The Death Knell

Chapter 815 Opening Game

Batman has a plan, but this plan requires waiting for Ms. Vic to wake up, so during this time, he can rescue Selina first.

There was no obstruction in the colorful corridor ahead, except for noise and light pollution. Fortunately, he was almost completely immune to the clown's tricks.

Soon, he followed the direction of the giant finger painted on the wall and entered a renovated room.

Originally there were some famous paintings on display here, but these paintings were all painted over by the clown.

If it is a portrait painting, add a big smile to the person in the painting; if it is a landscape painting, add a string of dancing figures and the whole room will be in chaos.

Broken furniture was everywhere, traces of floods were still on the ground, and there was a salty smell everywhere, like a devil's cave, but Batman's attention fell on a chair in the center of the room.

There was a gift box on the chair with a big label on it - 'OPEN'.

Batman thought for a second. In order to prevent the gift from being a new type of laughing gas, he took out the oxygen tank and picked it up before walking over and opening the gift box.

The purple wrapping paper, green ribbon, and messy bundling style look very clownish, and there are traces of saliva or tears on the wrapping paper...

Opening the gift box, there was something that looked like a remote control toy car controller, but there were only two buttons on it, one red and one green, which were flashing like crazy.

When Batman picked up the remote control, the sensor on the chair must have sensed the pressure change, so on the ground beside the chair, the TV that was originally thought to be damaged by water suddenly lit up, and a message appeared on the overturned TV. Familiar image.

"Hahahahahahahahahahahaha, Huh ... Oh, my dear Batman, how are you doing today?"

The clown didn't speak when he came up. First he laughed so hard that he almost died. He seemed to be in a basement. The background was completely dark, and only a flashlight illuminated his pale face from bottom to top.

After a while, he covered his eyes with difficulty and tried to breathe, as if seeing Batman would make him laugh.

"Joker." The corners of Batman's mouth turned down.

"You ask me? I'm fine. I just had a little trouble with Lex."

As he spoke, the Joker seemed to have remembered something, and took out a photo from his suit. It showed Luther, his head drooping and unconscious, hanging by a pile of chains in the Eternal Fortress conference room:

"Hehehe, look at him, does he look like a bass?"

Batman narrowed his eyes. It seemed that the Joker and Luthor had indeed fallen out. With Luthor's pride, he would never bother to pretend to be unconscious and be tied up and hung.

And what does the clown imply by showing this photo?

Clowns rarely get photographed, and every time it's not a good thing.

"I'm here for you, come out." Batman didn't ask what he meant, but just let the Joker show up.

As if he had heard something interesting, the clown showed an expression like coaxing a child, raised the corners of his mouth and stretched out a finger to shake it.

"No, no, no, no, no, Batman, don't be so impatient, the fun has just begun, hahahaha..."

The Dark Knight's cloak obscured his silhouette, and his shadow continued to twist on the ground: "I'm right here."

The clown grabbed his hair and squeezed his head hard, his eyes wide open as if they were about to be squeezed out: "Yes, you are right, you are here, on the stage I prepared for you, Well, let’s play a game..."

As he spoke, the clown in the screen seemed to have pressed some remote control. The screen shook and split in half, showing two people trapped in the electric chair.

The electric chair was very crude, so the clown tied the two people to the chair with barbed wire, and an electrocution helmet modified with a lampshade was placed on their heads.

Blood slowly flowed out of the two bodies. Their mouths were gagged, with expressions of fear on their faces.

The Joker's voiceover comes again.

"You may not know these two people, so let me introduce them to you. The one on the left is our scumbag player from the bottom of society! That's you, smile at the camera. Well, the one on the right is the top player in society. You scumbag player, everyone applauds and welcomes you! Bang bang bang bang bang!!!”

The sound of the clown clapping came from the TV, and a pair of white gloves slowly stretched out from the edge of the screen, then quickly retracted.

Batman: "......"

He knew this was another trick of the clown, and all this had to wait until the clown revealed the rules of the game.

Just like Batman is immune to the Joker's madness, the Joker is used to Batman's silence. He doesn't feel any surprise at all and continues to speak.

"This skinny scumbag, yes, is your favorite type of street gangster. He goes out at nine o'clock every night and doesn't come home until nine in the morning. He works hard for 12 hours a day, seven days a week, all year round. Barely surviving in Gotham! Hehehe, I wonder if you still remember him? You broke his arms last year and threw him into Blackgate Prison. Do you want to know what happened after that?"


Batman didn't want to know at all, but he knew that the Joker would definitely say that there was no point in saying no.

"Actually, it's not a big deal. In my opinion, it has a very comedic effect." The clown's voice became calmer, as if he had no interest: "When he was in prison, his seriously ill wife had no money to buy medicine. He died of the disease, and his two children were living on the streets when they were less than ten years old. They were used as human body drug delivery vehicles. There was a small accident when they first became mules. In the end, their bodies could only be made into sausages, which were still heroin-flavored. Yes, hahahahahaha..."


"He thinks this is all your fault and your responsibility. He wants to kill you to avenge his wife and children..." The clown suppressed his laughter and his voice became cold: "It's a pity that not everyone in Gotham can achieve this. Utopia of wishes, what a pity, I found him first, and in view of my hospitality, he happily participated in our game, hehehe..."

Batman narrowed his eyes and looked at the thin man strapped to the electric chair.

The other person was as skinny as a stick and obviously malnourished. Fear made his eyes bulge, and his face was pale and sweaty. You could feel him shaking violently through the screen.

Moreover, his face was covered with scars and his mouth was blocked by a sexy ball. He didn't look happy to participate in the game.

The Joker didn't wait for Batman to speak, and immediately introduced again: "Here's the fat pig on the right, our high-level social contestant, so glamorous, the high-end suit doesn't wrinkle even if it gets wet, hahaha... ....Are you ready to hear his story?”

"I'm not interested, come out clown and face me."

"Then I will kill them all! They will die because of your lack of cooperation! You killed them with your own hands!"

The Joker suddenly switched personalities and roared at the other end like a mad dog, almost rushing out of the TV to bite Batman.


"So are you ready to listen to the story? Please~~~~listen to it~~~~"

The Joker suddenly changed again, acting coquettishly towards Batman like a child, but the sound he made in his broken voice was like scratching a blackboard with his nails.

Batman can never be sure what the Joker is thinking, especially when his split personality becomes more severe.


"Hehehe...I knew Batman would make a wise choice. We've all seen this fat guy on TV, but I can't remember his name. He's a councilman from Gotham City. One. But that’s just his apparent identity, guess what he actually does?”

The Joker spoke the message quickly, and his tone became persuasive at the end. Batman seemed to be able to see the Joker winking at him.

"He owns a drug manufacturing factory and a human flesh factory." Batman answered without any hesitation.

"Papa papa pa..."

The Joker's palm stretched out from the edge of the screen again, but this time it was at the bottom of the camera: "As expected of Batman, beautiful reasoning, Slender Man's child died because he transported poison to his men, and was also killed by him. The workers made the sausage, and he was the one who misappropriated medical subsidies from Wayne Enterprises to the citizens of Gotham."

Batman's eyes fell on the fat man. Bruce actually knew this man. He often met him at various dances. He was a very standard politician.

He has a fat head and a lot of talk. He has almost no ability in government affairs. His best ability is playing Texas Hold'em poker, which is very poor compared to Bruce.

Batman didn't know that he also had a drug and human flesh business. It was estimated that the so-called underground factory was too small to be discovered at all.

Everyone knows that Black Mask's drug manufacturing factory is branded as a fertilizer factory and is affiliated with the Gotham Institute. It covers an area of ​​tens of thousands of square meters and the drugs are manufactured in batches of ten tons.

This is easy to deal with. Every time Black Mask has accumulated enough goods to be sent away, Batman can just go and burn them once.

And this fat man's drug-making den was probably in the basement of a residential building. He found a few out-of-school children and boiled it in pots. There are countless dens of this size in Gotham, and it's impossible for Batman to destroy them all.

Gotham provides 50% of the drugs in the United States. This is an extremely profitable industry, and the barriers to entry are almost non-existent. Maybe your friendly old neighbor lady can be Breaking Bad at night.

While Batman was thinking, the Joker was not idle either. His tone suddenly became confused:

"Then I'm curious, because in my opinion it was the fat man who killed the thin man's family, and he was the murderer. Why did he want to kill you too? Didn't you have a pleasant meeting last time? I thought you had smoked with him Cigar is already a friend."

Halfway through, the sound of palms and foreheads colliding was heard from the TV, and the clown was amused by himself again.

"Ah, is it because you handed over the evidence that he embezzled medical funds to the police? Because he knew that his future was over? Are the beautiful women and delicious food leaving him? Everything is gone. The feeling of loss is so uncomfortable... ....."

"What do you want?" Batman asked coldly.

The clown gasped at the microphone and smiled after a long time: "Okay, the story is over, I want to know now, will you save the bad guys who want to kill you? As a reminder, if you save them, then Something terrible will happen down here, hee hee hee..."

"Tell me how to play."

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