The Death Knell

Chapter 5912 Another arrangement

"Impossible, absolutely impossible!"

Hearing what the other party said, Deadpool wiped his hand in front of his face a few times, as if he was doing a dance called 'glass cleaning', and he smiled and said:

"I wonder which stupid editor created this timeline of yours. All the superheroes are dead, including my cousin and I. Who will sell this script to? Let the pathetic confused President Joe take it. Are you going to use it as a toilet paper?"

When he heard that he had died, Deadpool giggled. He was very confident about his immortality and could not die so easily.

Unless he doesn’t want to live anymore and has lost all his popularity by seeking death?

Or, this ninth firmament is a completely different timeline, another 'river' that is parallel to the seventh firmament and was unknown to everyone before;

Or, he has fallen into a big trap. Everything he sees and hears now is all false. Except for the words of the old man in the live broadcast room, he can't believe anything.

But, when you see who wants to see you, you will have the answer. If the enemy wants to deceive you by pretending to be an acquaintance, haha!

Thinking about these things in his mind, his mouth was not idle and he continued to joke with the creature in front of him:

"Don't say anything for now. I'll guess again. Will the person who wants to see me be Adu? He is quite talented in mathematics and can calculate money very accurately."

"Who is Adu?"

Pal%ai was confused as she moved forward. The color of her body became darker, but she made no sticky sound as she slid on the floor. Instead, she seemed to be floating.

The corridor is straight, and you can see a door in front of it. That should be the destination.

"My taxi driver is a guy who smuggled himself to the United States from India. He has a good relationship with me. If you want to use the car, call him. He is always available." Wade explained to the other party with his fingers. , but thinking about it carefully, that guy Adu seems to have no other abilities.

Well, last time he lied to himself and said he could cook, but when he went to his house as a guest, he actually used butter, marsala and a lot of broken eggs to make a pot of shit-like paste and served it to himself and Cable. It was simply It's crazy.

Let’s not mention the taste. Just look at the shit-like appearance of that thing, which makes people lose their appetite.

"No, I don't know the person you're talking about." Pal%ai was very reasonable, and she also expressed sympathy: "But I can tell that you have a good relationship with him, and I'm sorry."

One person and one monster were having a strange exchange like this, but soon the door was in front of them. Lizi raised her tentacles to open it, and the white light inside the door became even more dazzling.

Wade raised his hand to block his eyes. He tried his best to distinguish things from the bright light. He could see a very blurry figure, and it looked familiar. Unfortunately, his eyeballs were also infected by cancer cells, so he couldn't see the bright light. .

"You're here, Deadpool, and the time is consistent with my calculations."

But when he heard the other party speak, especially the sinister, low, demonic tone, he opened his eyes wide instantly and let out a strange scream:

"Oh! It's you?! This is inappropriate and unreasonable. How did you get here?"

However, when this question was blurted out, the bitch's heart skipped a beat. He knew something was wrong, and he accidentally gave the guy a chance to act B!

Sure enough, the man who was sitting on the chair in the bright light with his back to him turned around, stood up expressionlessly and replied:

"Because... I'm Batman!"

Batman just looked at the Joker in the cell through the fence. No matter how the latter jumped around and rolled on the ground, his expression did not change at all.

The clown was still laughing wildly at first, but gradually, he couldn't stop laughing. First, the interval between laughter became longer, then the volume became smaller, and gradually it became calm.

He sat on the ground quietly and looked at Batman dissatisfied:

"You still don't have any sense of humor. It's really boring. Do you have to find an answer? You must know that the answers to many things will only bring tragedy. Only ignorant people are happy."

"Tell me a way." When Batman saw the Joker calm down, he repeated his request again.

"How about we play a game?" The clown rolled his eyes. He still didn't give up. He just wanted to play with Batman and nothing else.

If he never spoke, would Batman kill him? That’s even better!

However, the Dark Knight just stared into his eyes for a while, then turned and left: "I already know that method."

After saying that, he turned and left, as if abandoning a piece of garbage, leaving the clown alone in the darkness.

"Bat? Bat, don't leave! You can't do this to me! You can't live without me! Come back! Damn it!" The clown jumped up suddenly, stretched out his hand from the cell fence, and wanted to grab Batman's cloak: " You didn’t see anything! Right? You were lying to me! You didn’t know!”

However, the bat did not come back. He disappeared into the rich darkness beside the underground river.

To be more precise, he did not see anything in the clown's eyes, because there was nothing but joy and madness in the clown's eyes, like a well filled with boiling wine.

But when Batman saw the Joker's face, he thought that he had another madman that he could use, and that madman would definitely be willing to help him.

No strings attached.

"Don't listen to Batman's nonsense. The truth is actually very simple, Dang Dang!" Harley appeared from behind the door with a smile, came to Deadpool and patted his back: "I drove him here, as you know, The chances of being approached by Batman are rare, and I can't let Little Bee take the risk alone."

This is what Batman thinks of, to find Harley, and then Harley will naturally find a way to find Deathstroke. The peculiarity about her has been noticed by Bat for a long time.

After all, we were once from Gotham, and we were still old acquaintances, even though Harley moved to New York and said she wanted to wash her hands of herself and become a superhero.

But Batman has never relaxed his surveillance on her, especially after Deathstroke from another world got involved with her, and the surveillance became even more intense.

Batman noticed Harley's sudden disappearance several times, and quickly figured out that Harley could unreasonably travel across the universe as long as she was given a car or a plane.

Therefore, when Batman wanted to follow Deathstroke and add a layer of insurance to his plan, when he looked at the Joker's white face, he naturally thought of Harley, who had the same face.

What happened next was very intuitive. Harley, who was fast asleep at home, heard that the bat was looking for her man to do something, and after hearing about the dangers of CAAT, she was of course very happy to help.

But after contacting the adjutant, she discovered that Deathstroke had lost contact after entering the world of travellers, so she drove Batman directly to TOAA.

Then after Batman and TOAA had a riddle conversation that she couldn't understand at all, the two were sent to the Ninth Sky, serving as TOAA's back-up, until now.

Yes, at first, Harley didn't know why the golden man sent her and Batman here. There were no little bees here, only big flies.

But now she knows. After seeing Deadpool, she knows that this is an arrangement from a higher level. He is almost like God. He likes to arrange people. It's really annoying.

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