The Death Knell

Chapter 5981 Exchange gifts

"That's it." Cindy stubbed out the cigarette butt and put it away. She patted Deadpool on the shoulder and complimented casually: "You are quite reliable, at critical moments."

This is an inverted sentence, she learned it from that man.

"You're kidding, I'm super brave, okay?"

Deadpool smiled crookedly, but suddenly felt that the line he subconsciously said was not quite right, so he closed his mouth again.

"Can you explain it in detail?" Superboy probably understood half of what the two said. In other words, he didn't understand the other half at all. He was just trying to block Princess Hei Tan who was getting up again and again.

The opponent's speed seemed to be a little slower, not obvious. How could Deadpool see it? Intuitively?

"Do you know spiritualism? Clark." Cindy didn't let Deadpool speak. She immediately picked up the conversation and looked up at the sky. Acid rain was flowing rapidly along her armor: "Also, do you know the blind combat skills? ?”

"Of course, how else do you think I can fight the enemy when I release my heat vision and my eyes are all red?" Superboy-Prime gave an affirmative answer. He has almost all the fighting skills that people can master.

In this day and age, ordinary people will not train in blind combat skills. After all, with equipment such as night vision goggles, only those who need to fight against military and police flash bombs will deliberately practice it.

For example, killers, gangsters, or mercenaries who often work in the city. Even if Deathstroke was hit by a flash bomb a long time ago, he could still shoot and fight by listening to the sound and identifying the position, accurately attacking the enemy, and Dodge enemy attacks.

Da Chao's inability to fight blindly is one of his weaknesses. Even in the BVS incident, he was dodged by Batman with a flash bomb, but he did not make up for it afterwards.

But Superboy-Prime later read that comic, and he deliberately made up for his own shortcomings, not expecting that he would be able to use it today.

"Then we just need to close our eyes, because from an idealist point of view, invisible things do not exist. If we don't watch it, then naturally no one will know this story. Even if it is unreasonable, I will Makes it reasonable.”

No matter what, Deadpool still found an opportunity to interject, he gave his own method, and he knew that Cindy had the same idea.

As expected of her cousin's counterpart from another world, her other cousin, she is quite smart.

Of course, her fighting ability is far inferior to her cousin's, but her brains are not bad at all, and that's enough. Now Princess Hei Tan's death omen star is already shining in the sky!

When the mercenary, who was wet and smelled of a mixture of acid rain and feces, returned to the place where he started, he saw his cousin stepping on the Asphalt Prince while watching a cooking show.

Not feeling sad at all for the beheaded and steamed aliens, the next one to arrive on the battlefield was a large alien bug that looked like it was crunchy.

The host of the show, the chef of the famous Hell's Kitchen restaurant, is teaching humans entering the universe how delicious these bugs will be after being fried and served with mustard sauce.

Deadpool's gluttonous cousin is staring at the projection screen intently, presumably recording the cooking process of this dish. After all, he only has barbecue at home, and it's normal to want to change the taste occasionally.

But it’s barbecue and fried food, both of which make people get angry easily.

"You're back, faster than I thought." Su Ming didn't move his head, as if he saw the return of his cousin on the back of his head, and also saw the black woman's head and shoulders held by the cheap mercenary. The corpse in the white dress was carried on the back.

"Because of Uncle Deadpool, I performed particularly well today, hahaha! How dare this fool really dare to fight a super handsome man like me? Then she fell into a trap. I took her directly to the world of female supremacy, female boxing There was no market at all, and then, under my command, Superboy-Prime defeated her smoothly."

Running along the way, Deadpool threw the headless body in front of the prince, then like a bastard, held the head in his hands to his cousin, and said with a smile:

"Although I made a huge contribution today, Bliss and Cindy didn't help at all, but you just need to be a little more considerate when you give me more money. Eighteen million is enough."

"For one head, five hundred will be added. Do you want it if you like it?"

After taking the last sip of beer in his hand, Su Ming threw the empty can into the mouth of Strangler Bean Sprout, crushed it and swallowed it. Su Ming reached out and took Princess Hei Tan's head and looked at it carefully.

Su Ming originally asked his adjutant to monitor the place, but after hearing Deadpool's plan, he withdrew his monitoring methods and also blocked other people who might exist on the narrative level.

Therefore, it was quite new to see Princess Charcoal's death. The outline of the wound was probably where Superboy-Prime pulled out her head like a carrot? Well, there are also footprints on her back, which may be this method.

Step on the spine of the victim's back, then use both hands to turn his head left and right to loosen the bones and joints, and then just apply an upward force that can tear the flesh.

After becoming a corpse, she still had no specific facial features on her face, only two white eyes that stared blankly, and a set of white teeth that couldn't be closed.

If you shake your wrist a little, the upper and lower gums will collide with each other, making a sound like playing Allegro. It is very clear. The death knell wanted to use Allegro to say a paragraph about Yang Wenli's three attacks on the bones.

Kama Taj is the home of 40K folk arts on Earth, so it makes sense that the Supreme Mage can play allegro, right?

"Ah!!! Princess!!! My love!!!"

It's a pity that the beautiful environment of playing Allegro was ruined by the roar. After seeing the princess's body, the prince who was stepped on by someone screamed like a pig. He seemed to be unable to accept this fact. His face was dark, Tears and snot spurted out like ink.

It was probably tears and snot. Because he was not a human being, Su Ming could only make a reasonable guess.

"Ah, I even forgot to step on you. Haha, don't worry, you will be reunited with her soon." Su Ming laughed and handed the head to Strangler. Although there was no brain in the hollow skull, But you can let it suck and play: "Wade, before we set off, didn't you have a plan?"

"Huh? Is there any?" Wade scratched his butt, pulled out a large piece of rotten dead skin from his pants, and threw it steamingly on the grass aside: "You mean I plan to go back after the war is over. What about spending a week in bed with Xia Kaila and Death, and using steam-powered toys?"

He tried to recall it, but at this time, his cancerous and stinking mind was filled with those things between men and women and nothing else.

"Definitely not." The speechless death knell gave him a look: "You said you would pull out the clown mermaid's intestines, wrap her body around a rocket, and then launch it into outer space. Do you remember?"

"Ah, yes, remember, the old man in the live broadcast room reminded me." Deadpool smiled crookedly, and he picked his nose with the hand that had just picked his butt: "I understand, we did not go to that world, but the corpse of a nigger It’s almost the same. If the veterans give me gifts, I should also give them a rocket, hehe!”

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