The Death Knell

Chapter 5989: Advertise widely

At the same time, in almost all worlds controlled by Deathstroke, an illusory window pops up in the mind of every intelligent creature.

In addition to the warning words marked in English on this window, it was also repeated in each individual's native language. Both the window itself and the fonts on it were bright red, and flashed crazily like an alarm, urging. The recipient quickly clicks to read it.

Quantum is everywhere, so it is good to send group messages. After Su Ming mastered the concept of quantum, she assigned many relevant permissions to the adjutant so that she could do things better for herself.

The ability to send "pop-up advertisements" to all individuals with life or souls has not been used in the past, but it is indeed time to use it today.

Maybe many people don't know the existence of Deathstroke. After all, he is a mystic hiding in the darkness, but in fact, he is also the real mastermind behind countless universes. The main purpose of this group of messages is to make the existence of CAAT and it The concept of representation is well understood.

Human nature has an arrogant side. Under normal circumstances, not many people are willing to listen to other people's complicated truths. After all, everyone's time is very precious. For something that makes you dizzy after looking at it, the simplest decision is Let it go and get on with life.

However, pop-up windows directly in the brains of intelligent creatures will not encounter this problem, because this behavior will cause fear. No one can ignore the news that suddenly appears in their minds, and when they find that everyone around them After being like myself, this fear will form a cluster effect and spread doubly.

It may lead to various conspiracy theories, such as aliens, gods, people with super powers causing destruction, etc.

In this message, the unsigned mysterious person told them the definition of CAAT. Most people will probably read it carefully. Although they have never seen CAAT at all, they at least have such a concept in their minds, which is enough.

Wanting to fight against CAAT has never been a matter for Su Ming and others, but requires every intelligent creature to have such an impression in the mind, knowing that there is such a thing that is using "educational" means to influence everyone's thinking.

This influence is subtle, but if people are consciously vigilant, at least they will not fall into the 'correct' routine so easily.

Unless being ‘right’ can bring them benefits.

However, in this group message, there was no mention of the benefits that CAAT would bring to female boxers or people of color, but it was mainly mentioned that it would turn everyone into what they looked like in the photo attached to the text message.

Faris is not defined, and he is still in a nine-square grid.

Su Ming asked Strangler to mobilize his memory, shared it with the adjutant, and asked her to take a screenshot and save it, and then use the monster that looked like an inverted uterus and a fleshy pear as promotional materials.

It has to be said that most humans still prefer the traditional human appearance with heads and limbs. Farris and his group of humans are a bit too advanced in appearance, at least not something that current aesthetics can control.

In addition, people who only see the photo don't know that he is a good person, they only think that he is an ugly monster.

Therefore, the stereotype of "CAAT wants to turn everyone into monsters" was formed. Therefore, intelligent creatures who receive pop-ups in their brains will not see the benefits, but only the disadvantages, and will inevitably become more fearful.

To put it bluntly, fear is actually the desire for survival in the blood of living things. It warns living beings to stay away from danger. It is not a bad thing, but Su Ming is probably the only one who can use fear to save people.

It just so happens that even if CAAT knows that Deathstroke has done this operation, it can't refute it, because it is not essentially a creator, but just a transformer. It doesn't even know how to communicate normally with people, let alone how to communicate with humans. There are pop-ups in my head.

Besides, it is now fighting against Lucifer, so how can it still have the energy to fight against the quantum concept of Deathstroke?


In the dark Batcave, Batman, who was dissecting a shadow monster with his friends, paused. The N metal scalpel in his hand hung in the air under the shadowless lamp.

Not only him, but also several people around him were in a daze at this time. Only the shadow monster lying on the final machine, bound by the mantra lasso, moved his fingers slightly, as if struggling with all his strength.

"This is a good thing." Dachao read the fastest. He read the thousands of words of 'text messages' in less than a second, and had his own thoughts: "There is no signature, but it seems to be Si Ryder's handiwork, he found the exact definition of CAAT, this is to remind everyone to pay attention to precautions, haha."

Superman is such a good person. In the whole message full of terror and threats, he only saw the good intentions of Deathstroke. He felt that this was something beneficial to mankind, so it was a good thing.

As for Deathstroke creating pop-ups in everyone's minds, this is just a matter of urgency and not an invasion of privacy, so there is no problem.

"Ah, it seems we are a step too late." Diana frowned unwillingly. Then she smiled apologetically at everyone, turned and left the operating table, and walked to a dark corner to make a phone call.

It sounded like she was contacting the adjutant to get more inside information.

She does have a good relationship with her boyfriend, but that doesn't mean she has to give in. On the contrary, she always wants to prove that she is stronger than Deathstroke in some aspects. This is Amazon's character and temper.

"So that's the case, no wonder." The person who commented next was Arthur. This strong man wearing corn armor slapped his thigh suddenly, and shouted as if he had discovered a new world: "Meila must be infected by CAAT. She used to be very nice to me, but now she cares more about the so-called Atlantis non-discrimination movement. Is this the 'right' thing about racial issues?"

"Probably." Because he wanted to join in the fun and see what visitors from outer space look like, Green Arrow also went to the Batcave this time: "Anyway, I don't think humans discriminate against Atlanteans. After all, they live on land. , one party lives in the water, and there is almost no intersection in all aspects of life, so where does her so-called discrimination start?"

The so-called "correction" of racial discrimination requires a premise, that is, there must be a social environment in which multiple races coexist. Where can there be discrimination without even contact, sight, or sight?

So if Mela yells this every day, then she may have been infected by the meme unknowingly.

"I don't know. Anyway, I think she is crazy. She can't even stand the flushing toilet on land. She would scream and shit on my bed. She also always said that a bee on land stung her seahorse. feet"

With a grimace on his face, Arthur told his teammates a little bit about Mela's behavior. Before he could finish speaking, he was interrupted by Batman raising his hand.

"That's enough, Aquaman, she does have a problem." The Dark Knight put down the scalpel in his hand and sighed covertly: "Barry, you go find Hal, and then the two of you follow Arthur. On our way to Atlantis, we need to take some measures against Mela."

I asked Hal because the Green Lantern's light ring can serve as a comprehensive physical examination device and can also project various props to allow teammates to move easily underwater; and I asked Barry to go because Mela is a spellcaster who is good at hard water magic. Or, if she wants to be tough, the easiest way to defeat her is to use super-light attack movements to interrupt her spellcasting.

Batman's Tower of Babel plan has a way to deal with every superhero, and it was used again today.

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