The Death Knell

Chapter 817 Meeting

If you use the new copperhead venom on people first, and then give them laughing gas after confirming the start of the second level of the game, then the time of death will be controllable.

Moreover, this poison seems to ignore differences in individual physical fitness. It should still be a poison that attacks the spiritual direction, so the most deadly component should be laughing gas.

After analyzing the conditions for the venom to take effect, it is the combined effect of the new copperhead venom and clown laughing gas, so naturally there is a way to crack it.

Batman knows that the Hall of Justice has disappeared, and now he is interrogating Copperhead. Even if he obtains the antidote formula, it is too late to configure it.

The only way is to break the clown's laughing gas.

It has to be said that after all these years, Batman and Alfred dare not say that they are 100% sure about other toxins, but they have experienced too much and cracked too much about laughing gas.

Batman has the clown's blood in his hands, which means he has the Dionysian factor, the basic material of laughing gas. He just needs to focus on a little bit and study the antidote.

The Joker has many types of laughing gas, and Batman has more than ten types of anti-laughing gas antidotes. All he has to do is use the Batplane, return to the Batcave to transport the antidote, and he sprays it.

Time is enough.

After using the laughing gas antidote, these people's bodies lacked half of the toxin components, leaving only the venom of the copperhead snake, which is no longer fatal.

As long as they don't smell laughing gas in the future.

It's like a shack with two pillars. As long as one is removed, the shack will collapse.

Batman is a person who has a plan and executes it. He never lacks the ability to take action. This is what he thinks and what he does.

Soon, the flying machine like a bat spreading its wings came back, and Batman successfully slipped out of the door and carried the same canister as Bane on his back.

The problem now is how to bring all these Laughing Men together instead of letting Batman go around the museum to catch them one by one.

There are hundreds of people. Even if it takes three seconds to find one person, the remaining time is not enough.

But Batman was not idle while waiting for the aircraft to deliver the antidote. He discovered and summarized some characteristics.

Sound and light.

The museum is currently the only lighted place nearby, and the clown is also making all kinds of noises everywhere. This place was originally as chaotic as a wet market with free drinks.

But after releasing these madmen, Batman noticed that the loudspeakers that had been playing laughter in the original corridor stopped.

He understood that by hypnotizing these people, the clown made them phototaxis like moths and sensitive to sound like bats. This is why these people have been wandering around in the museum.

If there is no light outside, they will not leave here; and listening to the sound is how they find Batman.

When Batman beats people, he uses a hard bridge and a hard horse. Once they hear the sound of someone being beaten or falling, everyone will follow the sound to find Batman.

But the game is a game. If you find the key to passing the level, you can use it.

Batman directly pulled out one of the Joker's horns, casually took out a bat battery that was stronger than six batteries from his belt, and connected it to the horn, making it make a piercing noise.

Then he took off the canister from his back, hung it on the ceiling of a hall, and placed the bat remote-controlled bomb.

And when these Laughing Men were running wildly into this place to look for Batman, he was hiding in the darkness of the ceiling and directly detonated a small explosive, and the black antidote gas suddenly filled the entire airtight room.

The smiles on all the smiling faces gradually disappeared. This ultimate anti-laughing gas method mixed with all types of laughing gas antidotes had an effect.

But perhaps it was a side effect. After becoming serious, these people fell to the ground and fainted.

Batman checked several people and made sure their vital signs were stable, then returned the way he came and found the third house.

The second level is more difficult than the first level. The clown has no idea how many levels are waiting for him, and he has no way out.

Batman adjusted his breathing, completely blocking the pain nerves that kept screaming, and stepped into a darker place.


Mars, Sianna Valley, now.

In the Martian language, Siana is a sacred word, meaning 'the place where ancient glorious memories are passed down'.

Of course, it’s not impossible to use Su Ming’s Chinese idiom. Shi Anna means ‘ancestral grave’.

Ron raised his head and looked at the huge stone wall still standing in the ruins in front of him. This was the entrance to the tomb passage. The harsh environment of time had exposed it to the surface.

But fortunately, the huge rock that serves as the tomb door is still unbreakable. On the surface that has become smooth due to weathering, there is a large 'transcendence' logo carved on it, just like the projection of the Hall of Justice today.

"This place... was once the most sacred place on the planet. No non-Martian has ever arrived here. If my kind, my friends, if the Justice League knew... .I brought you here to show that I trust you far more than others."

The green Martian stretched out his fingers like dead branches and rubbed the hard stone wall, feeling the past civilization of Mars.

"That only means that you have trusted the wrong person, and your journey ends here."

Walking behind him was Luther wearing high-tech armor. He put the photon ray gun in his hand against the back of Ron's head.

The strong wind on the desert blew by, and the footprints of the two people when they came gradually blurred. The weapon in Luther's hand restrained the Martian, and a smile appeared on his face.

Ron just looked in front of him calmly and didn't look back at all: "You have to remember that I brought you here. I believe you won't kill me."

"What tricks are you trying to play again? My armor projects a position with the same spiritual frequency as yours. Your ability to use telepathy on me has been disabled. At the same time, your ability to transform is also suppressed."

Luthor was under suspicion all the way. He hired Ms. Vic to contact Batman and there was still no news, but Ron took the initiative to contact him before that and asked him to meet at a certain coordinate on Mars.

Thanks to Brainiac's help, the two super geniuses quickly transformed equipment that can fully restrain Ron. In fact, Luther has not yet mentioned that his anti-Jon armor is also equipped with flamethrowers and Napalm.

After feeling that nothing was wrong, Luther went to the appointment alone. He was sure that no alien would be his opponent if he was prepared.

However, when he arrived, he only saw Ron indulging in his old memories. He used his psychic ability to manifest his dead wife and children, and enjoyed false happiness with the phantoms of the past.

The place where he met Luther was his home that had been weathered into dust, or rather the remains of the house.

Ron expressed that he had no hostility and asked Luther not to come here for a duel, but to take him to a place where there is a terrible answer.

Luther was self-righteous, he was eager to get some additional information, and Ron indeed learned something from Senagon, and he took the initiative to deliver it to his door without any effort on his part.

So the two of them walked for a long time in the vast desert and ruins in a strange atmosphere, and finally arrived here.

Of course, it was no surprise that Luther wanted to fall out. Ron had already taken him to the key location, as if the vault had been placed in front of him. It was easy to understand what to do next.

The huge transcendence sign on the stone wall is placed there. This is definitely the right place, but it is just a stone wall. You can definitely enter with the Portkey of Destruction.

And just like Ron said just now, neither his fellow Martians, friends, nor the fools in Zhenglian knew that he had dated Luther.

This means that if Luther succeeds in killing Ron, he will gain a huge strategic advantage.

Telepathy and global communication, these are really tricky abilities.

Weakening the enemy is equivalent to strengthening yourself. Without Ron, a little girl like Megan can't stand on the stage. Even if there is still a mollusk left? That thing isn't even mentally sound.

Luther will not show mercy. For the noble purpose, he can kill anyone.

However, Ron said at this time: "I am your friend. We met when we were children."

Luther frowned and squeezed out a few horizontal lines on his smooth forehead: "Is this... your last words? Or is it a way to beg for mercy?"

"No, what I said is true. I have recovered my past memories." Ron turned around and looked at Luther with his red eyes: "You can't remember me. Maybe your memory is blocked. I can help When you think back, all this helps you understand what Papetua is."

The howling wind diluted the silence between the two. Luther stared into Ron's eyes and put down the gun after a moment.

"...You only have five minutes."

................................................................. ...

Go back in time a little.

"No! Barry, listen to me, you have to keep us together, not spread out!"

In the bullet time realm, Barry was carrying the death knell on one shoulder and Megan on the other. The flames like a fire tree seemed to be solidified in the sky not far away.

However, Deathstroke obviously had objections to Barry's plan of everyone spreading out to save people after leaving the nuclear explosion range.

"Why?" Barry knew that Deathstroke was not actually such a cruel and extreme person, and from past experiences with him, he knew that there must be a reason why Deathstroke spoke.

Cindy held the Night Sword in her hand, and she rolled her eyes secretly. If the reactor in the Hall of Justice leaked, it would be nothing more than dirty bomb contamination, and it would not explode.

Now this place called the Hall of Justice has exploded into the sky, indicating that an enemy has entered.

Since he can sneak into the Hall of Justice, it means that he also knows everything about the abilities of Super and The Flash, which means he knows that nuclear bombs cannot kill them.

This is a method of using civilians throughout Washington DC as hostages to force the heroes to spread out to save people.

It is almost unnecessary to think about it. When heroes like Zheng Lian who rely on team cooperation to fight are scattered, they will definitely be defeated by the enemy one by one. Being killed is not terrible, being captured is the most troublesome.

The 'heroes' who act in the name of justice are almost all moral models. It goes without saying what the consequences will be if you throw a bullet in the battle of life and death.

When she contacted Su before, Cindy was quite optimistic and felt that the money would be easy to earn. However, it had not been long since the last contact... and she almost got a nuclear bomb, okay? This money is extremely hard to make!

The most important thing is that this naive guy Barry hasn't even recognized her, let alone seen through the enemy's plan. How did Su manage to lead such a teammate last time?

Really terrible.

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