The Death Knell

Chapter 807 Humiliation

During the flight, Batman recalled all the information in his mind, leaving only a small part of his attention on the outside world to maintain his actions.

The Humiliation Team consists of four people, three women and one man. The man also has a slight gender cognitive disorder because he entered Arkham too early.

They are Fallen Knight, Bonecrusher, Katasis and Brick Michael, each with a tragic background.

The real name of the Fallen Knight is Charise Carnes. She is the eldest daughter of the Carnes family, an old family in Gotham. Her father is William, her mother is Virginia, and she has a younger brother Emil.

Her family is engaged in the real estate industry and is very wealthy. Her father, in particular, made a huge fortune when he purchased a piece of land in Gotham's coastal area to build a garbage treatment plant. Now the old port area of ​​Gotham City basically belongs to her. Home property.

When she was young, Charis admired her father very much. His father could be said to be the most important person in her life, until one day, when she was in her teens, she met a good young man from Gotham City.

The good young man captured Charis's heart and returned to the Carnes mansion with her. However, he was actually a liar, a madman, and a serial killer. He soon revealed his true colors and hijacked the Carnes family.

In the end, he tortured and killed all her relatives in front of Charis, skinned and quartered William, Virginia and Emil with a knife, cut them into thumb-sized dices, and then walked away laughing.

Since Charis received too much stimulation, lost the ability to speak and could not defend herself, and she still had the murder weapon in her hand, the police regarded her as a prisoner and locked her up in Arkham Asylum.

In the lunatic asylum, Charis, who gradually regained consciousness, believed that the cause of the tragedy in her family was Gotham City's insufficient crackdown on crime. Under the treatment of a kind-hearted psychiatrist, Dr. Harleen Quinzel, she found her own destiny. road.

She wanted to change this and began to learn the "art of madness" in the asylum.

She was well-educated, smart and talented. In just two years, Charis really learned what she wanted. In Arkham, she met the real madman, James Gordon, Jr. ), that is, Director Gordon’s crazy son and Barbara’s biological brother.

Although Gordon is unwilling to admit this blood relationship, James Jr. is really his son genetically. He is the most famous serial killer in Gotham, surpassing the "Holiday Killer" and others by a long way.

He is good at dagger fighting and stealth, and is better at anatomy, counter-detection, and psychology.

His modus operandi was to assassinate, then completely remove a certain part of the victim, and then dismember the body to the accompaniment of classical music.

Of course, if Su Ming were here, he would put it in a more understandable way - James Jr. is like DC's 'Hannibal'.

It's just that he would bury or discard the organs instead of eating them.

Because Charis was imprisoned for killing her whole family and dismembering her parents and younger brothers. This suited little James's appetite, and it was what he had always wanted to do.

So he taught Charis many techniques, and many other prisoners were deceived by Charis into taking away their proud skills. All this made her a powerful warrior.

After feeling that she was ready, Charis used a secret her father had to reach a deal with the top officials of the city government, left Arkham, and inherited the huge wealth of the Karnes family.

She created a purple uniform, a golden mask, and a bright red cross on her chest. She transformed into a fallen knight and punished crimes in Gotham.

Sounds like a female version of Batman? Maybe, but the methods of the Fallen Knight are too cruel. Every criminal who encounters her is destined to be tortured crazily and finally killed.

The original name of Bonebreaker is Sally Sarasota. She is a powerful Mexican woman, maybe she has some Paradise Island blood. Her skin is whiter than the average Latina, her whole body is invulnerable, and her pair of fists as weapons can break mountains and crack rocks. .

She was originally a wrestler in Gotham, the kind who wore a bikini in the ring and 'performed' with other women. She has twin daughters. Although her life was not rich, she felt very happy.

Unfortunately, this is Gotham, and anyone can die suddenly. A drunk driving madman killed her child and drove her completely crazy.

In her view, the penalty for drunk driving homicide is only a fine plus suspended sentence, which is very unfair.

So she found the driver, knocked him out and tied him with a chain behind the car. She drank and drove onto the highway from Gotham to Metropolis.

By the time she was pulled over by a state trooper on the highway half an hour later, the man had already been worn down.

Although it was also a drunk driving homicide, her sentence was completely different. She was thrown into Arkham.

Fortunately, with the help of an enthusiastic female psychiatrist, she seemed to have come out of her grief...

At the same time, because of this, she met Xia Ruisi, who was also a 'patient'. She was released on bail the day after the wealthy daughter was released from prison.

Money has great power, and there is nothing that can't be done in Gotham with money, let alone bail. Charis also made a pair of Wonder Woman-style promethium metal bracelets as Sally's weapons.

It's just that Dr. Quinzel has only been treating her halfway. Sally still often has hallucinations and feels that her dead twin daughters are beside her. She will talk to them, make breakfast for them every day, and give them breakfast at night. Tell bedtime stories.

The third woman, Katasis, whose real name is Clapp Verasak, is of Thai origin. She was once a police officer in the Gotham Police Department. She hated evil and was Gordon's right-hand man.

However, no one living in Gotham has a simple background. She was young and beautiful, and she was also a cute little girl when she was a child, so a perverted teacher molested her, which lasted for several years until she graduated from elementary school.

After she worked and became a police officer, one time Gordon and the others captured her former teacher. All kinds of memories came flooding back instantly. Clapp chose revenge and she castrated him in the holding cell.

This caused trouble. Although the pervert violated the current elementary school students and obtained the stolen goods, there was no evidence to prove that he had molested Clapp.

So because of the use of lynching and possible delusions, Clapp was sent to the best psychiatrist in Gotham at the time. She was not sentenced, but needed "closed treatment" in Arkham.

Needless to say, the result was that she also made new friends and fell into the arms of the eldest lady of the Carnes family.

Wayne Enterprises is rich, but Carnes Real Estate is not bad either. If you can't even seek justice for yourself, what's the point of being a police officer? !

After being released on bail, she directly resigned and joined the Humiliation Team. As a gift, Charis smuggled her a pair of wings back from Senagon through connections...

The last person is the only male in the team, Brick Michael, a black boy about the same age as Emiko, with an afro, codenamed Prodigy.

He has no superpowers, but he is a super chemical genius. His talent is even stronger than that of the Scarecrow. He can kill people by messing with washing powder and toilet cleaning liquid in his hands.

He is also a tragedy. As an orphan of color, he can only go to the underground "elementary school" established by gangs, and the teachers there decided to teach the children some skills that can really help them live in Gotham.

Yes, they train children to make drugs. This is a lucrative business. If you make drugs well, you will have a high status in the Gotham underworld.

But what these teachers didn't realize was that their courses were too easy for true geniuses.

The child prodigy Brick learned all their skills when he was seven years old. He taught himself how to make drugs in Gotham at the age of seven and a half. He developed more than ten new drugs by himself when he was eight years old.

The tables turned and the teachers used him as a cash cow, imprisoning him and forcing him to make drugs.

Geniuses will never accept their fate. Brick used the chemical raw materials at hand to develop a super poisonous gas that was ineffective against him in just a few days.

When he distributed the poisonous gas into the building, 14 of his 'teachers' and 3 classmates died instantly.

It takes effect instantly, has no antidote, and makes the poisoned person extremely painful. This perfectly satisfies anyone's requirements for poison.

But Brick was a good kid, and after he was freed, he went to the police station to surrender.

Needless to say, the result was that he had no idea what killing meant, and even thought it was some kind of relief. Such a child was too dangerous, so he became the youngest patient in Arkham's history.

And then....guess who his attending doctor is?

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