The Death Knell

Chapter 5990 People around you

The Justice League has never had many problems with Batman's command. The Flash turned into a bolt of lightning with just a nod, and the next second he pulled the confused legendary Green Lantern back to where he was.

"Wait, what's going on?"

Hal stood firm and looked at the surrounding environment first. After confirming that it was the Batcave, he then looked at everyone. Finally, his eyes fell on the black shadow monster tied to the final machine. He suddenly showed an expression of realization and smiled:

"I understand. Tomorrow is Barry's wedding day. Tonight is the traditional bachelor party, right? The location in the Batcave is really good. Tsk, it has an atmosphere. Especially the cake you prepared is amazing. Look. It looks like a charred corpse, hahaha!"

Even among the many Green Lanterns, Hal is known for his strong willpower and outrageous optimism. He always seems to be able to find some reasons to convince himself, or in other words, his ability to think things through is very powerful.

This is a good thing, after all, with the green light ring and the use of energy projection to create items to fight, the imagination is a big advantage.

It's just that at this time, he was the only one who laughed. None of the other teammates laughed, they just looked at him with speechless expressions.

"Haha, ha, uh so this doesn't look like a charred corpse cake, right?"

After a few seconds of stalemate, Hal also noticed the atmosphere. The smile on his face gradually faded, and he asked the two Batmans who had their mouth corners turned down.

The latter didn't make a sound, just shook his head slightly, but the silence seemed deafening.

"This is not a cake, nor a burnt corpse, Lantern." The good old Superman responded to him. After all, the atmosphere was a bit awkward. He had to speak quickly to smooth things over: "This is an external intruder caught by Batman. You can He understands them as beings more advanced than fifth-dimensional people.”

In fact, Superman doesn't quite understand it, so he can only explain it like this first. As for whether it is correct or not, it depends on what Batman says.

"That's it. Alas, I haven't been back to Earth for a while, but after returning home these two days, I haven't been idle at all. Not only the seaside city, but the world itself is still in so many troubles. It seems that the power of crisis He will stay with us forever."

While talking, Hal activated his green light ring, scanned the nigger on the operating table, and then listened to the light ring report the analysis results.

The conclusion is also very simple. The concept is embodied, some kind of incomplete derivative, with a very high energy level that can even easily destroy the earth.

Hearing this, Hal took a breath. He nodded towards Batman, but said nothing, because only Batman could capture such an outrageous opponent alive.

"What you need to do is not about it." As he said this, Batman used a bat prop to quickly freeze the nigger: "You follow the Flash and Aquaman to Atlantis. What are you going to do? What, they will explain it to you on the way.”

After saying that, the Dark Knight waved his hand, indicating that he had nothing more to say, and asked the three of them to get on their way immediately.

In his eyes, Mela was no longer a teammate's wife, but a potential threat, a time bomb that could explode at any time. He must immediately control the danger within a controllable range.

To deal with one Mela, sending three first-line superheroes seems a bit redundant, but Batman also takes into account the possibility that Aquaman may betray him and side with his wife. Hal can confront Arthur head-on. people.

Even if Arthur doesn't jump back, don't forget that Arthur also has a younger brother, Orm, the Lord of the Sea, who has always wanted to fight for power. This also needs to be guarded against.

Otherwise, just sending a green light would be enough. Why does it have to be Hal? You know, there are multiple Lanterns on the earth waiting to attend Barry's wedding. Isn't it because Hal is the best among the Green Lanterns?

However, Batman will not explain his considerations to his teammates. He only needs the Justice League to carry out his orders.

The three of them set out on the road in a flash of lightning. The miserable Hal didn't even have time to drink the tea made by the butler. The Bat Cave soon returned to a quiet state, and only Xiao Dai could be heard whispering to him not far away. Adjutant exchange.

"If any of you have anything to say about your discovery, let's do it now." Batman looked at the remaining people, and at the same time waved Alfred to help, and pushed the frozen nigger into the cold storage to freeze. .

The housekeeper walked over gracefully, nodded and smiled at everyone, then put the ice cubes on the operating table on the cart nearby and pushed them away gracefully.

The monster named Nigger by Deadpool actually does not have the weakness of being cold and will not be frozen so easily. However, Batman counter-intuitively filled it with a large amount of amber gold, which gave the shadow immortality and shielding properties. Along with its ability to sense pain, it also has a weakness to cold.

Now, you can deal with it how you deal with the Claw Assassin.

"I don't. The people around me are pretty normal." After Superman recalled it, he looked at the others. In his eyes, his life was happy and his family was happy. Even the residents of Metropolis were happy. Living and working in peace and contentment, everything is fine.

"There are no problems in Star City and Seattle. At least the perverts I met are just regular perverts." Green Arrow also expressed his opinion, but he kept looking at Diana, as if he was doubting her.

Several other members of the Justice League also went through some self-examination and recollection. After first eliminating the problems within Zhenglian, they also talked about their acquaintances and friends.

At least for now, it seems that no one is affected by the correctness of CAAT. There are people who advocate some strange and correct ideas, but they are not to an outrageous level. The warning that just appeared in everyone's mind should make those people know the way. return.

"Deathstroke notified us all of this matter, not to save people, but to let us deal with potential 'correct' agents first." Batman interpreted Deathstroke's behavior in a dark way of thinking: "Since If you don't think there is any problem around you, then disband first. If necessary, we may go to other parallel worlds to help."

Anyway, from Batman's point of view, there is something wrong with some universes, especially the dark multidimensional side, where everything often appears to be very extreme, which is a breeding ground for all kinds of 'rightnesses'.

But for the next thing, he can just investigate it secretly. The people around him are not completely trustworthy, because in his eyes, his teammates themselves have more or less "correct" problems.

He had already regarded the information that appeared in his mind as what Deathstroke was going to say to him, and now he wanted to make sure that the whole thing was foolproof.

"I just asked the adjutant, and she said that Slade is currently confronting CAAT and has not taken action yet. He seems to be waiting for something."

Xiao Dai scratched her head and put away her flip phone. This phone model was a bit old, but she was not used to smartphones. Anyway, for her, she only needed basic communication functions, and she could browse the web when she had time. Or, if you don’t have time for short videos, you might as well practice martial arts.

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