The Death Knell

Chapter 811 Far Far Away

Bruce wanted to marry Selina, but unfortunately, she loved Batman.

It sounds like a weird reason. Isn't Bruce Batman? But the Joker isn't the only one who understands the truth.

Gotham's biggest playboy, Bruce Wayne, is really not Batman. Although the two may share the same body, they are completely different from each other.

Batman is real, and Bruce Wayne actually died along with his parents on that night in Crime Alley decades ago.

In addition to the Joker, there are many people who know this, and it has almost become a secret in Gotham.

Maybe it was other people's conspiracy, or maybe I didn't figure it out, but the result has already happened, that is, before Selina's wedding to Bruce, she left a letter and disappeared.

She thought she was ready. Lois also took her to the Fortress of Solitude for a bachelor night, tasted all the alien wine Clark had accumulated, and watched the Superman robots perform a striptease.

But back in Gotham, the Joker found her.

"Gotham can't live without Batman."

Catwoman originally planned to kill him, but what the Joker said later made sense:

"Only Batman is real, and you're just married to a dummy named Bruce, a void, like an empty shell without a soul."

While Selina was lost in thought, the Joker had slipped away.

Then the confused Catwoman went to discuss it with her best friends, who persuaded her not to marry Bruce, because the body may be the same one, but it is not the soul that she met on the top of the high-rise building at midnight.

That would never be happy, and Batman didn't trust anyone, especially Bruce.

Knowing that the person who can learn Selena's true identity must be someone she trusts, Catwoman was finally persuaded.

So she left the letter and ran away, and no one saw her again.

Of course, she didn't see how happy her best friends were when they each went to the clown to receive $100,000.

Catwoman knows Batman's background very well, so there is no way to trace her whereabouts. Bruce was let go at the wedding.

The two had been together for several years and had a deep relationship, but the other party suddenly left without saying goodbye. This was really a huge blow.

The Zhenglian heroes who were invited to the wedding were stunned and couldn't say anything, and the atmosphere was extremely awkward.

After that, Bruce was drunk and dreaming every day, crying and laughing from time to time, as if he was mentally ill. He climbed up to Wayne Tower several times, making Alfred worried that he was going to commit suicide by jumping off the building, and Zatanna was ready to wash his face with irony magic. Memorized.

But whenever night comes, when he puts on Batman's uniform, it's as if none of these things have happened. He is still calm and calm, the brains of the Justice League and the master of Gotham.

It was in this state that the Earth encountered the invasion of Barbatos, and then repelled the Four Omega Gods. In subsequent events, Batman still played his role.

As for how much pain he felt in his heart, he could only realize it for himself after he took off his uniform every morning.

But now, the trenchcoat fighter has revealed the whereabouts of Catwoman, and Batman hesitates. He wanted to ask why Selina left and what happened?

It has to be said that Batman is still a mortal, and his flesh and blood body cannot avoid being affected by emotions. He has enough sense to refuse the light ring, but this does not mean that the light ring will not come to him.

He lost his parents and now his wife, and he respects Selina's choice, but he wants to know the truth.

So after thinking for a short time, Batman took out the Bat-walkie-talkie and pressed a few buttons on it, and soon the Bat-plane came over the heads of the two of them.

The Batmobile is not as fast as an airplane. Go to the museum first to see if anyone is there. If not, you can ask the trenchcoat fighter to check the information again.

"You may need to postpone your return home." With that said, the armor on the bottom of the Batplane opened and two seats fell down.

It's funny to say that this plane was originally a single-seater. Batman changed it to a two-seater just to prepare it for Catwoman. But now another person is sitting on it just to help Batman find the missing Catwoman.

"Ah, great, the plane is faster." Windbreaker hammered his palms with his fist, and his voice through the voice changer was obviously excited: "I've always wanted to take a plane."

Batman didn't say anything, just watched him hurriedly sit on the seat and fasten his seat belt.

Leaving the unconscious people on the ground, Batman stepped onto the seat, and the two of them quickly ascended. The glass of the aircraft cockpit was covered with rain, and Gotham seemed to be distorted in the darkness.

The tail of the bat-shaped aircraft sprayed out blue flames, and the surrounding buildings and trees flew back quickly. Within a few minutes, the two arrived outside the Gotham Museum.

And here, Batman felt a strange aura.

The tall marble building is white and looks like an ancient Roman palace. There are many traces of floods on the outer walls of the museum, but these are not things that Batman finds strange.

He wondered why the museum had electricity.

Although the building is not brightly lit, through a row of doors, you can still vaguely see the light inside.

"Huh? There's electricity?" The windbreaker tugged at his collar and tilted his head in confusion.

"…Follow up."

Batman simply uttered two words, raised his cape and shot out the hook, intending to enter from the top of the museum.

Catwoman is a snitch, not a robber, and she loves to be clean and will never go into the sewer.

In the past, her method of theft was to break open the ceiling and hang upside down with a pulley block to steal. This was her habit of committing crimes.

Batman and Catwoman first met here, also because of a theft, when Catwoman took a fancy to a huge sapphire on display here.

It can be said that it was an accidental encounter. Generally speaking, Batman would not go out specifically because of thieves. He just happened to find it when passing by.

After some planning and fighting, Batman deliberately let Catwoman steal the gem, while he secretly followed her, intending to find the other party's lair.

But it was discovered that Catwoman only sold the gems at a low price and distributed the money to the orphans on the street. Therefore, Batman was sure that the other party had a just heart and did not arrest her. Instead, he invested in the establishment of an orphanage.

Since then, the relationship between the two has been both enemies and friends, but unknowingly, with more and more contact, the two inevitably got better.

In fact, the process is that simple. Everyone in the world dares to love and hate. Batman only saved Catwoman a few times, and she fell in love with Batman.

So now that he is revisiting his old place, Batman can't help but feel a little emotional. He is no longer as young as he was back then, but the weather is exactly the same as back then.

Thinking of the countless interactions between the two, Batman had to use his willpower to push the memories back to the bottom of his heart in order to keep himself calm.

Standing on the roof of the museum, he saw the trench coat warrior hiding behind the flower bed outside the door, waving his hands constantly and pointing at his head, as if to say that he couldn't go up.

Batman gestured to him to stay put, while he took out a can of spray from his belt, took a few steps and sprayed a bat shape on the roof.


The directional explosives still worked perfectly even in heavy rain, and Batman jumped down before the exploded roof rubble even hit the ground.

The black cape drew an arc in the corridor, and Batman shot out a hook as he landed, sucking himself back against one wall.

Seeing the sight of you in the museum, he finally understood where the weird feeling he felt before came from.

In the spacious museum hall, there were originally some beautiful classical statues on display, but now there were a lot of instruments and generators scattered on the ground, which were rumbling.

As for those white marble statues, their faces were painted with big smiles by red liquid.

Some of the dedicated security guards had already died. Their mutilated corpses could be seen showing signs of being eaten by chelicerate butterflies, and all kinds of stumps and broken arms were scattered everywhere.

Why Batman can tell that it is the work of a man-eating monster is because among the known man-eating monsters, only that guy has an upright mouth, like a Venus flytrap with sharp teeth on the edge of his lips. , those wounds are very conspicuous.

And as if he had expected Batman to come in from the roof, big letters were written in blood on the ground not far ahead.

"Come to me, haha!"

This is a typical clown's work. He turns all the artworks here into jokes, using the fragility of life to sublimate the theme of human nature.

Batman fell to the ground, first checking whether the words were really written by the Joker, and then began to look for traces of Selina's appearance.

The blood has completely dried up, so the murder here occurred at least three hours ago, and he wanted to find Catwoman, and the Joker seemed to have thought about it for him.

Not far from the big characters, there is a black leather rope around the neck of the statue of David, who is dressed like a circus clown.

This feel, this length and weight were all familiar to him. It was the tail cut off from Selena's uniform.

His heart couldn't help but sink. Although Selina, like the rest of the Bat Family, had been caught by the Joker many times, the Joker's behavior this time was very unusual.

Destroying the uniform means harming her, which is a hint, just like it was done to Barbara.

And Batman's time is running out.


At this time, in Washington, in the building that was still glowing in the darkness, while the heroes were resting in their rooms, a man who had been preparing for a long time moved.

The copperhead who was locked in the basement prison suddenly opened his eyes. He moved his neck, first stood up and patted the non-existent dust on his uniform, and then looked at the familiar prison with interest.

The corners of his mouth were slightly raised, and he took out a black nail from his mouth and held it in his hand. As he walked slowly, he bent down and knocked on the ground from time to time.

His smile widened when he heard some sounds that were different from elsewhere.

"Bruce, Bruce, you've put yourself in jail again. The Justice League's prisons are all ready for backup. It's really my style, hehehehehe..."


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