The Death Knell

Chapter 5913 Cooperation in place

She explained the matter to Deadpool in the simplest terms, at least not Batman's universal, seemingly omnipotent answer.

Looking at Deadpool, he is now in tears. The original diamond-shaped eyepiece on the mask is now hanging on his face like a rotating poached egg. He is still sobbing as he speaks:

"Wow, I'm touched. I'm so touched. Harley, starting from today, you have officially risen to the first place in my cousin's horse rankings. From now on, I will be your shaking head warrior."

Temporarily, Deadpool added the second half in his mind.

If it were Gin or Diana standing in front of him, that would definitely not be the case. Of course, compared to Wonder Woman, Wade still felt that Crazy Harley was easier to deal with and more approachable.

"Shut up, you stinky shit, haha!" Harley kicked him with a smile, shook her head repeatedly, took out the remote control, and dimmed the lights in the room: "I don't care about those rankings, I But independent modern women have never thought of relying on men in other aspects besides finance."

Yes, she deliberately adjusted the lights in the room to the brightest, just to tease Deadpool. He would be surprised to see Batman appear in such a bright light environment, right?

This is also true. Deadpool's surprised look just now, with his eyes and mouth open as wide as possible, was captured by her with her mobile phone.

"Uh, so it's Ruyi, right?" Deadpool rubbed his butt and nodded with satisfaction. Since Batman and Harley are both here, it means that Pal Ai on the side is more credible: "By the way, how many days have you been here? It can't be 150 million years, right?"

"We've only been here for three hours." Batman answered him, and then, perhaps because he felt it was not accurate, he added: "Three hours here."

"Okay, I originally wanted to ask, how did you convince this meatbag man to trust you so much if you only had three hours? But I thought you might have to give me a generic answer, so I forgot about it."

Deadpool pointed to Pal% Ai beside him. At this time, the vegetable man was sliding around happily, seemingly very happy to complete the task.

"Impolite, little bee, how could I have such an rude cousin like you?" Harley slapped Deadpool's hand away, then reached out and hugged the large uterus, which was twice as thick as her body: "I convinced him Xiaopa believes in us, and she is a kind-hearted beauty and my sister, how can you say that to her?"


Deadpool was speechless. He raised his hand and rubbed his eyes vigorously, then took a closer look.

But no matter how you look at it, this Pal%ai still looks like a meat bag.

You can say that she looks like an inverted cow's uterus, you can say that she looks like a morning glory, or you can say that she looks like an oversized gourd or a pear, but the word beauty has nothing to do with it!

Pal's skin turned pale pink. She seemed a little embarrassed, but she was still happy to stick to Harry:

"It doesn't matter. Mr. Deadpool's understanding of me is still based on the aesthetics of the Seventh Firmament period. I don't blame him."

"You're so kind, Xiaopa, huh!" Harley took a sip on the big pear, leaving a conspicuous red lip mark: "Then can you please go and prepare some food? This friend of ours may have to Eat something before setting off."

"No problem." After saying that, Pal Ai happily slipped out the door again. It's strange to say that she has no face or head, but people can feel her mood.

After she left, Harley looked at Deadpool speechlessly and tapped his head with her finger:

"Idiot, if you want to take advantage of others, you have to say something nice, right? Have you never studied the application of psychology at all? No, I suspect your brain is broken again."

Does Harley believe that Pal%Ai is a human? She actually didn't believe it, but that didn't stop her from seeing the thought bubble on top of the creature's head.

People think about justice and kind things, and they really don't lie. Then of course Harley will give a better attitude when taking advantage of others.

"Okay, Harley, that doesn't matter." Batman walked over and looked Deadpool up and down: "Deadpool, tell me about Slade's current situation. I know you have special abilities. .”

"Oh? So you don't think I'm going crazy when I'm chatting with the old guy in the live broadcast room?" The bitch walked around Batman, sat down on the latter's original seat, and stretched his waist comfortably: "Or let me put it another way. , do you really believe me?"

"." Batman didn't speak. He just stared at Deadpool, waiting for the bitch to speak, and it seemed like he had said everything.

"Strange, did I drink too much iced drinks last night, so I caught a cold?" Su Ming, who slid down the ladder into the sewer, just landed and started running away with the speed force while rubbing his nose with his hands: " I feel like my nose is itchy today, how many times have I done this, but there’s no reason for someone to be talking about it crazily behind my back, right?”

He had a vague feeling that somewhere, someone was talking about him. This was a mercenary's sixth sense.

In addition, there are also hallucinations such as auditory and visual hallucinations. Anyway, since entering the world of divine travel, he feels that his current state is not normal.


Strangler said it didn't matter. He had already seen the last fairy, and the building she was in had disappeared, but the passage out of the fourth level had not yet appeared, so it was better to do business now. Is there really someone behind it? Talking about the host is not important, right?

"You can't say that. I just found out from Faris not long ago that I might have to burp, haha." At this point, Su Ming, who stopped, couldn't help but laugh: "Although I can't possibly step into it." I know I've been through the trap, so I won't die, but who knows if the enemy is talking about me behind my back?"

I'm not afraid of thieves stealing, I'm just afraid that thieves will miss me. I was almost blocked by the anti-everything just now. The speed of that thing is really not slow.

Fortunately, in addition to flash bomb tactics, I also have smoke bombs to use. My own darkness is no worse than the opponent's darkness.

"Huh." The symbiote said, those guys CAAT and TOBA don't seem to be able to talk about people, right? As a collection of high-level concepts, they should look down on humans at all.

Just like humans themselves, it is impossible to talk about an ant every day?

"It makes sense, okay, let's solve the puzzle first. It's almost as expected. The answer to this level is 'where'. That is to say, we are now most likely going to find a place where we can fill in the blanks. Fill in this word, where do you think it will be?"

Su Ming saw Faris waiting there by the pool. While silently communicating with Strangler, he walked towards the fleshy bag to join him.


The symbiote continues to play a self-questioning and answering game with the host. It is not sure of its guess, but what the host thinks is what it thinks. Can it go to the school in the city scene of the fourth level and find a blackboard to do the questions?

After all, English word puzzles are the simplest, but they may not necessarily be guessable.

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