The Death Knell

Chapter 810 News about Catwoman

"This is not a humiliation squad. m."

Standing in the cold rain, Batman came to the parked second-hand car to join the trench coat fighter. When he arrived, he could already vaguely see the light of a flashlight dangling in the alley ahead.

Even if the Humiliation Team escaped from Arkham in such a hurry, Charis had more footholds in Gotham City than Batman. Everyone in her team had night vision devices in their masks, so there was no need for such antiques as flashlights.

The heavy rain muffled the sound of the car, while cold water droplets splashed on the hood.

The windbreaker pulled up his clothes to protect himself from the rain, took out his notebook and looked at it, his tone seemed helpless.

"The place is not wrong, but this little book of mine is not an information terminal that can be updated in time. It was indeed here before I humiliated them, but it seems that someone else is here now."

Batman was just talking. Through the sound of rain, he collected the sounds of doors being smashed, glass being smashed, and people screaming. No matter what, a crime was going on and it had to be stopped.

There were messy footsteps on the street corner ahead, there were at least a dozen flashlight apertures, and the identity of the other party was still unclear. Generally, this group was either a gang or a cult.

But cults generally only kill people and don't rob. They need to spend the time other criminals spend on looting on arranging various rituals.

So when he heard the sound of smashing and looting, Batman judged that the other party was a robbery gang.

In Gotham, group robberies are usually the job of small gangsters. Who has ever seen Penguin or Two-Face leading people to rob outside?

Batman walked towards the street and stuck his head against the wet building. In just a moment, he could clearly see the situation on the other side.

It was a group of people who were ransacking a small jewelry store, and someone in the store who didn't know whether it was a security guard or the store owner had fallen outside the door and didn't know whether he was alive or dead.

The thugs were wearing suits and shirts, and they looked very well planned. There were about a dozen of them, all young men, but the man leaning against the door, posing coquettishly, was familiar to Batman.

Wearing a blue suit and a red and black floral Hawaiian shirt, a large gold chain is exposed around the neck, and the mask is like mercury, a silver mirror that can reflect the reflection of others.

"It's the facade and his goons, the flashbang."

As he spoke, Batman took out a batarang from his belt, pressed the button on it, flicked the hook, climbed directly onto the nearby building, and disappeared into the night.

The trenchcoat fighter put away his notebook and shrugged helplessly. Batman didn't seem to have any intention of cooperating. He just told him to avoid flash bombs, but he didn't say a word about how to cooperate.

For Batman, there is no need to cooperate with more than a dozen people. Although his appearance is good, his subordinates are generally of very poor quality.

The ‘frontman’ is a very good facade person. He likes to hire homeless people to support the scene. They just put on a suit when they come. It looks like there are many people, but in fact they are not professional gangsters at all.

In a place like Gotham, you can sometimes get a lot of advantage by disguising yourself as a gangster, but if you are found out, the consequences will be tragic.

The front man's name is Eric Hansen, and he was originally the parking boy at Double Face Nightclub.

Every day, he watched the rich gangsters dazzling in front of them, with luxury cars and beautiful women, and they always brought a group of uniformly dressed young men to swagger through the city. They were intimidating to everyone and very attractive.

Suddenly he had an idea. As long as he put on the mask and pretended to be a little nervous, no one in Gotham would want to mess with the crazy masked man.

Taking out the tips he had received over the years and all the tens of thousands of dollars he had accumulated, he bought dozens of sets of low-quality suits, and hired homeless people on the streets for an extra $20 a day to take care of the food.

He quickly pulled out a team and drove all the homeless people into the sea to take a bath, cut their hair and beards, and put on uniform suits.

Okay, he is also a gangster.

Although the people hired in this way have silver-like wax gun heads, which are of good value and useless, others don't know it. Each person carries a brick in his arms and pretends to have a gun.

Then he took people to have fun.

When someone was robbing or robbing something, he would lead these dozens of people around and surround him:

"Oh, we've been keeping an eye on this family for a long time. Since you brothers have taken the lead, I can't say anything, but I can't let hundreds of brothers like me travel in vain. How about sharing half of it?"

There were so many of them, and it looked like everyone was carrying something in their arms. It was so dark that they couldn't see clearly at night, and they could scare almost 99% of the people.

Besides, appearance is not all that is needed, only half. When have the gangsters ever seen such a talkative gangster? Hundreds of gun-toting men surrounded them, and they were able to leave half of them alone. It was really a breath of fresh air in the underworld.

When someone robs a jewelry store, robs a bank, or steals something, they all need planning, and it takes a lot of brains. The facade only needs to collect information on the streets and block others, and other criminals will send the money to him.

So the store quickly created a reputation and made a lot of money.

With money, you can stabilize your subordinates. Those who were originally just homeless people have relatively low requirements and low labor costs.

Some people think that he likes to get something for nothing, just like a hyena taking away other people's prey; others think that he has the demeanor of a veteran gangster, keeping a bottom line in everything.

Regardless of whether he is a fan or a fan, his appearance has become popular, and more and more people are willing to follow him, which really makes him successful.

After several large-scale fights and cases, he entered Batman's sight. The gang of thousands of people was larger than the Penguin.

Before he was arrested, even Batman couldn't figure out his background. He didn't know which family in Gotham was showing up again? Or is it a dragon crossing the river from other cities?

However, as the contact continued to deepen, Batman finally discovered the fact that left him speechless. The facade was actually just a parking boy. Last time he went to Two-Face's nightclub as Bruce and gave him a tip... ..

Those gang members are actually homeless people hired with money, and they are just a facade.

So when Batman showed up to seize the facade, the homeless people faced the symbol of Gotham and didn't even have the will to resist. They dispersed when they saw that several people had broken bones.

The gang of thousands of people suddenly collapsed, and it became a duel between Batman and the facade.

It has to be said that as a parking boy, he is surprisingly good at fighting, and his street fighting skills are on par with Jason the Red Hood.

Unfortunately, that's it for Batman.

Since the appearance is both cunning and insidious, Arkham was also given away. As a liar, he is at the bottom of society in Arkham. A big brother like a clown or a scarecrow would not even bother to pick him up along the way. He is more popular. It's really bad.

However, after escaping from prison this time, it seems that he has learned a lesson. No, he gathered his men and started the robbery himself, and even let his men see more blood as training.

If you don't know the other party, you will definitely need to test it. As long as you recognize the other party, Batman will already have a plan...

After the trenchcoat fighter turned his head to avoid the flash bomb, when he turned back, all the thugs had fallen to the ground. Batman dived from the roof, using the flash bomb and surprise attack to directly knock down the facade. The others just punched and kicked. Knocked down.

Batman stood up holding one side of his abdomen. The injuries left by Bane were still somewhat inconvenient, but dealing with a character like Facade didn't require any complicated tactics.

In fact, these so-called thugs probably didn't even eat dinner. Their hands were soft and their feet were soft. They fell to pieces when they swept the hall. The rest who were hit by flash bombs just covered their eyes and rolled on the ground without any intention of resisting.

The man in the trench coat, soaked in the heavy rain, tiptoed from the fallen crowd to Batman's side, speaking in a low voice.

"The owner is dead."


"Some homeless people and beggars become particularly crazy after seeing blood." The trench coat fighter kicked the facade with his toes again, but this one seemed to have a severe concussion.

Batman has nothing to say. This is how Gotham is. The owner of a jewelry store may look down upon homeless people during the day, but at night, he will also die at the hands of these people.

That's the way Gotham is, anyone can die suddenly, and social status and wealth don't come with any guarantees.

"Find the next target."

He just stood quietly, letting the rain fall down his shoulders, and the sound of rain drowned everything again.

And the trenchcoat fighter did not disappoint him. The information in that small, inconspicuous-looking notebook helped Batman find many fugitives.

It's just that I don't know if it's a coincidence or something, but the people who are found often have a tragic fate, or they are not the kind of extremely evil people.

Time and time again, Batman knocked down the enemy time and time again, and the trenchcoat fighter simply became an intelligence station, without any sense of existence at all.

He just needs to lead the way, wait, lead the way again, and repeat the process ad infinitum.

The rain became heavier and heavier, and the night became darker and darker, but people hired by the Joker such as Chrysalis and Bane did not appear again.

After traveling around the city for a while, Afu finally brought good news. Gotham's surveillance network has been rebuilt, and Batman can now view everything on the ground in the city through the Bat Terminal.

Batman nodded slightly and told the trenchcoat warrior that he could go home. He also saw the opponent's strength. The next few opponents would not be able to deal with the trenchcoat warrior.

The trenchcoat fighter didn't have any objections, as if he was already very tired: "Well, I'm glad to be able to fight alongside Batman, but I have another piece of information here, which I think is quite important."


"My informant saw Catwoman operating in the city before. She seems to be planning to steal the Gotham Museum." The windbreaker opened the car door and got in, only to find that the car had really broken down this time. He had no choice but to do so. Walk down.

When Batman heard this, he fell into deep thought.

Why did Selena want to steal the museum? Is the reason why you don't marry yourself still to steal things? But even if she wanted the entire museum, Batman could buy it and give it to her, so why would she steal it?

"Well, my car broke down. Can you give me a ride in the Batmobile?" The windbreaker walked to him helplessly. Although the expression on his mask was still the same, the helplessness in his tone could still be heard.

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