The Death Knell

Chapter 813 Wonderful Night in the Museum

Batman didn't like such an environment. Colorful neon lights and light spots of various colors climbed up from his body. On both sides of the corridor, there were many clowns leaving loudspeakers, which played looping sounds of laughter.

It's not a clown's low voice, but like the fake laugh used to heighten the atmosphere when TV stations shoot sitcoms.


The laughter was very regular, short, and noisy, as if hundreds of people were laughing at the same time. But if you listened for a long time, this mechanical regularity revealed a terrifying sense of indifference.

These people are not really smiling, maybe it is for money, maybe for work, maybe for future, but this kind of fake smile to cope with the situation is the smile that human beings show the most to others in their daily lives.

This is real laughter.

When Batman was walking quickly and thinking, he found that the batteries of these speakers seemed to be out of power, like the tapes were twisted. The laughter suddenly became distorted, became long and weird, and became like Cries and wails.

The trenchcoat warrior followed Batman cautiously, his head turning left and right quickly, as if he was worried about where the Joker would come from.

Many people encounter a clown for the first time, and this is indeed the case. That guy can give people a strong sense of suffocation. The pure chaos is so real that it is difficult for humans to accept it.

Even Nightwing, who is now independent, couldn't even speak clearly when he saw the Joker for the first time.

"Pah, pah!"

Suddenly two crisp noises rang out around the two of them, and a lot of paper fireworks were sprayed out, like welcoming birthday stars, and sprinkled on the two of them, and even the laughter became normal.

It’s just that the lights of various colors change more frequently.

If it was just neon lights on the street before, now they are like colorful lights flashing wildly on the dance floor of a nightclub. Batman and the trench coat fighter suddenly saw a dazzling scene.

"Sorry, I stepped on a trip mine." The windbreaker looked at his feet. He was the one who triggered the paper fireworks and caused the changes in the surroundings.

"He knew we were coming, it doesn't matter." Batman said calmly. Although he came to find Catwoman, the Joker obviously took the lead and captured Catwoman first.

He should have guessed the time when Batman resumed surveillance of Gotham City. Even if Batman didn't bring the trenchcoat fighter this time, the Joker would definitely have left clues elsewhere in the city to lead Batman here.

Alfred in the headset confirmed Batman's guess. In several blocks around the museum, large red letters suddenly appeared on the exterior walls of buildings.


"Come to me!"

"The kitten is in my hands!"

There are big slogans like this, as well as arrows pointing to the museum. Batman and the man in trench coat came over by aircraft just now, and did not see the slogans on the wall of the building below.

Now that the suspicion has been confirmed, Batman remains calm.

Batman suspects that the other party may have installed sensors on the roof or door. If there is a certain vibration or heat signal, the information about Batman's arrival will be transmitted to the Joker, and various traps inside will be activated.

The Joker is not good at these high-tech gadgets, but Bain understands it very well. That guy is a rare smart person among big guys. It is not impossible for a scientist who is over two meters tall and weighs nearly two hundred kilograms to exist.

Catwoman is also a former Snitch, and her knowledge of museums must be as good as Catwoman's.

"The Joker has been prepared, this has nothing to do with you." Batman continued to move forward.

After hearing Batman's words, the windbreaker tried to calm his breathing, as if he had calmed down a little: "That's okay, but what else is ahead? I always feel that the atmosphere here..."

"He will lay a trap for my spirit. There may not be a trap for you, but if there is, it will definitely be life-threatening." Batman stopped with an indifferent expression. He turned and looked at the man in the trench coat: "And you pay attention If you don't have enough concentration, it's dangerous to continue moving forward. I suggest you quit and wait for me."

The windbreaker's fists clenched and unclenched, and his ten fingers were twisted together: "But I don't want you to think I'm a coward or something..."

"Preserving life is the instinctive choice of living things, and the clown is indeed beyond your ability to deal with it. Going out and waiting is the best choice." Batman remained expressionless.

"Okay, then I'll wait for you outside the door. You be careful."

The trenchcoat fighter was not pretentious, as if he could no longer stand the suffocating atmosphere, and left in a panic.

Batman squinted at his leaving figure, but still couldn't figure out the other person's identity. There were millions of people in Gotham who could be frightened by the Joker, which was of no use in inferring the identity.

If possible, send him home later and get more valuable information through the address.

But for now, it seems that the Trenchcoat Fighter's actions are logical. Following his intelligence operations, the people Batman faces are basically fourth- and fifth-tier villains, and some are even so inconspicuous that Batman has forgotten their names. No, I just remember the code name and abilities.

What abilities do fourth- and fifth-tier villains have? People like Dr. Eggman and Facade are already strong.

The trenchcoat fighter's target of action is them, which seems reasonable to Batman. The only humiliation team beyond his capabilities is still a team of anti-heroes, and they may not necessarily fight.

Besides, you couldn’t find it, right? I guess in that little book, the humiliation team was a boss-level existence.

The trenchcoat fighter had to follow Batman just to take him to deal with humiliation, maybe because of some personal grudges. But after he couldn't find it, because he couldn't live with his face, he took Batman to find some other targets to prove that his intelligence was correct. All this can be explained.

This is in line with the psychological profile of a very young hero who has just debuted.

Unlike many stupid young men, the windbreaker fighter does not admit defeat and wants to prove that his intelligence is correct, but he also knows his own strength level and can retreat despite difficulties. This is also consistent with earlier expectations that he grew up in a poor neighborhood.

The streets of Gotham are so real. Children who grow up there have adapted to the darkness since they were young, and know that saving their lives is the most important thing.

Batman turned around, intending to move forward, but found that at that moment, a figure seemed to flash past from the other end of the corridor in the distance.

But the current lighting in the corridor was too confusing, and Batman didn't know if what he saw was correct, so he rushed toward that side while being wary of traps.

Before he reached the corner of the corridor ahead, Batman smelled the strong smell of blood. He instantly increased his vigilance, and external distractions, such as lights and laughter, also stayed away from him.

He slowed down, but in the next second, a figure suddenly rushed out from the corner. The figure kicked on the wall, turned over in the air and used the force, and whipped the other whip leg towards Batman's head.

Batman was well prepared, so how could he be hit? He crossed his arms to block, and steadily received the powerful and heavy kick, only taking a step back.

Although he was not injured, Batman knew that he was in trouble. The opponent's strength and martial arts were not weak. In a narrow place like a corridor filled with clown garbage, a flexible warrior had an advantage over him.

The opponent's soles felt Batman's forearm, and then the figure volleyed in the air and flipped back, using the contact point to gain strength, and kicked forward with the other leg, aiming for Batman's abdomen.

Batman had no choice but to block again and take a step back. The opponent took the opportunity to roll away and put some distance between him and Batman.

The other party was wearing a red three-point swimsuit, and his hands were wearing white gloves, which were dotted with rhinestones and shone under the light.

Her mask was white, with red eye shadow around her eyes. Her blond hair was casually draped over her shoulders, and she danced with two Nepalese kukri knives.

"Long time no see, Batman." She greeted Batman in a very feminine low voice.

"Ms. Vic."

Batman clenched his fists without changing his expression. Both of his forearms were numb from the opponent's sudden attack. A martial arts master, he was in trouble now.

Ms. Vic is not Ms. Siwa, which is good news, but she is also not easy to mess with. She is one of the most powerful world-class mercenaries.

Although not as strong as Deathstroke, her weakness is mainly that she is not good at thermal weapons and can only use automatic rifles, which is far from Deathstroke's ability to drive both tanks and fighter jets.

In hand-to-hand combat, she is slightly weaker than Earth-0 Deathstroke because her reaction speed is a little slower.

Her fighting power is not commensurate with her weak appearance at all. Almost all followers in Zhenglian are taken care of by her. Nightwing once complained to Batman in a paragraph about the reason for his defeat.

"She dresses and looks like Victoria's Secret supermodel Jessica Stane, but when she moves her hands, she looks like a female version of the Terminator plus Bruce Lee."

When Nightwing saw her for the first time and his eyes were still lingering on her waist, the other party suddenly started to move, and Nightwing fell into a coma with broken bones almost in an instant.

The original Red Arrow and the current Armory Roy were even more miserable. A member of the Green Arrow family who was good at sneaking was being followed. He suddenly appeared and kicked Red Arrow's mandible, causing him to fall into coma again.

Bat Wing had a slight advantage against her. After all, she was wearing high-tech armor and the reason for unconsciousness was suffocation. She would not lie down as quickly as Night Wing and the others.

It is said that Ms. Vic has Paradise Island blood. Who knows, there are always rumors.

Batman quickly went through the information in his mind, but the other party just looked at him calmly, adjusting his breathing and state, and curved his red lips at a nice angle: "Batman, you know this is not a personal grudge. .”

"I'll give you double the amount the Joker gives you." Batman immediately used his superpowers.

"Sorry, mercenaries at our level will basically not betray their employer for a small amount of money." Ms. Vic walked towards Batman with cat steps, her soft-soled boots made no sound: "Reputation sometimes It’s still somewhat useful.”

"But I also understand that mercenaries at your level cannot hide behind a corner and expose a corner of their shadow. You deliberately exposed yourself because of what you want to talk about."

Batman pulled up his cape to wrap himself up, while secretly taking out props from his waist.

Ms. Vic's mask exposed the area below the nose, just like the kind of mask worn by aristocratic women when participating in masquerades, and this was the opponent's current weakness.

The internal corridor of the museum was originally used as a gallery. There are no windows on both sides, and the terrain is narrow and the air circulation is poor.

The clown's generator is only enough for his own layout, but will not power the museum's air conditioning and humidity control system. This place is as airtight as a sauna.

So this is the plan. Once the negotiation fails, he will throw out all the tear gas batarangs to block the road, forming a sealed passage filled with tear gas.

At the same time, he was breathing with a micro-bat oxygen tank, using jujitsu to get up to fight, dragging her here, and surviving as long as she could hold her breath, she would definitely win.

But this is destined to be a tragic victory. He may aggravate his injuries, but he may not be able to keep his opponent.

So Batman wants to negotiate a deal.

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