The Death Knell

Chapter 5978 Watching the show secretly

On an isolated alien planet, Thanos, the former overlord of the universe, now wears simple cloth and quietly cultivates his fields.

He once aimed to please death, and the vast number of souls brought by the killings were his gifts. He destroyed countless planets and races, and he himself couldn't even remember how many times he caused civilizations to be wiped out.

But now, he is just an ordinary farmer, sowing "hope" in this land with his hands.

In fact, the fruit he planted looks a bit like eggplants on Earth, and also looks like cantaloupe. The scientific name should be kabalaya fruit, but Thanos named them 'Hope'.

In front of his cabin, a large area of ​​land has been cultivated and planted with this fruit. Whenever the light of two stars in the planetary system shines on this field at the same time, these leafy plants always grow. It looks fresh and fresh.

In this new home with almost no trace of technology, Thanos seems particularly lonely. Everything in the past seems to be a passing thing, but he occasionally thinks of death and his past obsession and fanaticism.

At this time, Thanos was looking up at the starry sky. The planet's atmosphere had no color, so he could directly see the dark space and the natural celestial bodies.

Many planets once trembled because of his anger, but now, what he saw was not the stars he still knew, but the various luminous lines that suddenly appeared in the universe, like blood vessels or fishing nets.

As a scientist, a person who was once at the forefront of Marvel Universe technology, he could see that it was the trajectory of energy transmission.

But what he was curious about was, where was this energy sent? Where did it come from? And it seems that this energy level is very high? The light emitted by this nearest golden line, which is tens of millions of light years away, is extremely dazzling.

Putting down the wooden bucket to carry water, Zishu sat in front of his thatched house. He just looked at the sky quietly, thinking about something.

But soon, he shook his head and put away his curiosity. He once thought that he could control everything and get the love of death, but it turned out that he could not control anything.

Even when it came to farming, he often killed all the crops he planted at the beginning, and he only gradually got started with it later.

On this ordinary planet, he finally found his own peace and tranquility. There was no smoke of war in the fields, only the sound of growing crops. He was no longer the tyrant who made all creatures in the universe tremble, he was just an ordinary farmer.

Look at the sky, the most you can do is look at the weather, no matter how far away you are, you shouldn’t look at it

But as the old saying goes, a tree wants to be quiet but the wind doesn't stop. Just when Zishu was looking at the sky and thinking about it, a small spaceship suddenly jumped over his head, blocking his sunlight.

The state of the spacecraft was not good. The armor was extensively damaged. After contact with the air, sparks erupted from many parts, and it plummeted downwards with black smoke.

Fortunately, he did not fall into the farmland, but fell into the valley behind Thanos' hut. The shock caused his hoe leaning against the door of the hut to sway and fall to the ground.

"Oh? Did the spaceship crash?" Thanos stood up. He put on his big straw hat and patted the cloth coat on his body: "It shouldn't be a human spaceship. Is it a Castitian style?"

For many civilizations, jump is a mature method of rapid space movement, but for some civilizations, it is still in the experimental stage.

Immature jump equipment is very prone to problems when making long-distance jumps. If you can save your life by falling out of the wormhole space, it is a real blessing if you can fall on a habitable planet. .

Thanos is going to go over and see these lucky people, see if they are dead, and then deal with their spaceship.

Because the spacecraft energy used by many civilizations is radioactive, if it explodes, it will be bad for his crops.

Although he had no gems and no armor, Thanos himself was powerful enough. He easily jogged a few steps and arrived at the crash site thousands of meters away.

At this time, the spacecraft was on fire, and the surviving crew members were supporting each other and climbing out of the spacecraft to escape.

Zishu's judgment was correct. This was a spaceship of the Castitites. This was a civilization whose technological level was not much different from that of humans, but the two sides looked completely different.

These people can be roughly regarded as humanoid creatures. They look as skinny and shriveled as wood, and their skin is the color of dead trees. There is very little water in their bodies, which makes them seem to not bleed.

Of course, Thanos has encountered this kind of creature before, when he was a pirate. He single-handedly destroyed a fleet of this race, so that they would never dare to take the route to the galaxy again.

But today, he is not here to kill, but to help.

But these crew members who had narrowly escaped death also saw him at this time. They were stunned, with extremely exaggerated expressions of fear on their wrinkled faces. After a moment, they screamed in modified London English:

"Thanos! It's Thanos! We're all going to die!"

"No! Mom! I don't want to die!"

"He, he is coming! He is coming! The giant of destruction!"

"Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah~~~~!"

Yes, Thanos has a lot of notoriety, and his appearance can be said to be known to everyone in the universe. Any civilization that can travel into space knows what will happen after seeing this purple potato-like face.

It was a bloody massacre that left no one alive, a display of madness so cruel that even the soul could be twisted.

In response to their reactions, Thanos shook his head, and his eyes moved to the last guy who could only scream "ahhh", because the poor guy was scared to death and was spitting out a small amount of foam. It is the color of this race's blood.

"That's enough! Shut up, everyone, and get out of the burning spaceship!"

There is no way, the dead people can't be saved, but Thanos doesn't want to wait until the spacecraft explodes and kill them all.

Because he no longer intends to please death, he has no need to continue killing people. It can even be said that on the contrary, he has not seen a living person for a long time, so he can chat with these survivors and relieve his loneliness.

How should I put it? These survivors behaved very docilely. When Thanos spoke, they moved subconsciously without daring to raise any objections. As if they were afraid that running too slow would anger the Mad Titan, they rolled and crawled on the ground. Escaped the ship.

Thanos glanced at the burning spaceship, raised his hand and punched it. The strong air flow was like a strong wind, and it also sucked out all the air in the area of ​​the spacecraft.

So the fire was extinguished. He strode into the spacecraft, went straight to the engine room based on his knowledge of various mechanical creations, and quickly used his own technology to control the jump engine that was on the verge of explosion.

In this way, the spaceship is safe and so is his field.

He turned around and left the spacecraft, returned to the open land, looked at the aliens not far away who didn't even dare to escape, and said:

"Follow me. I have food and water there. I will find some materials tomorrow to help you repair the spacecraft."

The survivors first felt fear, then disbelief, and finally had no choice but to compromise. They had no power to resist and could only bet that what Thanos said was true. Therefore, even if they survived something like a spaceship crash, they would not be able to survive at all. Can't laugh.

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