is a drawback, that is, you need to be careful not to be hit by a TOBA clone at a higher level. Then the enemy will sandwich cheese between two breads, which will be troublesome.

"There shouldn't be a big problem in the creation world. When TOAA told me about it before, he didn't mention any dangers, remember?" Su Ming licked his lips and felt a little dry, so he took out a bottle of wine and said, "He He told me about the Divine World and the Creation World, and the higher-ups told me not to ask, which means that he thinks that my strength will not cause problems in the first two levels."


But TOBA didn't intervene at that time. Does TOAA know about this? If he knew now, would he send some help?

"TOAA's little helper? That's the Tribunal of Life. It's useless. It's not enough to fight against everything." Su Ming shook his head. Anyway, if nothing else, TOAA really doesn't have any decent subordinates, and Devouring Fabia's growth Upper limit, that's no good.

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