The Death Knell

Chapter 5979 Leisure time

"Purple sweet potato has really changed." Su Ming withdrew his gaze and stomped on Prince Asphalt's head again, telling the struggling enemy to be honest: "I thought this spaceship almost hit his farmland. , he will kill everyone in anger."

Anyway, if Thanos were replaced by Su Ming himself, he would definitely do this.

We agreed to live in seclusion, and there are so many enemies outside. Now that we are accidentally discovered by aliens, shouldn't we keep silent?

But the Purple Sweet Potato Spirit did not do this. Moreover, he helped put out the fire, prevented the engine from exploding, and even took the surviving aliens to his farm for dinner. His change was a bit sudden. Could it be that he was killing people? After his own son, he suddenly became enlightened?

Don't blame Deathstroke for being suspicious. It's his instinct to doubt all unreasonable things.

"But his behavior in the past was normal." The adjutant shrugged. She had been paying attention to Thanos for a long time, and all monitoring methods were in accordance with the instructions of the chief: "It's just that no other creature has come to Thanos for a long time, and I don't either. Know when his attitude towards life changed."

The silver-haired girl is also curious, because if you want to ask who is the most murderous in the Marvel universe, it is definitely not her own police chief, nor is it a dimensional demon, it is definitely Thanos.

But today, someone put down his butcher's knife and became a Buddha immediately. Is he doing a good deed? It was so strange that she wanted to see it more.

"Well, originally I just wanted to see the Purple Sweet Potato Demon planting the fields, watering and fertilizing the plants. To put it bluntly, I wanted to see him pick up manure." Su Ming showed a Batman-like expression, and the corners of his mouth turned downward: " But to see this scene, it seems that Thanos is now more noble than me? I’m really unhappy.”

"Then I will send troops over now to kill these people? Will I urge Thanos to continue farming for you?" The adjutant made a suggestion. Those aliens must not be considered human beings, so killing them is no big deal. It's as easy as killing a chicken.

Thanos may resist, but now he can throw the idle six-god fusion robot over. Zitu is only one person, without infinite gems or infinity gloves. He will not be an opponent of the six mechanical animal gods.

As long as his performance meets the Sheriff's requirements and makes the Sheriff happy, the deputy can do anything.

"Oh, forget it. It's a good thing for people to save lives and heal the wounded. It's fine if I don't help. What's the point of chasing them?" Su Ming shook his head and rejected the adjutant's tempting plan: "As long as the aliens If you don't mess with me, there is no need for me to destroy them. Who knows that God has the virtue of a happy life?"

"But Sheriff, you have already done your good deeds this month." The adjutant reminded, she showed the calendar: "Sheriff, you always say you want to do one good deed every month, that is, you do one good deed every month. Now this month The targets have been met.”

In order not to be regarded as a complete villain, Deathstroke has to do one good deed every month, such as helping an old lady cross the road, or stopping a car accident.

It can also be about saving the earth, or saving humanity.

Do one thing every month. After doing these good things, he feels much better when he does bad things again. This seems to be a means of self-comfort, just like deceiving others.

"Forget it, stop watching it. Give me another cooking show. I just want to have fun for a while and slowly torture this asphalt prince." Su Ming was not very happy. The dark crawling prince was unlucky. The mercenaries became even more ruthless.

If the meat removal before was only a piece of dark meat the size of a human fingernail, now it was a large piece of meat as big as the mouth of a cup that was scraped off with a lightsaber.

But Su Ming would not kill him immediately.

As he had promised before, he wanted to make his enemy die, so the plan was to wait for Deadpool to come back with the body of Princess Black Carbon, and let Prince Asphalt watch his sweetheart being dismembered, chopped into pieces, and killed. Wrap it into buns and feed it to cats and dogs.

After torturing the prince mentally, Deathstroke would cut him into pieces and let him die slowly in despair and fear.

This killing process is not a bad idea, but Su Ming wants to try it out. Will CAAT have some reaction from this, will it make him angry? Or retreat?

This relates to strategic purposes.

He only shared thoughts and memories with the host and didn't think much about it. He ate the black bean sprouts with crooked eyes on the man's shoulder. This black monster didn't look like much, but it tasted good. Inside his body The energy is also very abundant, which makes Strangler very satisfied.

It's like buying a big shell. Not only does it taste delicious, but you also find valuable pearls inside the shell. It's worth being happy.

This guy named Pitch Prince by his host is really a treasure. I just wonder if the Black Charcoal Princess who was taken away by Deadpool is delicious?

Thinking of this, Douya quickly shook his head and gave up the idea, because the man had a close contact with Wade not long ago and has not come back yet. He must have been pickled by the stench of the bitch, right?

There is no way to eat. As a symbiote, although I can eat anything, I will not eat garbage and feces if I have a choice.

The adjutant obediently played a cooking show for the chief. Now in the 40K universe, the most popular topic in the human catering industry is cosmic meals.

The development of space navigation is in full swing, and people's exploration has also produced preliminary results. Many animals and plants on alien planets have been discovered, and then there is a big discussion about whether they can be eaten and how to make them more delicious.

In addition, due to the popularization of spaceships, various aspects of technology have also been driven by new blowout phenomena. After all, the antimatter engine is a more advanced energy revolution than nuclear fusion, so other matching technology projects do not require the adjutant to take action. Naturally there are other smart people who come up with all kinds of inventions.

As a result, a large number of new kitchen utensils and cooking techniques have emerged. For example, putting ingredients into a semi-tight container that is strong enough, and then using a spaceship to drag the container to jump. After arriving at the destination, the ingredients will be affected by space turbulence. influence, resulting in various changes.

Kind of like the technique of aging a steak, so this is named ‘jumping’.

It just so happened that this program on an unknown TV station was showing how to cook a leaping alien animal head. The method was a bit like steaming a sheep head, but it seemed a little different.

Su Ming looked at other people's new discoveries curiously, and even the action of poking Prince Asphalt didn't seem too careless.

"So it turns out that the head of an alien can be eaten if it is poured with chili oil?" He asked the adjutant on the side, because he also wanted to taste it. Yes, the show was talking about alien animals, but Su Ming was very sure that this was an intelligent species that he had seen before.

It's just that the ones he saw before were alive, but the one on the show now is familiar.

My compatriots are still ruthless. How can they eat aliens so quickly? There are so many talented people.

Seeing that human beings are so energetic and innovative, Deathstroke smiled happily.

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