The Death Knell

Chapter 5907 Cosmist Warrior

Gradually making up his mind, Su Ming was ready to finish smoking this cigarette and drinking this bottle of wine by the pool. At the same time, he would also let the anti-everything above the city wander around a few more times to make them relax some of their vigilance.

After all, another building disappeared just now. Now is when it should be most alert, so I still have to take advantage of the time difference.

But just when Su Ming was about to pour another sip of wine into his mouth, a green light suddenly lit up in the dark sewer in front of him, and then something fell from the air and landed in the water with a thud. .

Fortunately, Su Ming reacted quickly and the splash of black liquid did not wet his cigarette, but this sudden change still made him a little interested.

Is this some kind of space teleportation, or is it teleported directly in front of my eyes? Could it be that someone heard what I just said to Strangler, and TOAA has sent reinforcements now?


A string of bubbles appeared on the surface of the water, no matter what it was, but if Su Ming didn't save it, this thing would probably sink to the bottom.

"It doesn't look like reinforcements, this one is a bit weak." Su Ming raised his hand and used the force to control the object, pulling the mysterious object out of the black water, but as the black water fell, the true appearance of the thing was revealed. After that, he almost threw the thing back into the water.

Because the other party's appearance is so weird, it looks like a pitcher plant, or a bit like an inverted cow's uterus. There are two tentacles at the bottom of it, and at first glance it looks like a fallopian tube.

Can something with this kind of image pass the review?

But this thought just flashed through my mind. Only Deadpool needs to worry about movie ratings. He doesn't want to be popular, and he doesn't think his life is a movie, so he has nothing to worry about.

He gently placed this lavender, pear-shaped creature on the edge of the pool.

"Hey." Strangler said that the thing looked more and more like it. It couldn't be a sex toy thrown by someone, right?

"No, it is a living creature, with body temperature, breathing, and a heartbeat." Su Ming answered the question about strangulation knowingly. He shook his head, squatted down next to the other person, stretched out his hand and patted it: "Hey, wake up, don't Damn it, even if you are here to deliver a message, you should at least finish delivering the information before you die."

The feel of this thing is not very disgusting, the surface is a bit like a plant, and it feels a bit sluggish, not the slippery style I imagined.

I don't know if it was not a big deal in the first place, or if Deathstroke's verbal encouragement had an effect, this strange-looking creature suddenly jumped up from the ground after letting out a gasp.

"I'm here! I'm here! Are you Deathstroke? Run away!"

It seemed to have night vision, and it recognized the man in front of it at a glance in the dark, and then issued a warning with a trembling voice.

It's a very standard London accent, so is this an alien? Anyway, Su Ming has never been in the habit of listening to aliens' orders.

"Don't panic, don't panic, first tell me who you are? How do you know me?" Su Ming comforted it with a calm voice and asked it to look around. There were no enemies.

The fleshy pitcher plant-like creature expanded and contracted a few times, as if taking a deep breath. It gradually adjusted its emotions, got up from the ground, and twisted a few times:

"My name is Farys. I am a human being from the future. I came here specifically to give you a warning."

"Human?" Su Ming didn't see anything related to humans in it, but still didn't refute, just nodded: "Future people, right? Very good, the last time I saw the future people were conquerors. Kang, tell me why you came to warn me? I think I'm pretty good now."

Being hunted by anti-everything is very dangerous, but mercenaries are a profession that licks blood at the edge of the knife. This level can only be regarded as daily life.

"I come from 150 million years later, from the era of the ninth firmament."

The creature calling itself Faris was a little anxious. Its two tentacles, which were connected to the lower end of the body like fallopian tubes, started to swing. It was also spinning in circles on the ground. It was obviously a little short of words, but fortunately it remembered the grammar:

"CAAT, yes, when you deal with Anti-All and TOBA next, you will be attacked by CAAT, and then you will die, be digested, replaced, and replaced. Can you understand this?"

Not to mention anything else, but after it reported its name and mentioned the Ninth Firmament, Su Ming knew who it was.

"Oh, it's you. This is the first time I've seen you in such a three-dimensional form. I didn't recognize you for a while. Hello." Su Ming reached out and shook the other person's tentacles, smiled and handed the other person a towel. It wiped its body: "You should declare yourself as the new Trinity, one of the three sages, the Space of Love or something, so that I might recognize you faster."

"Huh? How come? Not only can you understand what I mean, but you have also heard of me?" The meat bag was a little surprised, and the originally closed mouth at the top of it opened: "I know you are the Supreme Mage, but your Permission, can you see me across the sky?"

"I have my own intelligence channels." Su Ming just smiled and took out food and drinks to entertain the other party, even though the surrounding environment was not suitable for a picnic: "I know you, and I appreciate your help to me, but you are not Should I go find Franklin?"

The source of my information is the comics I read in my previous life. This Faris is an alien from the Ninth Sky and a very friendly creature.

It said that he was a human being, which was obviously a lie, because he probably knew that Deathstroke was a human supremacist and was always hostile to aliens, so he lied.

But in fact, Su Ming has always been very polite to friendly aliens.

The race of Faris can be believed. In the Ninth Firmament, which has not yet been born, it and the other two members of the same race formed a new trinity and created a space called 'a space where only love exists'. Using that space Saved the earth and the humans on it.

The specific process of the disaster is nothing more than some things related to Hulk and TOBA. It's too troublesome, so I won't mention it.

In short, in order to prevent the bleak situation of the Ninth Firmament from becoming the future that will come in reality, and for the continuation of its own race, it used the special ability of the observer's spacecraft to teleport itself back to 150 million years ago. , to remind mankind of the threat of TOBA.

This was originally supposed to be like this in the comics, it would go to Franklin on Earth 616.

I don't know where things have changed. It actually came to find me and mentioned CAAT, but it was not TOBA anymore.

Well, it's normal for things to change because of your own participation, but this is definitely a change for the better.

For example, it reminds itself that the CAAT may sneak attack when it is against the enemy. Knowing this, if it is successfully attacked again, wouldn't it become a stick?

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