The Death Knell

Chapter 812 The New Dark Knight

No one knew or saw that the Laughing Bat appeared in the prison of the Hall of Justice, or was sent in by the Joker's men disguised as a human-male villain.

As one of the Batmans, he clearly realized his past weaknesses after being infected by the Joker virus which led to his 'broad thinking'.

That is, once someone passes Batman's trust test, his suspicion of these people will drop a level in the following days.

For example, Barbara, as the daughter of the Gotham Police Chief, has been with Batman for so many years, and the torture she suffered has proven her firm stance.

She has proven herself, and Batman cannot ask her to prove her justice every time they meet. This is normal. As a mortal, there will always be a habit or familiar psychology.

Batman is no exception.

Of course, Laughing has always been in Gotham. He is Batman, where else can he go?

So when the Joker takes action and kidnaps Barbara, Laughter discovers something interesting.

The Joker trapped Batgirl in the park, and then asked "Anonymous" to imitate Barbara. At first glance, he planned to sneak into the Zhenglian to cause trouble.

DC is rich in all kinds of chameleons, and there are many villains who are good at imitating others, such as Clayface. If the distance is too far, even Superman can't tell the difference through his heartbeat and breathing.

It's just that his disguise ability is actually the worst. Batman has recruited him. Clayface is a mercenary and he has to pay for his work, but Batman is not short of money.

and ‘Onomatopoeia’, a serial killer who specializes in killing superheroes. He can imitate any sound in the world. As long as he puts on the corresponding uniform, and before removing the mask, he speaks in a voice that even the superhero's own wives cannot recognize.

The code name of the 'Jane Doe' (Jane Doe) that the clown found this time comes from the name given by the police to the unknown female victim. She originally looked like a rotting corpse, but her disguise ability is actually very terrifying.

She can create a special leather sheath to imitate someone else, and can even read all the memories in the mind of the imitated person, partially hypnotize herself, and play the role to perfection.

She is also one of the serial killers in Gotham City, who likes to kill beautiful women, wear their skins, and live their lives.

Of course, she can't imitate superpowers. Even if her appearance is exactly the same, asking her to pretend to be a superpower will definitely lead to cheating.

But playing the role of Barbara is not difficult. Currently, the method known to reveal the nameless person is to peel off her skin after confirming her identity through reasoning.

Her thoughts, heartbeat, and any subtle physical characteristics, knowledge, intelligence, and martial arts she possesses are exactly the same as the person being replaced. She will also store some skin flakes and blood for scientific testing. She can use all the methods of checking identity that ordinary people can think of. As you can imagine, she is a very difficult woman.

There are many similar people, but Anonymous's price is relatively cheap, very cost-effective, and I like the crazy clown very much.

Secretly following the clown's laughter and seeing his plan, he followed suit.

Copperhead was indeed sold by the Joker. Knowing that Wolf Spider would go to find Nightwing today, the Joker sent him to the hospital to catch Nightwing, which explains the problem.

But after Wolf Spider kidnapped Nightwing, the pair of pointed ears that Copperhead saw lying on the ground were not Barbara, but the Laughing Bat!

He knocked out the copperhead snake, threw it into the ward bathroom and hid it, put on his uniform, and disguised himself as the unlucky guy through some bat toys.

Then he just had to lie in the ward and pretend to be comatose. As a well-trained warrior, controlling his own heartbeat was just a basic skill.

So the nameless person who was given a time lag, after disguising himself as Barbara, sent Laughter disguised as a copperhead into the Hall of Justice...

Copperhead is the surrender certificate, which is exchanged for Batman's trust, so that the Joker can start the follow-up plan, and also bury the fake Barbara in the main story.

It looked like a good plan, and I got a ride on the crazy laugh.

How to escape from Zhenglian Prison is not a problem for Laughing at all. He understands Batman because he is one.

The metal nails he spat out allowed him to easily escape from the prison, and then hacked into the computer in the Hall of Justice to cover up all his traces.

It can't be considered a hack. The administrator's password for the backdoor of the main computer program is Martha. He doesn't even have to guess. Then he swaggered under the Hall of Justice and found the Green Arrow's dormitory area.

Yes, Batman still left several thousand square meters of underground space for Green Arrow as a dormitory, but Green Arrow never came to live there.

Where to live? Even if he lives in the Hall of Justice, wouldn't it be more embarrassing if he goes on a mission without him?

So when the door opened to reveal the underground space without any decoration, the Laughing Bat was very satisfied.

He danced backwards into the room like a moonwalk, stopped at the door, stretched out his finger and gently tapped the door button, locking himself in the room.

"Tsk tsk tsk... It's a nice place. It's safe and cozy. It's just the right time to open the door. It's dark, hehe hehe..."

While smiling and visiting, he took out one item after another from his belt and kept placing the items on the ground in a circle.

n metal, promethium metal, amber gold, bat gold, Dionysian factor blood...

Batman is the door.

He is also Batman.

The arrangement was almost complete. He knelt down in the darkness and waited for something quietly. Suddenly he seemed to sense it and smiled even happier.

"Oh, the x-metal resonance, it's such a wonderful taste, as if it was yesterday that they passed over my neck."

He shook his head with affectation, smiled, took out a small piece of black flesh from his belt, and threw it into the metal circle like a coin.

That is the flesh and blood of Barbatos. This door also needs energy to connect to other worlds. After Laughing regained freedom from the Legion of Destruction, he did not act rashly. Instead, he first found a way to return to the Eternal Furnace and escaped from the sealed Barbatos. Toss 'borrowed' some flesh and blood.

The former God of Darkness still hoped that Laughter could save him, but this only made Laughter laugh.

The Laughing Bat doesn't like waste, and Barbatos is already a waste. If it wasn't impossible to kill, Laughing Bat would even want to get a few Robins to eat him like a lantern of dawn.

As the piece of black flesh fell to the ground, it shook slightly like jelly on the ground. The next second, a large amount of black liquid flowed out of it and flowed to the five surrounding metals, automatically starting to outline complex patterns.

The black lines were like hair in the water, swimming, colluding, and merging, and the next second, a black door instantly tore the space apart and appeared in front of you.

Several short figures ran out of the door, threw the Laughing Bat to the ground, and rubbed their heads on his neck and face. The Laughing Bat laughed and stroked the heads of these crazy Robins.

"Hahahaha, good boy, good boy, are you ready to eat meat?"

Behind the Robin Hounds, several tall figures also came out one after another. The leader could be seen to be the same Batman, but he was obviously re-equipped for battle, and the equipment he carried was laughed at. times.

Not only were there three bat belts around his waist, but there were also carrying gear on his thighs. The whole body was covered with magazines and ammunition chains of various calibers, and four weapons were carried on his back. A heavy machine gun, an assault rifle, a sniper rifle, and a law anti-tank rocket launcher.

Not only was he wearing a heavy body armor, but there were two pistols and two Uzi submachine guns under his ribs on both sides of his body. Various grenades were hung densely on his chest. There were two bat-shaped sabers on both sides of his thighs, making him look like A black Christmas tree.

"Laughing wildly, how are you preparing?"

"We are now in Batman's new home, the dark space 120 feet underground. Welcome to Earth-0, Cruel Knight."

The knight's face was expressionless, and his face under the Batman mask was covered with weather and stubble, making him look very decadent. However, the large muscles under the uniform made him appear stronger than Iron Fist, at least. Carrying hundreds of kilograms of weapons and ammunition, he still looked relaxed.

His welcome to the wild laughter was neither salty nor mild. He came here for his own purpose.

At this time, another Batman with a helmet like a sack came up. His mask was different from the others, and yellow light was gushing out from his eyes and mouth: "Forget the small talk, let's kill the Justice League first. "

"Don't worry, my friends, we will win. Our opponent is only Batman from Earth 0. Everyone knows that the Justice League is just a joke."

The Laughing Bat climbed up from the ground, patting his leather coat with a smile on his face. He once again pulled out a team from the Dark Multiverse, and this time, he no longer had to pretend to play Barbatos' boring game, Laughing Crazy. Have your own plan.

"What you want."

The cruel knight pulled out a flatbed truck from the other end of the portal. On the truck was a two-person-high metal can, like a cylindrical house, with yellow and black radiation symbols painted on it, as well as some Bat pattern with peeling paint.

Kuangxiao walked over and patted the shell of the nuclear bomb with a smile. Robin Hound stuck out his tongue and swirled around his feet: "Oh? It's smaller than I thought. Can your special nuclear bomb bake Zheng Liandu?"

The Cruel Knight answered coldly as he lifted the control panel on the nuclear device and set the timer for three minutes.

"Keep it cooked."


Turning their attention back to Gotham, the Humiliation Team had completely lost their hostility after communicating with Harley for a while. With Harley's unrestrained words and suggestions, a group of people went to eat thirty-two flavors of ice cream.

At the other end of the city, Batman and the trenchcoat fighter met in the entrance hall of the museum. The trenchcoat fighter's ability to pick locks was very average, and it took him a long time to get in.

Batman originally asked him to wait outside the door, but since he came in on his own, there was no need to chase him out.

After entering the door, the man in trench coat seemed to have his eyes opened. He kept spinning in circles and looking at the surrounding situation.

"Is this the scene of the clown's crime... It's really scary."

The man in trench coat seemed a little scared. His back was turned to Batman, and his shoulders were shaking slightly.

Logically speaking, if his teammates showed such emotional instability, Su Ming would definitely comfort him, tell him a cold joke or something, but Batman would not.

"This is the Joker, the most dangerous criminal." Batman just told the truth.

"Really? Is he stronger than the aliens you have dealt with together?" The windbreaker took off his hat and scratched his head hard. The black hood was wrinkled by his scratches. .

Batman didn't answer, he just remained silent and walked into the deep corridor along the path paved by the Joker with neon tubes.

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