The Death Knell

Chapter 814 Nuclear Bomb

Shangri-La in the past, now a desert of death.

During the battle against Hekate, the Witch Mother turned the holy land on the plateau near the southern foot of the Himalayas into a piece of yellow sand, and also created a crow god of death in an attempt to control a link in reincarnation.

The altitude here is relatively high, and the flood did not affect it. Perhaps this is the only desert that exists on the earth.

Watching Bobo instructing the Shadow Covenants to work, Su Ming, Diana and Green Arrow sat around on the sand dune nearby, having a relaxing tea party.

Oliver didn't know where Deathstroke got a piece of cloth and took out a lot of various foods to put on it, but these foods and drinks were full of exotic flavors, and he had never tasted anything like this.

However, a large area of ​​the surrounding desert was black, and the breeze would bring a faint fishy smell from time to time, which made him feel strange.

Diana helplessly held up a beautiful little tea cup, blew the hot air on the water, and sighed: "I don't know what happened to the Justice League. Is it really okay for us to drink tea here?"

Su Ming was still dressed like Zorro. He folded his legs together and sat relaxedly on the cloth, holding a tea cup: "I thought you would like drinking tea after living in England for so many years."

"But the situation is not very good now. Do we really have time to do such a thing?" Diana said confused.

The fake Zorro wiped the two mustaches on his lips, took a sip from the tea cup, sighed comfortably, and turned his gaze to the horizon.

"Our current top priority is to activate the magic circle to defend the entire earth. Otherwise, the harassment by other dark monsters will be endless. How many people are there in the Justice League? Twenty-four hours a day, cities around the world are constantly under threat. When monsters come out, how many days can the heroes survive even if they stay awake to fight and save people?"

Oliver nodded. This is indeed the truth. If the opponent has endless reinforcements, although the monster is not strong, it is better to stop the opponent from harassing them first.

Not to mention the casualties and property losses caused by monsters invading various places, the key is that everyone will lose their sense of security. If the power and signals were not restored now, otherwise the whole world would probably have exploded.

Terrorist attacks are annoying enough, but what if they come from monsters that suddenly emerge from the air?

Once the hearts of the people are dispersed, not even the Justice League can save it.

Diana seemed to understand. She lowered her head and took a sip of tea. The warm aroma of tea flowed through her mouth. She pulled her long hair around her ears: "Then can't we work together with everyone in Zhenglian?"

"I need them to attract Luther's attention in the open. If we join forces, Luther will notice us. It will be difficult to build so easily."

Su Ming said calmly, of course this was only one of the reasons.

Oliver nodded, but also showed a slightly worried expression: "In the Amazon rainforest, the dense forest does block the satellite's view, but now there is not even a blade of grass here. Luther should have seen what we were doing. "

The Holy Land of Ancient Trees is located on the east coast of South America, about 10 hours earlier than Shangri-La near Nepal, so when it gets dark at 4 o'clock in the middle of the night over there, the sun has not yet set here.

Of course Su Ming also knew, so he wanted to have afternoon tea.

Hearing Oliver's question, Su Ming smiled and handed him a cake. The cake looked earthy in color and had a meat filling inside. There was no cream on top but an unseen spice.

"It doesn't matter. Luther is a billionaire and a scientist, but he is not a magician. He cannot understand it in a short time. His character is very cautious, which means he will not act when he is not sure. Wait for him to react. We’ve called it a day.”

While thinking about it, Oliver subconsciously took the cake and put it into his mouth. After chewing it for a while, he realized something was wrong. He took his hand away and looked at the filling inside.

"Is the cake filled with meat?"

"Yes, is it delicious?" Su Ming sipped black tea gracefully and admired the sunset in the desert.

"It's surprisingly good. What kind of meat is this?" Oliver looked carefully again. The white meat in the cake was full and thick.

"Oh, crab cakes, a specialty of Twilight Forest." Someone put down the tea cup and carefully observed whether Oliver had any poisoning reaction.

Oliver obviously didn't know where the Twilight Forest was. He just thought that the crab legs were really thick and had no fishy smell of seafood. On the contrary, they tasted like mountain delicacies.

The wandering mercenary just nodded in relief. As long as Oliver thought it was delicious, it was not in vain for him to bring this thing back from Azeroth.

Dusk Forest is not close to the sea. The so-called crab meat is actually white spider meat. The giant spiders there are all wild. Their diet includes wolves, bears, bats, werewolves, fishmen, and humans.

If you eat well, spiders will naturally be very plump. Generally speaking, the meat of animals with exoskeletons is quite tender.

However, seeing that Diana seemed to be interested in crab cakes, Su Ming still took out the strawberry ice cream bought by Stormwind City, Tigul and Flor, to distract her.

So he watched Oliver suck the spider leg meat like noodles, Diana stretched out her little tongue and licked the ice cream happily, and Su Ming just played with the sand.

Su Ming already knew what had just happened in the Hall of Justice, but now was not the time to say it. He squinted his eyes, as if the afterglow of the sunset was really that dazzling.


Batman stood up holding his stomach. He was a little surprised because Ms. Vick's employer was not the Joker, but Luthor.

When Ms. Vic appeared here, she was actually just getting into the clown's game. She was not familiar with the layout here, and of course there was no trap.

Therefore, the plan that Batman made before the battle was successful, but the price paid was about the same as expected. The parts that were once injured by Bane were now more injured.

The delay lasted for a full five minutes because Ms. Vic insisted on not breathing during the fierce battle and suffocated herself.

Batman held onto the wall and walked out of the gas-shrouded corridor. Various spots of light fell on him, and the sound of applause came from the surrounding speakers. Of course, there was no shortage of formulaic laughter.

He took the oxygen tank from his mouth and put it away, spitting out a mouthful of blood. When Ms. Vick explained her purpose, Batman could only refuse. He and Luthor had nothing to talk about.

This is a conflict between the positions and worldviews of both parties, not a personal grudge.

Luthor's desire to form an alliance against the Joker and the Laughter in exchange for the 'Beyond' doorknob in the hands of the Justice League is a pipe dream.

So even though he was injured, Batman defeated Ms. Vic, and he had to find Selina quickly.

At this moment, Afu's report came from the pointed ears of the bat helmet. Although the old butler still maintained an elegant demeanor, there was a rare tremor in his tone.

"Master Bruce, I think you should take a look at this."

After saying that, Batman's Bat Terminal trembled and received a new message. This was the last image sent by the surveillance drone he left in the sky over Washington.

The video is very short, only a few seconds, but you can still see the blazing sun rising over the dark city. The white building of the Hall of Justice was almost instantly wiped out by the explosion, and a huge mushroom cloud appeared. .

Black smoke billowed, a powerful shock wave destroyed everything in the city, and then the video was like a snowflake.

Batman just took a deep breath and let it out slowly before moving on: "Have you confirmed the authenticity of the video?"

"Yes, Master, although we don't have satellites, the instruments in the Bat Cave detected a strong earthquake in the direction of Washington, and the time is right."

Ah Fu said slowly, his tone was heavy.

"I know." Batman just replied calmly, bending down to dismantle the Joker's second trap, this time it was fireworks, very ordinary.

"Are your friends going to be okay?" Alfred squeezed the headset and used his other hand to operate his brother's eyes.

"With Superman and The Flash, even if a nuclear bomb explodes at close range, it won't be a big problem." Batman picked up a firework and looked at the Joker's smiley face logo on it: "The Hall of Justice is gone, which is nothing more than a loss of more than a billion dollars."

Since the young master said it was fine, Ah Fu was fine too: "I hope so, but I don't know what the civilian casualties are."

"The Flash will save them. Now you turn on all the defense measures in the mansion and the Batcave, put on the Bat riot armor, and protect our home."

"Okay, Master."

Afu temporarily cut off the communication, and Batman, who was still full of confidence, also let out a breath. He didn't say just now that the super props displayed in the Hall of Justice were the biggest loss, and in this way, the door handle was likely to be damaged. It fell into the hands of others.

The explosion directly turned the Hall of Justice into ashes, but things like door handles would definitely not be destroyed, so after the radiation dissipated, they would have to explore the ruins and pick up valuable items.

And who would make such a big noise? Batman also thought about it. Except for the Laughing Bat, there would be no one else.

The Joker has no interest in cities other than Gotham, and Luther is not a lunatic. The one who can use nuclear weapons without any scruples can only laugh wildly in pursuit of victory without any bottom line.

The most important thing is that the Justice League will inevitably spread out. If Barry and Superman need to save the entire city, they will be unable to spare their efforts during that time.

At the moment of the explosion, the Flash used stasis to stop time around the nuclear bomb, and Superman probably had a few minutes to evacuate the entire city.

Then the Laughing Bat will get the opportunity to attack Green Lantern John and Hawkgirl, because saving people is naturally a task that needs to be done separately...

Launching such an offensive when Ron, the liaison officer, was not around, showed that Kuangxiao had figured out the situation in the Hall of Justice and had grasped the timing very well.

He also knew very well that in this situation, Megan was probably very panicked, and contacting other people's minds would only spread fear.

The detonation point of the nuclear bomb is located underground in the Hall of Justice, and the blame cannot be thrown away.

If I guess correctly......

Crazy Laughter's next plan is likely to restore global communications and power, and when he returns to Earth 0, he definitely doesn't come alone.

Batman looked back at Ms. Vic who had fainted on the ground, and narrowed his eyes.

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