The Death Knell

Chapter 818 Deathstroke begins to act

"By the way, why are you so laid-back?"

Bobo walked up the sand dune with a black streak. Of course, due to the problem of coat and skin color, this helpless emotion could only be reflected in his eyes.

While he was cleaning the fine gravel between the long hairs, he saw three people holding teacups. They raised the teacups to cover their faces almost in sync, making the sound of drinking water.


The animal detective sighed deeply and looked at the last light on the horizon, while the other members of the Shadow Pact team also followed him with a look of disgrace.

First there is the primeval rainforest, and then there is the desert. Who can withstand this?

Su Ming gently put down the tea cup, and the cup and the porcelain plate made a crisp collision sound: "Huh? Are you done?"

"Yes, the magic circle with the Rock of Eternity has been connected. Now there is only one fulcrum left..." Bobo sat down next to Su Ming consciously and picked up the snacks placed on the cloth. : "Can you bring me some of that black tea and snacks?"

Of course, Su Ming is not stingy. Not only did Little Fortune have a share, but everyone in the Shadow Pact team also had a share. He completed the construction of two sanctum sanctorums, which is worthy of recognition.

"There is one last location left. I will leave it to you to decorate in a moment. Wonder Woman and Green Arrow and I are going to separate."

Bobo adjusted his detective hat. The brim of the hat blocked the heat and made his eyes a little hazy: "Did something happen?"

"It's just that something might happen, let's just go and take a look." Su Ming handed him a piece of crab cake and thought about it in his mind: "The location of the last Holy Sanctuary needs to be changed. I always feel that the location of the old Olympus It’s not very reliable, because it was sealed there when you were born, do you have a suitable place?”

Bobo scratched his head, turned his thick lips down and blew hot tea. His rough hands held the white tea cup, which formed a strong contrast.

"I do have a suggestion, the Fortress of Solitude."

When Diana heard that she was born, she couldn't help but frown. That guy was always a trouble. Everyone knew that the seal was not the end of the story. It might take another 1,000 years for him to break the seal again, or it might be in the next second.

She sat sideways on the sand, twirling her teacup with her head down, thinking about something, but Su Ming only thought about Bobo's proposal for a second and nodded.

"Is the cosmic tuning fork back there now?"

He asked the orangutan while pouring tea for several people in Shadow Contract. The 'Black Christmas Tree' that originally stood in Gotham and had hung a large group of superheroes was missing. It should have returned to the Superman stronghold.

"Yes, even though the dark power of all parallel universes has been poured into it, it is still black, but isn't magic also a kind of dark energy." Bobo ate the cake calmly, and he tasted that it was not crab meat. But he didn't care: "What Barbatos did to it once will leave us with a lot of work. At least we don't have to carve out the connecting circuit ourselves."

"And the Fortress of Solitude is strong." Oliver added, he liked a strong and reliable shelter.

"Yes, it's just like you said." Wavelength let out a long breath. These foods in Deathstroke were all tastes he had never tasted before. Indeed, it felt good to sit in the desert and drink tea.

Su Ming stood up and stretched his neck: "Then it's up to you. If the Fortress of Solitude is not suitable, you should consider the secondary plane Maia. I think the magical country is still hidden."

"I understand." Bobo nodded and looked at the Shadow Pact team beside him: "After the mission is completed, we will return to the Rock of Eternity and act as planned. You must be careful."

"You also have to stay vigilant. Okay, let's go, Robin Hood and Her Majesty the Queen." Su Ming stretched out his hand and walked away a few steps: "Portal, off the coast of Washington DC."

The purple portal filled with a sense of distortion and perversion opened again, and the three people filed in, and the door closed in front of Bobo's eyes in an instant.

Bobo looked at the place where they disappeared, thought quietly for a moment, then shook his head and put the cup to his mouth.

The current situation is no longer something that a harmless orangutan like him can participate in. His mission seems to be to be a defender this time, and he has to take good care of young people like Shadow Deed and Teen Titans.


"Oh God! What is happening here!?"

The exit of the teleportation gate was right at the sea. Green Arrow almost missed the mark and fell into the sea. Su Ming grabbed his arm. The three of them stood firmly above the raging waves. They were dozens of meters high under their feet, like a tsunami. Huge waves.

Green Arrow is no longer in the mood to complain that the arrival location is above the tsunami.

Looking across the vast sea that seemed to be boiling, he saw a desolate scene. The city that once existed was now only a big pit.

Yes, super sinkholes. In his opinion, only comets hitting the earth would create such marks, because the original urban area of ​​Washington now looks like a washbasin filled with magma in the dark night. Glowing red.

Hundreds of millions of tons of seawater are pouring into the pit, forming a fog that blocks a large area of ​​the starry sky.

Su Ming looked at Diana, who was floating beside him with an equally surprised look on his face. He sighed: "We are now on the sea east of Dover, and the explosion centered on the Hall of Justice... As you can see, the mushroom cloud hasn’t dispersed yet, right?”

"...The Zhenglian members should be fine. We just lost some money, that doesn't matter." Oliver quickly calmed down. He was very confident about the abilities of his teammates.

Diana gasped: "Who did this? I'm going to kill him."

"Who else could it be besides the Laughing Bat?" Su Ming told her the answer, even though the question was obvious.

"What should we do now?" Diana looked at Deathstroke without hesitation, hoping that he could come up with a solution, because it had always been like this.

Su Ming pulled the two of them back a few kilometers. The originally bright mushroom cloud had now dimmed, and radiation dust began to fall continuously, like black gray rain.

"We can't do anything. None of us entering the city can bear this high-intensity radiation."

Oliver understood what Su Ming meant by retreating. Nuclear radiation was the root cause of the power of nuclear weapons. It seemed that the nuclear bomb had not exploded for long. Washington would be a dead city for at least a few days.

Diana frowned and put her palm on the hilt of her sword: "Why did the Laughing Bat do this? Blowing up the Hall of Justice will not give him any advantage, it will only make me want to cut him into pieces. More intense.”

“Perhaps he has a way to move in a hell full of strong radiation, so he can not only pick up what he wants, but he may also defeat some members of the Zhenglian to gain an advantage.

Next, Su Ming roughly talked about what he had analyzed before. His free hand was still stroking his mustache.

Diana was a little confused as to why Deathstroke didn't inform the news of the destruction of the Hall of Justice as soon as possible, and she could still drink tea with the two of them leisurely, but she thought that even if she knew earlier, the three of them would be unable to do anything if they arrived, so they could only say Swallowed it back.

In fact, Su Ming's purpose was not that simple. He was trying to buy time for Cindy.


Time goes back a few minutes.

Although Barry still couldn't tell the difference between Cindy and Su Ming, his past experience still made him believe in Deathstroke's command, and placed all the heroes rescued by the Hall of Justice in the mountains 70 kilometers west of Washington.

By calculating the scope of the explosion, this should be a relatively safe area, but the only problem was that when he and Clark were running around the city, they didn't see the shadow of the Laughing Bat at all.

The culprit seemed to have disappeared out of thin air. Likewise, what exactly was lost in the Hall of Justice is currently completely uncountable.

Among those so-called exhibits, there are indeed some very terrifying and powerful props, and their whereabouts are now unknown.

Nuclear bombs cannot solve all problems, because many of the real ones cannot be melted by the sun.

But he didn't notice that when he was escaping with Deathstroke, Deathstroke in the bullet time realm showed him the way and secretly kidnapped something that looked like a drawing board.

When they arrived in the forest, except for Barry and Superman, everyone else could only stare at the mushroom cloud in a daze.

"It seems that the rest time has been wasted. We must take the next step!" Star Man didn't even have time to change his clothes. His uniform is still in tatters.

Hawkgirl looked at Green Lantern behind her. In order to prevent nuclear radiation, he had opened the green shield, covering all the people underneath like a turtle shell.

"What should we do?" Megan scratched her red hair. She had just tried to extend the tentacles of the psychic network to find the enemy, but some kind of dark laughter suddenly sounded in her head. There was something wrong with the nuclear bomb.

She looked left and right, and still felt that the confident Star Man seemed more reliable. Although Deathstroke was also here, he obviously seemed to follow the crowd, like a mercenary who takes money to do things, and it is up to the boss to do whatever he wants. That kind of attitude.

"Originally, I expected to wait until Martian Manhunter and Batman came back, and Aquaman and Sea Queen would be free, and then we would discuss it carefully, but now it is clear that this condition is no longer available, and we have to start repairing the origin wall immediately."

Megan's little mouth gradually grew, and her green skin and red lips were very conspicuous: "Repair...the origin wall?"

Star Man looked at her, his white hair now nodded: "This universe has many starting points, but only one end. In such a place, everything begins to lose sight of the vision, and all roads leading to the origin. They’re all blocked.”

"You mean the Wall of Origin?" A drop of sweat slid down John's black skin. He really never thought that he would be attacked by a nuclear bomb in the Hall of Justice.

If the nuclear bomb was detonated outside, the energy shield of the Hall of Justice could completely block it, and the previous explosion point was obviously inside the hall. He didn't dare to think about what this meant.

Star Man crossed his arms and looked at the huge mushroom cloud. An old man like him had never seen this kind of thing before, but he had relevant knowledge in his mind. This feeling was very subtle.

"No, I'm talking about what's beyond the Origin Wall, which is called the Eternal Universe."

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