The Death Knell

Chapter 808 Mutation

The purple cloak fluttered in the wind, and the oncoming rain flowed down the golden mask. The curved surface like a mirror reflected a blood-red reflection.

She straightened up, wiped the dagger on her glove, and looked up at the cloud-filled sky.

Gotham seems like this forever.

"Tear it apart."

Bonebreaker carried out Xia Ruisi's order without hesitation. She is 1.9 meters tall and weighs 99. She is not fat at all, but for a woman, the appearance of large muscles all over her body makes her Looks particularly fierce.

She strode towards a pile of bloody 'things' on the ground. It had always been like this in the past. The criminals that Miss Charis was tired of playing with usually used her big hands to dispose of the garbage.

Before that, the Humiliation Team was indeed just as Batman expected, originally planning to hunt criminals in Gotham tonight.

It's just that the plan couldn't keep up with the changes, and they also encountered it.

It's okay if you can't see it, but if you encounter this kind of monster head-on in the dark streets, you can't just sit back and watch.

They are not as easy to deal with other species as Su Ming, but at least it is easier than the Teen Titans.

The Fallen Knight can be seen as a pirated copy of Batman, only with some weakening in all aspects. Charis doesn't even have to think about how to develop herself. She just needs to look at the secretly filmed Batman battle videos. She also has various toys that Batman has. Just make it all once.

Batmobile? She has a Cavalier; a Batplane? She has a knight flying machine; a batarang with various functions? She has throwing knives with various effects.

If there's a weakness, it's that she's much younger and less experienced than Batman, and she doesn't have the top toys in the Batcave.

For example, there is no brother eye, no ultimate machine, and she does not have other precious props, such as amber gold, Dionysus factor, kryptonite, Zhenglian liaison device, etc.

But that's just because she hasn't seen these things before. Once she sees them and understands what they are used for, her money-making ability will quickly complete her goal.

As for the pirated Wonder Woman and Hawkgirl in the team, their combat effectiveness is not bad, and they can deal with others without any problem. However, only Katasis's wings are made of N metal, so their lethality is limited.

It is immune to the toxins of the prodigy, but that doesn't matter. The prodigy was not idle while he was imprisoned in Arkham. He also taught himself medicine and hacking knowledge, making him a universal assistant.

He has combat prowess, is good at street fighting skills, and can skillfully use all hot and cold weapons on the planet.

Not to mention the auxiliary ability. A person who is good at using poison and has medical knowledge. Although he is not a professional doctor and cannot use chopsticks to remove tumors like the midnight weirdo, or use a lighter to treat fractures, the child prodigy at least has some skills. Lower than Afu's level.

Such a team is able to fight, resist, have brains, and has strong endurance. As long as they don't confront Batman, they can almost run amok in Gotham.

As the heir to a well-established family in Gotham, Charice naturally knows Batman's true identity. Who doesn't know everyone else's background? She also knows the two Batgirls from the Kane family.

But like any sane person, she is determined not to participate in Batman and the Joker's game. Now is not the time. They usually just fight with Barbara.

Charis believes that Barbara can act with the Birds of Prey, and there are people killing people there, so she has been luring Barbara to kill, and constantly trying to recruit her to join the humiliation.

Bonecrusher had already gathered the silent criminal into a ball and stuffed it into the sewer through the small hole in the manhole cover, with a kind smile on her face.

The former police officer Katasis was busy spreading her wings and washing them under the rain. Its blood was a little sticky and smelly, making it difficult to clean. She turned a blind eye to the carnage in front of her.

Not to mention the child prodigy, who even watched with envy as the meat was squeezed out of the small hole. He was wearing a red suit and standing aside with a black umbrella.

"You guys wait a moment, mom is working." Bonebreaker smiled and spoke into the air around her. Then, with a smile on her face, she walked to Charis who was watching the rain at the entrance of the alley: "Miss, it's taken care of."

Charis moved her shoulders and moved her cloak upwards. She took out something that looked like a mobile phone and looked at the satellite images on it.

Her method is faster. Although she also has spare satellites, they are not suitable for launching launch vehicles now.

But there will always be people on earth who launch satellites.

After the flood, the earth is now very 'clean'. There are no electrical signals, radio waves, or quantum rays that were invisible in the air. It's like returning to primitive society.

And the signals that still exist after the flood, leading to the outer atmosphere, are as obvious as the lice on the head of a bald man.

She just needs to prepare some signal amplifiers, let her portable terminal catch up with other people's signals, and then let the prodigy hack in.

These are all very common skills. People with a little skill hack the military's satellites every day to steal information.

With the capabilities of the FBI and the Department of Defense, the satellites under their defense are like public toilets in New York's Central Park to superheroes and villains, and anyone can enter.

A few hours had passed since the flood. During this period, the power to launch satellites into space was very limited. After recognizing the Sky Eye Society's satellite, the prodigy wisely let it go, and finally hacked into a satellite that was about thirty years behind the times. artificial satellite.

Xia Ruisi couldn't figure it out. Logically speaking, a force that could re-launch artificial satellites in such a short period of time, even if it didn't cover the sky with one hand, could be considered a wealthy party, how could it send an outdated satellite into space? What is this operation?

Moreover, the transmission codes of these signals are too old and can be cracked by anyone. Is this someone doing good deeds and sending a public satellite into the sky?

The signal is always intermittent, and the picture looks like a penguin for a while, and a giraffe for a while, but this is enough for Xia Ruisi. It is free information anyway, and her analysis ability is enough to distinguish these fragmented pictures. .

"Batman is coming in our direction." Sharis saw some tracks. Batman's black protective color is actually very good, but for satellites it is another matter.

Looking from high to low, it is indeed difficult to recognize a black ant lying on the black ground, but if this ant starts to crawl around, the moving object will always be particularly conspicuous.

"What a nosy guy! If you don't catch the criminal, why are you looking for us?!" Bonecrusher slammed the wall next to the alley to vent his dissatisfaction.

A big hole was immediately revealed in the wall, and the layout of the houses inside could be seen.

Under Sharis's golden mask, she squinted her eyes and thought for a few seconds: "Prodigy, let Katasis take you to place water-soluble Type I venom on high places on both sides of the alley. The dose should be smaller, so as not to kill you."

"Copy that, boss." The black boy crooked his neck and caught the umbrella, and opened his suit. You can see that the lining is full of small grids, with densely packed test tubes pinned inside.

He pulled out six or seven of them and started dispensing them on the spot. He moved quickly, and the complex poison was mixed within two seconds. All the venom he used was ineffective against himself, so he was able to bring all the materials with him generously. On the body.

The Fallen Knight began to take out something from her belt, an EMP trip mine used to paralyze vehicles. She asked Bonecrusher to set it up on the street, while she put a lot of various props according to the 3D simulation in her mind. The calculation results are arranged in various directions in the alley.

This is where she is better than Batman. As a student taught by a serial killer, she is very good at setting up hunting traps, not the ones used in the rain forest, but the ones used to kill people.

It's just that she doesn't want to kill Batman, which greatly limits her performance. She also has black technology like micro nuclear bombs or black hole bombs, but she can't use them.

They fight for justice, and unlike other anti-heroes, they try to avoid civilians and avoid damage to public property during battles.

So Charis's hand passed over the portable nuclear bomb on her belt, then passed napalm, C4, TNT, grenades, grenades, and finally picked up a small pistol, a 9mm Beretta 92F that could fire continuously.

With a pistol in one hand and a remote control in the other, she activated the trap she had laid after all four returned to the alley.

She had calculated that if Batman chased a few people in a straight line, he would be seriously injured and comatose if he fell into a bunch of traps.

"Go, evacuate east along the straight street."

The eastern part of Gotham is the old port area along the coast, which is Charice's territory. Although it looks like unfinished buildings and saline land on the ground, she has actually built a very complex underground fortification and transportation network.

The bunker, like the Hall of Justice, was built to deal with cosmic-level threats. Even if Darkseid comes again, it will be able to hold on for a while.

Her team obeys her well, her psychosis is different from Batman's, she can switch her personality by putting on and taking off the mask, and she is not as paranoid as Batman.

She is both a sponsor and a friend, and her belief in purifying Gotham is exactly the same as her teammates. As the person with the best brains in the humiliation team, no one has ever questioned her words.

The four of them moved silently in the dark alley. She was not surprised at all how many people Batman could find in this situation. The only thing she was a little unsure about was who was in the shabby second-hand car and why it looked so different. Is that car leading the way?

"It's close, get ready..." The Fallen Knight, who pretended to lower his head and leave while staring at the terminal, whispered an order. Bonecrusher clenched her fists. When the war started, she had to be the first human shield. One rushed forward.

However, just when a few people tensed up, they saw that the vehicle and the bat on the satellite image were getting closer and closer, and the vehicle suddenly turned towards another intersection and headed south of the city.

Charis: "...The danger is over."

"Isn't he coming for us?" Katasis asked with a puzzled look. As a former police officer and a member of the Gotham Police Commando Team, she also has good tactical skills.

She could feel that the car and the bat were originally coming towards them, but suddenly she seemed to have changed her mind, and the feeling of being locked disappeared.


The fallen knight arranged for them to dismantle the trap to avoid accidentally injuring pedestrians tomorrow, while she stood quietly, thinking silently in the rain.

She naturally felt what Katasis could feel. It seemed that several people were suddenly excluded from the target. Why was this? It was clearly not within sight, so why did you change your mind?

"Oh, so that's it..."

Suddenly she heard a voice ringing in her ear, and a red and blue head immediately rested on her shoulder, watching the screen on the terminal with her.

"Doctor Quinzel?" Katasis then noticed that the buildings on both sides of where she was originally standing had been wrapped in plant vines, and flowers as huge as wheels bloomed silently in the dark night... ...

The subtle fragrance was not obvious under the cover of the rain, but when she could detect it, it meant that she had been poisoned by Poison Ivy.

Harley obviously didn't care about how much of a threat Poison Ivy was to others now. She hugged Charis affectionately, laughed and stamped a bite on her golden visor.

"Yes, dear Charis, I'm back. Do you miss me?"

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